THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Jaruaiy i6. igoi OFFICERS JOHN J. Pl-NHAl.l:, President (fieri. Met. Hunker Mill (ioM MnK -) SUWI'IIW, OMflllN AI.HI-KT GhlSI-N, Vice-President (I'rrilJi'H (Jllrrnt Hank) imki if un l:(IGI:NI: Sl'hKHY, It. C. Pl-NN.AND, Treasurer Secretary Grizzly Gold Mining Company Capital $500,000 In 1,000,000 shares of the narvalueof Fifty Cents Each. Treasury Stock 400,000 shares. FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE OPPORTUNITY -b. Treasury Stock at TEN CENTS Per Shim CASH BASIS All Cash Purchasers Receive a Discount of Five Per Cent on the Investment. INSTALLMENT BASIS Purchasers May Seoure Stock in Blocks of 1000 Shares and Upwards, Payable 10 Per Cent Down and 10 Per Cent Each Month Until Paid. GRIZZLY STOCK Affords an opportunity for profitable investment that cannot be equaled in the Sumpter District. The mine is now being actively operated and has reached a degree of development practically assuring the stability of the mine. The ledge, carrying high values in gold, copper and silver, is over 40 feet in width. Work is being rapidly pushed, tunneillng and sinking on the ledge, blocking out ore and adding to the pay dumps, and it may be expected that the mine will be a producer and the company a dividend payer at an early date. Every dollar realized by the company from the sale of treasury stock is being used for improving the property. The sale of stock will be con tinued until the mine is a producer,. As development progresses the price of stock will be advanced. Secure this stock now at 10 cents. That it will be worth its par value within 12 months is a conservate es timate. Subscriptions for stock may be sent to the company direct, or to the First Bank cf Sumpter, Sumpter, Ore. For Prospectus and Further Information, address, Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore. HirCRCNCCS: Fimt Bank or Summ SuMPtiM, 0r, CififiN Bk Bm Citt OntaoN WILL BOKK FOR OIL AND GAS. CapililitU Losing Land on McKay and Birch Creeks. A litlli- flutter (il e.uiteincnt in comma rial,, t.iriuiiiK ihI several other rircles has been caused hv (he appearance in Pendleton ot N. Whealdon, of Che Dalles, and his leasing of lauds on Mc K,ty .mil liluli reeks. Me announced thai hr wanted to lease a section of cotto ny sis miles squate. Nearly or quite Munich leases have already been secured. I he leases ate taken In the name of Parr, supposed to he, and so rumored, a capital ist (torn New Yiuk iity. I'hls leased land will he prospected lor coal, iron, pe Itolrum and ualtital gas, Wells u III be ImirJ and sh.ilts sunk. Oncol the stipu lations ol the lease is that the lessee shall proceed within a reasonable time to sink sltalls at least soo leet deep. Another stipulation is Ih it in vase ot toal being found and mined, the lessee shall pay to the lessot the sum of ten lents for each ton ol coil mined, in addition In the sum paid lor the original lease of the laud. J;or yeats it h.u been suspected that roil, at least, and pcihaps Iron and oil, are hidden heneath the lands ot the Mc Kay and hitch creek within ten miles to the south ot Pendleton, then stretching away In the mountains 40 and so miles. As long as 1 1 or is years ago a coal pros pect was found about 15 miles southwest of UIU.1I1, across the Hue in Morrow idiinly. I hit sedion his also been waK lied, to see w hat would develop. Be lot so fat from the railroad, and conse quently shut olf from market of any kind, I lie work of development was not pushed. I'lie dawn ol the era of activity Is in ight. In the fall ol 1800, there was an oil ex cllement on McKay creek, within a few miles of Pendleton. A farmer dug a well .1 few feet deep close to the stream, struck water, and was surprised to discover that scum formed upon the top thereof, so that it could not he used for drinking or the hath. It was an oil of some kind, but the samples brought to Pendleton were so plainly rectified petroleum, mixed with pulverized country rock and aqua pura, that the find did not create a stampede, as it was thought to be a lio.i.x. This legit mate development work, however, is an other thing altogether, and great hopes are entertained that something valuable will be found. Easi Oregoniau. Sumpter Has a "Booster" Society. Che ladies of Sumpter have organized the "Hooster" Aid society, similar lo one formed in Chicago, the motto of which is: "If you cannot say any good of a man, keep still. " I'he object ol the society is to work for the free reading room, and for the discouragement of unkind criticism, and the encouragement and boosting of everything that is public spirited or prais worthy. I'he hrst meeting was held at Mrs. J. J. Plsher's Wednesday afternoon, January 0. I he charter members number seventeen. The membership fee is ten Cents, no further dues being e.xpected. Work will be commenced on aprons, both useful and ornamental, which will be placed on sale. Other sewing for any one will be undertaken, if desired. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. J. J, Pisher's, this afternoon. Kvery lady in Sumpter is Invited to join in the move ment and help along the good work. Assessment Levied on Badger Stock. The Badger Gold Mining company, the property of which Is located near Susan ville, and the principal place of business at San Prancisco, levied its third assess ment November 14; this lime live cents a share. In the Grant County News of last week Is published the delinquent sale no tice, including 55,350 shares, on which the assessment amounts to f2.767.50. That seem to be rubbing it in on the mi nority boys rather roughly. I Seventy-five Mile Horse Race. I It isn't often that people engage in 75 mile horse races, but Wallowa county furnished one last Sunday that was cei- 1 tainly quite interesting to the participants, at least. Prom the best information ob tainable it is learned that l-'red Makin and Len limmons discovered almost simultan-; eously, a very desirable stock fat in on j Courtney creek, in the northern part of . the county, that had not been taken. I hey came to Enterprise to tile. Whereupon one of the parties, finding that his com petitor had tiled his application a tew hours prior, secured a saddle horse and hit the grit for La Grande, In order to j beat the application sent by mail. He had hardly started, however, until the party who had tiled his application was appraised as to what had happened. It ' goes without saying that it was not many minutes until he was In hot pursuit of ' his competitor. Both left in the evening 1 and rode all night, in order to win out and be hrst to appear before the laud office Tuesday morning. The last man to 1 leave the pole won out, and rescued the prize by having a relay of fresh horses at his command. Enterprise Bulletin. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the partner 1 ship existing between Ed Turk and Mi not Austin, under the style of Austin Meat company, was dissolved on October 20, 1000, and said Minot Austin has as sumed sole control of said business. MINOT AUSTIN. Sumpter, December 15. 1000. Private Table Board. I will furnish private board to a few desiring such, at my residence on North street, near Center. Mrs. C. B. Duckworth. The large and commodious club rooms of Dunphy & Gertrldge are headquarters for mining and commercial men. E0!O5 ma I'l'l'VI'l fiGIME t20Rv; ID.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World Kuvi.utc TriiiiM'oiitiiHiittil Route. 1 between tlio Nortliui'.-t anil all Point 'Kn.-t. Choice nl' two roiitfs through I tin Kiiiiiou- ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY mill linn- route.-, cum i( Pucliln ami IX'nvcr. All pucnj;ois granted a days stop over in tliu Mormon Capitol or any where hetween Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted tnuritf e.xcurs ioiis to OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS ' CHICAGO AND THE EAST. Tor tickets or any information re garding routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of Oregon llnilwny and Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pnsifie companies. S. K. HOOPER G. P. A T. A., Denver, Col. R. C. NICHOL, Gcn'l Agt. Portland, Oregon.