8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 16, 1901 EDWARD P. ALLIS COMPANY. Now Ranki Among the Largest Machinery Manufacturers in the World. 'I he consolidation of the branch office Of thr Edward P. Mils company, at Hutte, Montana; with that at Spokane, Wash ink-ton, brings to the service of the com pany's patrons In the Northwest and British Columbia li. V. Croll, as local manager. Mr. Croll is essenthlly a ninliaiilcnlaud mining engineer, hut the 6lti;r will he prep.ired to take care of all business and iiuuiries relating to the var ious lines of machinery manufactured by the company. This branch office, located at no Mill trrrt, will be equipped to handle the nttre business of the lompauy, which Comprises Hour mills and their equipments, milling machinery, engines and power plants, also sawmill machlnrrv. Mr. Croll states that owing to the vast amount of business the company has been Compelled to turn away becmse of its in ability to make quick deliveries duing the p. ist three years, the company has pur chased a tract of land of loo acres just eutslde of Milwaukee, where a new plant ol the most modern type will be erected, and when completed will have a capacity for employing 10,000 men, and take rank among the largest and most complete In stitution of Its kind In the world. The completion of the new pi int will be pushed with nil the speed possible and It Is expected that by June, 11)01, the com pany will be shipping machinery from the new plant. The Kdward P. Allis company furnished all the machinery for the smelting plant of the Itrltlsh Columbia Copper company, iow nearlng completion at Greenwood, British Columbia. Suicide ol Well Known Mining Man. II (i. McDonald, a well known mining in. in of this city, who a few years ago tirld a prominent position in Spokane's fnlolng world, as the local agent for a fiumber of British mining corporations, i)Miniltled suicide in his office in the fix dnnge National bank building sometime elwen 4 o'clock Wedneilty afternoon and 2 o'clock yesterday. Me was found at the latter hour in the rrjr room of his suite of two offices, llng on a small cot villi a pistol in his hand and a gaping bullet twwmf in hl head. A pool of Mood was drying on the Moor beside the ot The discovery ol the suicide was made by John S. Baker, piesident of the I X I. Mining A .Milling company. Mr. Baker had a key to the ullur of Mr. Mc Donald, who was secretary of the I X I. company, and euteied the oltue to search for McDaiiald, who had not been seen on Hie street dining the day. Mr. Baker un titled the elevator man in the building, who notified the polke and Deteitivc ,k Phee was sent out on the case, lie took -charge of thr body pending the arrival of Coroner Baker, w ho decided an inquest as unnecessary. The body was re moved to Smith A Co.'s undertaking looms, where it awaits Initial. The Brit Ish Benevolent xiiiety, ol whUh dieasrd was a member, will have charge of the fiiiiri.il, the lime lor whkli has not been Set. Mr. McDonald came to Spokane nine yrars ago. Mr was popular and for a lime made money. Ills estate is ques tionable in amount, but it is believed to be small. No cause is assigned foi his sui cide by his filruds, save that of over In ilulgriur in drink. Spokesman-Kevlew. All kinds ol pies, cake, bread, etc., at Rrechlel'.s hakrrv, oppositr drpot and In Nrlll building. Orders promptly tilled. The Capital Hotel Is again under the inanagrmrnt of Mrs. George B. Tedrowe, which fact guarantees the best of service fo all patrons. Prompt attention to orders for cut flow ers and floral pieces. City Grrrn House Baker City, Orrgon. ! CUT OUT ,1 St A ) 3 N 3 D 3 E ?3 I 3 3 I THIS AD. I Enclose It to Me With I Ten Dollars u And I will furnish you I all complete ready for I use, my 1900 Model No. I 7 SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT. It is superior in make, quality and power to any other belt offered by other dealers for which they charge $q or more. This masterpiece of electro-medical science will cure yonr nerve loss, your weakness, your kid- K A. I J S ittrys), yum muiihiui mm t poor circulation by en- 3 I dowing you with that vi- 3 5 tality which builds up the ityMirm. uiupuic use- less; they are harmful. 3 W Q QD OSlab Wood Cord Wood Short Stove Wood O DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY Lumber For Sale D Mining Timbers to Order CLOSING OUT STOCK OF SHOES AT COST Sumpter Lumber i Company J. B. STODDARD, Mgr. aHaialllllMBaVBilllllllMBMMHHHHHHBMHHHBillMBHBH il-ss, 5 My belt cures where bar- 3 rels of medicine have 5 failed. Why suffer long- 3 er? I offer you an invig- 3 orant which has no equal 3 in the world, for it will 3 drive out your pain and 3 make you a strong, sound 3 man. 3 ACT TOOAY Because this offer will be held open only for a lim ited time, as I want to favor the manv sufferers I who cannot afford to pay S( more for a first-class s ft electric appliance such as 5 the Sanden is. (XvW & f j s HrT & w 1 'M p Well Dressed Men Must necessarily have their ctothti maJe by an etperienceJ TAILOR Such is M. STEFFEN Recently Irnm PortlanJ, where he has associated wllh the le ailing tailoring houiei lor over twelve ears. Now carding a line line ol Tall an J Winter Suitings, Overcoat Patterns an J Pants GooJs at Corner Sacond and Withliiton Strut! Baker City, Ore. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice . -- -t Qua lii-. .lilies rir-'iJ-f rv"WJ! ijf yiiAu iiffi uiok sTjawKW w C " . -Irf . M I4bM l-jr.-JrC -H f a ..'KTfJ 1. ENGINES v BOILERS .- -.- ,r?WJr RUSSELL High Grade Machinery SAW MILLS THRESHERS STICKERS RUSSELL & CO. Wrlto for Catalogue and Prices. PORTLAND, OREGON. f The Belt m Cures) ...The Elite Cigar Store.... 8 If you suffer from de S bility, rheumatism, sciat g ica, varicocele, kidney, S liver or bladder troubles, S wish to be cured and are & ' wise, you will lose no 3 I time in obtaining one of a I the genuine Dr. Sanden 3 g Electric Belts, 1900 model. $ I Call or write for my $ free booklet, which ex- g plains all about my fam- jj k ous appliance. I Dr. A. T. Sanden Dept. A, Ruswll Block 2 Portland Oregon S L. HARRIS, PnopmcTon Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. 11e1el1eM1etteninntt11lU Are You Seeking Substantial Investment? If you prefer legitimate investment to speculation and Rambling, I can offer you a few tirst class mining propositions, from a inospect to a well developed paying mine. I can advise the purchase of a first class mining stock that vou can buy without risk and with a certainty of early and substantial returns. The Sumpter Mining District Is rapidly opening the eyes of the mining world. A long identification with the district enables me to give tellable information and advice as to investments. Expert examinations of and advisory reports on any mining proposition. Correspondence solicited. W. H. W. HAAMLTON, Mining Engineer, Sumpter, Oregon.