Wednesday, January 16, 101 THE SUMPTER MINER ' GREAT IS CABLE COVE. Expert Says It Is Most Promis ing District in the State. In my travels all over Oregon I have at last come across a district that Inside of two years will come forward so as to as tonish mining men. I base my prediction on the geology of the district, consisting of gneiss and granite, belonging to the Archean order, or primitive rocks. I have seen the same in the Black Hawk mine, near Central City, Colorado. As I stated, the Cable Cove district is the place I have seen signs of permanency, also an Increase In values as depth is at tained, and the veins also widen out. There are a number of mines being operated there now, notably, the Imperial, Baby McKee, Last Chance, Gipsy Queen and Gipsy King, Lucky Boy, Monitor and Gray Eagle. A crosscut tun nel Is being run on the California to inter sect the vein, which will give a vertical depth of 400 feet when the vein is reached. I would also call attention to a section northeasterly from Cable Cove, showing a copper sulphide, merely prospects at present. The altitude is 7000 feet by the barometer, a good wagon road from this place making it easy of access and while there is a heavy fall of snow in winter, yet work can go ahead without any in terruption. The projected electric road will be ne cessary to accomodate the transportation of ores. Then I look for Sumpterto come forward as a solid mining town. Having been in most all the mining camps of any note, I can see as a practical mining man, that the camp has great merit, though capital Is necessary here, combined with intelligence in directing operations. This summer will prove my high opinion of Cable Cove district. Properties situated in this district are Ideal tunneling propositions and can be mostly developed by tunnels, hence heavy sinking machinery will not be necessary for some time. The ores at present are gold, silver and lead, but from past ex perience I can safely state that with depth there will be a tellurlde ore. I also be lieve that inside of two years it will pro duce more gold than any district I know of in Oregon. J. J. LIDDY, E. M. to town. Last Friday week they stirted again, intending to sled the supplies to 1 camp. After spending three hours and a half going two miles from the Indian Creek sawmill, their ten-footskees letting them down to their knees In the light snow, they concluded to return. The trip back to the mill was made In fifteen min utes. They will make their third start as soon as the snow settles. Prairie City Miner. Good Ore in the Last Chance. About four and a half miles south of Canyon City, on Miller mountain, Is lo cated the Last Chance group of quartz claims, consiting of the Last Chance No. 1 and Last Chance No. 2, which are among the most promising quartz proper ties of this vicinity. This group was dis covered several weeks ago.. but until late ly little work has been done on it. With development, however, it shows up well, and there is no doubt but In the near fu ture this group will be numbered with the dividend payers of Grant county. The ledge varies from three to six feet in width and traverses the entire length of both claims. Assays obtained from sam ples taken from this ledge give returns of from S30 to 8oo per ton and no doubt picked samples would go up into the thousands. The ore varies from a white quartz, carrying free gold, to a brown hematite, heavily charged with sulphates and carrying the highest values. The Last Chance No. 1 Is owned by K. A. Hines, and the Last Chance No. 2 by W. J. Silbbee, Hines and Powell. Grant County News. More Work and Leu Talk Than Ever. I. J. Simmons, who Is pushing work on ! the Mining mine or as the owners speak 1 of the property, the M. & M. came down the last day of the year on business and ' remained a couple of Jays. This Morning 1 mine is one of the two claims owned by Ames & Simmons, sltuateJ at the head of , Big creek, about three miles from Robin sonville. One claim, the Mark llanna, has only had one assessment done on it; but the Morning has been worked for two ' seasons and has a tunnel 130 feet long, showing a Mrong ledge of free milling ore. The location of the mine lb admi rable, having plenty of wooJ, water and a tine tunnel site. Mr. Simmons reports that more work is being done nil through these mountains, and less said about it than ever before. Blue Mountain Eagle correspondence from Susauville. Stalled by Snow on Strawberry Butte. Jay and Frank Ferree returned Mon day after their second unsuccessful at tempt to reach the Cleaver group, where they expect to spend the remainder of the winter driving the big tunnel which is In tended to crosscut the entire mineral belt of this great copper proposition. They first started December 22 with twelve pack horses loaded with supplies, but were stalled by the deep snow on Straw berry Butte, about a mile from their cabin. Caching their outfit, they returned SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET w AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON HOBSON MER. CO. SUMPTER, OREGON First K Annual Clearance Sale! K IS NOW ON AT FULL BLAST. PRICES LOPPED OFF ON ALL SIDES. EVERYTHING A Special Bargain HOBSON MER. CO. SUMPTER, OREGON THE EDW. P. ALLIS CO., MILWAUKEE. WIS. Manufacturers of Mining, Milling and . Smelting Machinery. ' nwANCii ctwir.F.. SPOKANE. WASH. IIO MILL ST. II. V. CROLL. Mnnniicr. 80-ln x 1 20-1 n. Copper Converter, Eureka Feed & Livery Company II. K. HRUWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight unci passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE- w. s. ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Year of experience in Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Maker City; Oregon.