Wednesday, January 16, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER REPORTED SLE OF GOLD RIDGE. F. B. Thome Said to Have Bought From Satt Lake People. A most important deal was consum mated in this city yesterday when Frank B. Thomes, of Butte, purchased all of the mining property and mill of the Gold Ridge Mining company for fi 00,000, the first Installment having been turned over and the purchaser taking the night train for home. The property consists of a number of patented and unpatented claims In Baker county, Oregon, and the corporation mak ng the sale Is a local one, of hlch J. E. Bamberger Is president, C. B. Jack sec retary, and Joslah Baruett treasurer, With David Keath as one of the principal stockholders. The gentlemen named and their associ ates have held the property for abwt five years, and during that time have spent a great deal of money In opening the mine and equipping it with a mill. It has pro duced considerable, but nothing outside of a little development work has been at tempted below the 2oo-foot or water level, when Mr. Thomes opei.ed negotiations for Is purchase. After a thorough and exhaustive exam nation the purchaser decided that with the necessary equipment to properly take care of the water, the mine would prove a bonanza, and as It was too far off for the local company to care longer to bother With it, both sides of the transaction were satisfied with its final consummation. It was stated by Mr. Thomes' attorney, after the final act was performed, that as winter had now closed In and the section In which the property is located was now probably snowbound, no effort would likely be made to commence work till spring opened. The deal was closed In the name of Mr. Thomes alone, and If he has any associ ates In the undertaking it was not made apparent. Salt Lake Tribune. The F. B. Thomes referred to In the above Is Frank Thomes, who resided in Sumpter for a year or more. He has been with Letson Hulllet for several months and represented him in this deal. Novel Method of Raising School Fundi. A unique plan to aid In paying off the indebtedness of the Prairie City school has been proposed. It is practically a tax on old bachelors, although neither age, stx nor condition are necessary exemp tions. The plan is as follews: Ballots and ballot boxes will be in readiness Mon day at every business place in town, for a special election, and the polls will be open during business hours until 4 p. m. Saturday, January 19. The question to be decided is: Who is the most popular young lady In Prairie City or the upper John Day valley? There is no limit to the number of votes they may cast at 10 cents a vote. All you have to do is to write the name of your choice on the ballot with the number of votes you wish recorded, deposit your tax with the clerk, and place the ballot In the sealed box. The committee, to be selected by voters, will open the boxes and commence count i ng as soon as the polls are closed, and the result will be announced and prizes awarded at Grange hall between acts of the entertainment by the Canyon City Dramatic club, next Saturday evening. Prizes to be awarded two or three of the young ladies receiving the highest num ber of votes will be announced in the Miner next week. Prairie City Miner. condition for the winter. Several owners are Intending to try an experiment In lambing this winter, and to that end are building sheds and barns to have the sheep under cover during this period. Other stock are in good condition also; in fact, better than it Is usually found at thl season. The 1000 wool clip of Baker county was the largest ever known. It N safe to say that the shrrp ol the county average nine pounds per head. Very lit tle of the 1900 wool clip has been sold, the reason apparently being that the ruling prices are tint satisfactory to sheep men. I estimate that ninety per cent of the lambs born the past year were saved. During the past year 850 head of horses were sold from the county for cavalry pur poses. Following is a summary of the meat slaughtered in the county for 1900 fjr home consumptien: Cattle, 3500; sheep, 5000; hogs, 4000. Special from Baker City to Oregonlun. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow der company. F. J. HARD & CO. MhMlirRS OP TUB Oregon Mining Stock Exchange CHAMBER OF COMMCRCC BLO'O PORTLAND, ORCQON Correspondence solicited rela tive to mines or meritorious prospects. Can place them in stock companies or sell outright .Extensive Eastern, correspondents B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OP QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL County Stock Iaipector'i Report. Stock Inspector J. H. Parker, of Baker county, has submitted his annual report to the County court, now In session here. It shows the stock of the county to be in excellent condition, there are 48,800 sheep i n the county. Of this class of stock, Mr. Parker says in his repert: "I find all sheep sound, free of scab and in sound O. S. L. Ry. TUB UJHI'CT ROUTD TO 1 Montana, Utah i Colorado and all Eastern Points... Gives ch.lce of two favorite routes. vl the Union Pacific Tast Mail Line, or the Rio Ohandb S.enic Lines. No Change of Cars On the I'or'lanJ-Chlcago Speclal,'"The Finest In the West, EqulppeJ Willi Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleeper superb MDrary-rfuriet -ars Splendid Diners (meals a la carte) Free Reclinin Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibuled For lurther Information apply to J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. Joshua Hendy Machine Works San Francisco California The "Hendy Improved" Triple Discharge Two Stamp Mill 1900 MODEL Capacity 6 to tn tons per Jay Weight of Mill complete with 8so-ll. stamps, 8i lh. " ' " nnwIN uiio lbs Power required to Jllvc tlyi-lh. sl.imp mill., II. I'. inn-lb. t II. P. Discharge area . . . . ,6$ square Inches. RING OILING CAM SHAFT IIOXI.S QUARTZ, HYDRAULIC, MINING AND SAW MILL MACHINERY, WATER WHEELS AND WATER MOTORS, PROSPECTING PLANTS GENERAL MINING SUPPLIES Estimates and Catalogue on Application Davis Hnrxe. Power llni.tiiig Whims Self-DiiinpiiigOre. and Water 8kiw Ore and Water lluekols Mining Carri anil Tee. Itail uTriiiiiiii" Mini "Ilenily-Nnrlmm" CoiieeiitrntorsOro Cruliers, Ore. Feeders, Cniliiiig Holla Iliiili'ix, Engines ami I'iiiiim, Hoist ing, Pumping ami Irrigating Plants Oil ami Gasoline Engines ami Hoist Air (oiiiiiYNnrri ami Hnek Drills .Saw Mill Machinery. & Impact Water Wheel tiSbtir- ln ,T-JJlf-B1l i .'' l . ' STAMP MILLS WOOD OK IKON FRAME SELF-CONTAINED MILLS Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg. Co. INCORPORATE PORTLAND, OREGON 48 and $o I ii:i Sum, Sn Fine Cawston & Company. Successors to II. P. GKKGOKY & COMPANY Engines, Boilers Machinery and Supplies... PORTLAND, ORE