THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Januaiy 16. 1901 12 TALK OF THE TOWN. Austin was in Prairie City Inst to Haker City John week. A. W. 1:111s went ilnwii tills foriioan. A. .J. Trimble rettirneJ home this morn 1 11 K alter ;i ten days .-ihsciice. The Mobsmi Merciintlle innipiny his n handsome new delivery ri on the strerts. ! A meeting will lir lirld this eve'ilii to perfrct the (ir.liil.itiiin (if ;in athletic club. M. II. Allen find family left Monday for 'I he U.illes, called there by the serious Illness nl Mrs. Allen's mother. Mrs. Humus Mch'ven returned yester day from Matter City, where she has been visltiii)', friends fur a few days. Mrs. liyron Weatherfnrd and sun re turned this forenoon from a ten diys vKIl to relatives In the I'.ilousr cuiiiitry. "Uncle Hill" Silnson is In Portland on business rnimeiled with the Similiter brewery. I le is expected honis loinnrrow. J. P Nichuls, of Sail Lake, and Al j Grlser passed llirouuli town Monday on, their way to the Hon in.i, returning today. , Mr. and Mrs. James A. irancr hive iniived into their new home on North Mill street, where they ate home to all their friend. The Giant I'owder lompany of Callfor- j nla, has, through Us agent, I'. (i. Hani sou, dktilhnted one of the handsomest calendars seen tills year. i James A. Howard, ol I'eiidlelon, inter ested in the l.awtnn lowusite and the Concord mine, is hi town tod ty on bust-1 uess pertaining to those properties. Austin Craig, who has been represent ing the Purtlaml I elegram here lor sev- sources, to the effect that the Virtue mine, eight miles east of linker City, is about to change hands. Tills mine has pro duced over f 2,000,000. As to the price to be paid or to whom the property Is to be sold, those In a posltloirto know decline to state. l.awtnn Standard: A letter from Mr. I. It. Yates conveys the intelligence that himself and Clias. O llurd have succeed ed In estasllshing quarters at the Red Rock mine, two and a half miles out of Su.npter, a-id are now at work on a tun nel to tap the main lead, which passes this group of claims. Messrs. llurd and Yates will probably remain in at the Ked Rock the greater portion of the winter. Lessons in Lace. Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office will give practical distinctions In lace work. MaterlaN and hundreds of pat terns to select from Private Tabic Board. I will furnish private board to a few desiring such, at my residence on North street, near Center. Mrs. C. I:. Duck wort li. I he Capital hotel, under the manage ment of Mrs. 'ledrowe, serves special Sunday dinners. Families should take advantage of this. Hest table board in town. Tiylt. The Capital Hotel Is again under the management of AWs. George II. ledrowe, which fact guarantees the best of service to all patrons. All kinds ot pies, cake, bread, etc., at Itrechtel's bakery, opposite depot and in Neill building. Orders promptly filled. I The large and commodious' club rooms ' of Dtiuphy ' (Sertridge are headquarters I fur mining and commercial men. ernl miitiths past, lelt Sunday lor Salem., .. .1.. -i..i. . .1 r, 1... .. -;.... . I Ml IIIC Willi! 9lll'WII, Ullllil)- IX VJCIl- to repoit the legitime for that paper. 1 rJl,e fve a , f ROoJs eqila, (0 any iJircctors 01 the Uoncord mid mining that money will buy. lompany held their annual meeting In the pallors of the l-'lrst of Sumpter Sat urday and re-elected all of the old otlicers. Miss Minnie Mueller, the elliclent at tache of the Sumpter postollice, has been missed by the public for the past week. She will return from Haker City tomor row. Mrs. and Miss Carlesou, of Granite, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hob bins and will perhaps spend tlu remainder of the winter in Sumpter. Mrs. Carlesou Is a sister of Mr. Nubbins. Owing to the fact that there was not a (uorum of the city council in town at the time, 110 meeting of the council was held Satu'd.iy evening. A meeting will be held tomorrow evening. President Kohhlus and Cashier Miller, ol the First Hank of Sumpter, were both elected directors ol the Farmers & Traders hank, of La Grande, at the annual meet lug of the stockholders held there last week. V. James, recently lost In the ( ireenhom mountains, Is supposed to Invc had relatives In Oregon. The local lodge of Ited Men at Sumpter would like to communicate with them. State papers please copy. Twenly-l'ive couples went from Sump ter Saturday evening to attend a dance given at the saw mill below McEwen. The occasion for the festivities was the opening of a new boarding house. Th Sumpter contingent got home a' various hours Sunday. In another column of Till: MlNKR to day appears the advertisement of David Russell Carrier, machinery broker, of Chicago. He buys as well as sells ma thlnery, and many MlNKR readers can doubtless do a good turn for themselves by opening negotiations with the gentle man. Portland Telegram: Information has been received in Portland from private I GROCERIES" Prompt attention to orders for cut (low ers and lloral pieces. City Green House Haker City, Oregon. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant der company. Pow Something powder. to depend upon Giant Never falls Giant powder. SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. f Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Neill Mercantile Co. OUR FIRST CUT Mens' $5 Shoes at $3 ODDS AND ENDS all sizes from 6 to JO Neill Mercantile Co. The New Olympia E. E. HAUSER, Proprietor (Succetsor to Henry Fisobr) Newly refitted and Fine Oold (1884) remodeled. . . . Hermitage Whis- All the best brands -ssszs key of Liquors and Ci- Olympia Beer, bot- gars handled. . . tie or draught. . . Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter THOS. McCWEN, PretMent nJ General Maniger T. C. HARRISON,! Treii. JAS. NEWLANDS. Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co. MOST COMPLETE LIVERY EQUIPMENT IN EASTERN OREGON. TEAMS AL WAYS READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavv Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. 4