THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 16, 1901 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the 'limn ot Suinflcr I'liiinsni 11 1 vi in unitisiiAv 11 v C. II. MAKSII ami J suiim:mii'Hii pams (InfYwr SU Months .it in 1. it AIWAYS IS AIIVsSI I. I ulitfit I .1! ttit. iMi.lnftlro In innnl.r. (limtnn f,.r transmission Huiiogli tin- m.ilU as scconj class """"" I Hride has mauv Irlends who will Slav with him as long as he is In the IP II lie possible to mihr a mining e.- ,IKlt, And they do sav that e.vSenator fh.ioge "go" in I', Secretary Hud, Miuhcll will also he a lurtm in the con- oMh.n liistltuil will turn; but PSi, a,, ally ol MiHiide. lilt is shown it l.iohs as II he I. mm ing his good seed on ,(,. ,lc ,,, .M , sn.)rc ;l rc.eectlon, lurien Krouml. (. opinion is he will throw his strength to Mitchell then look out I HIS Hung ol billing lor some rich ,r ., t(iv;, t01.jlt. ls tollowers will syndicate 10 i e along .iud miry out r,,v , ,s support with an enthusiasm some .mall needed enterpriM- is a tMi W , ,!,,. ,U. Cornell's barrel look losing ptopositiou. I he proper method Is ., ,.(, ,,,.,. faJa, ,,y ., hu ()f lo gel the deal in .ntr.Kiive tuisii.ess loiin Mr. Mhcliell is particular and go piospeaiug tin Hie men with )v , h, ,,s itclUw , ,t. Mi(. money. I he ele.tru. line to (he mines. w hrt(. )t. ,,., ;1V ;)(j,nrc.r. )s lor instance. stieuglh lies In the lad that he Is the 1 1 Wll I. be a dilliuilt mattei lor the U. If. iV (S. 10 liud a 1 s hoi 111 till W. II. Iluloeit's position as pisseuger agent lili Hie inielllgen.e iud lldehlv whKlihis iniriuM Iih .Miuiiiisiratimi ol Hie alliiis ol olhie. He has ever wotheJ 011 til- iirtid, wise p.iluy dial the best lillrrests nl the mid lUyeuJed upon lhedeveloiineiil ol the lemtmv niveied by Its lines, and has shown tuiiMiiiim.itr skill in executing (hit piluv. Nu one man has done more lor Oregon, espeiially Hie e.isleiu portion 1 1 the stale. A I'RhSS dispatch irom Salem states thai the assessment lelunis lor Hie ye.u li;oo have been leieived Irom all the louutles nl Oregon, and It appeals that the total taxable piopcily In the state is assessed .it 5l l7.H04.H7j, as against Juo, jH.',H7J in X). I his is a reduction of f i,.t7H,oco, m 'ibiiut i pel vent. Hahel is one ol Hie tew louulirs whUil lepoits .111 I1n.le.1se ol assessed v.ilu itlous, being J-.775.7'K) In I.Sil, and 5.,,H,So,j'is In li;oo. I lie Uispatih luiihri st.ites that the lev y last e.ii wasCi ) mills on As their alt' many litoiiiuieudatlons lot in ileased .ippinpilalloiis, and the v.ihi.illotis have hem ledikfd, it is ipiite piobable Hiat the levy this ;tt will be iluse tod1! mills. KlChNII.Y Ihe lllbune.of lluutsville, Alabama, Issued a ''Moiiumeiit l:ditlon," uudel Hie aushes ol Hie (.ouledetate Mouuiiieiit assotlatioii, an urgauiatlon nl ladles. I he editor In illlcl ol this spevial edition was , Wis Vtiguil 1 Clay dupliui, the distinguished vv IiIoa ol a I. minus Con- f . tr t 1 1 p.itft ll llik VI .lw tilth llti-lkaiii Davis when v.iptuied and while in piisou. Che leading In this issue quotes I.ugely limn a speevh dellveird ten sears ago b (.nlnncl Donan, ol I'oitlaud, at a U. A. R. Irunion held at I .tlg, N'nith Daliota. I he spteih was a le.i lot .1 re- -united countiy, tiklug the giouiul that the valor ol Southern soldlris made the union Mvtuiv .1 national gioiv, a uininmn h-iitage and a better speeJi on Hie sub ject has neser set been delivered. Stll'I'OSI- the O. U. .. toad had its western teimhius in . 1 uP town, one that woulJ meet tiseiilripiise ball way. I line would then be 110 question as to what pott would occupy the position ol supremacy 011 the I'aJiii coast. The company has just ottered to nut on a hue of steamers to Hie Hawaiian Mauds, if Poitland will build there a sugar relmery, but Its capitalists are not hilling over each otlier in tlirtr Haste to subscribe their rusty money for this woithv purpose. l:or two ears Portland has been ttlng to hud some one who would put In a smelter there, according to its plans and specifica tions but lias offered no material encour ngemrut to the enterprise. Now General I'raltic Marager Campbell announces that he has found the man and secured the guarantee demanded, loo tons of ore w. coNNKl.l.AJa d.iy. The O. R. & N. comes prrtty , near lieing all right. FROM the most authentic accounts, it , Would seem that the senatorial situation at Salem Is still chaotic. Corbett with his money is making a great amount ol ocusp;iprr noise, but he hasn't lauded the prie by my means. Senator Mc- alilest man who ever repieseuled Oregon hi tile national legislature. Strout, ass.iyer, jtii Hennett Ave., Crip- pe Creek, e,t,ibllshed In Coloi.ido In 1876, uidunulble.iss,is, soc; gold and silver, 7s gold, sil.xr,iiiiner,Sl. 50; forty years mlic, I'hose who know the comlortsof a good hotel, always p.ilronl..' I he Capital; Mis. I edrowe, proprietor Dunpliy ,V (Jertrldge's Club saloon is Hie pnpulai resort for mining and com mercial men. Only the best brands of liquor and ilg.its at the Club saloon of Dutiphy & (ieiliidge. The best is alwavs cheapest buy Giant powder. Location blanks lor sale at this olliice. Always reliable Giant powder. Mining deeds for sale at this ollice. Use ' iiant powder, fuse and caps. pUANK J. DAVEY . ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Contiol Woilv a Spedaltv 2010 CCNTCN ST. BAKER CITY. OREGON I. O. R. M. J i;(iN I HUH So ., ImpiovrJ Ou.i KrJ Htn, '- iiioi-l ImreuUi .mini II at 1 1) U M. Il.i nl the ?th Kim.lltlnli-lli II11 dill ntitiiv IuivJjn Mclllnl pl(h mmn All li-J Mi'H lllni; our liumlnc giuuiUv jii'fl.iw u. r mi, A. J I . C. nl U Sailiftn. yllllAMH sll)i r .. son 10 1 II.HMi'ii Ae I ili'pK- C lei'U. Colo. I'J In (..iiloi.iJo In itiro Mlnlni; I ni;lnpri. Avsitrts. Clirmll, SlinJjiJ Wink, I'risniMl Allrnilim, l.i'Jvon.illi' I'iki'v, tui Ve4i I'l.iflUc. Iiol.1 (iiiulMf jvtO, 100 KU. il vn nc: KnU. sllvrr. fopp r. Ji.vs A tlt-rral Jl cinim on Jll hll mti fuv A lur ol vour woik '"r.iiun M.iuiwj p A. K. STARK. cn,r, iot. iiikIisi, Sumplrr, Oregon DK. TAPE Physician and Surgeon PHOI-RICTOV SUMI'lEK OI.M.WAL IIOSI'ITAI Tdfphone Main 15. SUMI'11-K. Okl-OON SUMPTEH DEVELOPMENT CO. SUAM'TUR, ORI-GON Owners of all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL, Manager. E A. CLEM & CO. MINING INVESTMENTS Piopeitlei Eiimlmd ind Reported on. Member Pott lind Mlnlnf Stock Eichini 1 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND, ORE. I CHAS. II. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, Hirst Rank of Sumpter Building, SUMPIEK, OREGON L T. UROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Attention dlvcn to Surgery iinj l)ls. r.iMs ot Women. Ollice. Nelll IIIock; RrtlJrncc. (ir.nnlie Street nea Milt pi-NNER & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors lor Oregon, Wash ington, U.1I10 .inj Montana. I.'nglnecrs lor the Sumpter Timnvllc Company, l.lmlfeJ. Undiiround ind Pittnt Sumri. Hit Printing ind DriuMln. H, T. MENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. tlargalnf In Sumpter District Quarti Claims. SUAM'TUR, . OREGON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, IIAKI u cirv, : OWEOON RellaHe plans, specihf atluns an J estimates lurnlshe J RTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy .Mineral Survejor for Oregon an J I.I.1I10. livamluallons anj reports on mining proper ties. IIAKKH CUV AMI SUWI'TIP. ORiaON. ISSURASCU. MIHL LSTATU p.L. MANNING, Clly Kecor Jer anJ Nolarv Public. Collodions Abstracts Agent lor llMJe Tire lAtlngulslier. Sumpter. STOTT SIIELTON, NAM W. STOTT J. I. MIIITON Attorneys at Law. SUMI'TI.K, OKLCON V. II- W. HAMILTON. Mining anj Consulting Unglneer. .Mining Properties I'vamlneJ, RepoiteJ On anj lor Sale. Morelng anj Neal CoJe. nganj ne4 llox 118. SUMPTER, ORECON E, T. FREEMAN Public Stenographer All Kinds of WotK Done at Reasonable .... Rates .... Rnnm r First Hank of rvuum S Sampler UulUt Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OP THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U S. MAILS. SUMPTER-CASYON ROUTE. ia:)o p. m. j:io r. m. 1:40 p, in. :io p m. tv Siumpter Ar Ar CllflorJ t.v Lv rjiflnrj Ar Ar Austin I.v 10: jo a. ro. 8.00 a. m. :o a, m. 5:00 a. m. Connecting at Austin ltd stages lor Can) on City anjlnteilor points. 1:40 p. in. I l.v 5-" r- "' ,1 Ar ClltlorJ.. ..Arl 7:10 a. m. Ilonanti. . , . . Lv 6: o a. m. Connecting at Ilonana uliti vl.ti..: Inr Pu. j Rohlnsoinltle, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan anj neicner mines. SUMPTER-CRANITU ROUTE. ia;jo p. m. I l.v. 4!o p. m I Ar Sumpler. (iranlie. , Ar Lv 10:00 a. 7:00 a. Livery al Granite to North I'ork, ReJ Uoy, Ban iclte anj aJJacent mines. SU.MPTER-UOURNE ROUTE. ia:o p. m. joo p. m. Lv Sumpter Ar Ar Itourne Lv Ar. .. .Columbia. ,...Lv 9: to a. in 8:00 a. in :o p. m t:)o a. Including North Pole, E. A E., Climax, OhloanJ aJ Jacent mines. EAT k 1