Wednesday, January 16, 101 THE SUMPTER MINER ii ON TO HARNEY VALLEY Chief Engineer Says That Is Intention of S. V. R'y Joseph A. West, chief engineer and superintendent of construction of the Sumpter Valley railway, and formerly of the Utah & Pacific, was in the city yes terday from Baker City, Oregon. In conversation yesterday Mr. West gave some very interesting facts about the ex tension of the Sumpter Valley road, and his explanation shows that the small road Is going to gradually develop Into an im portant and paying link. Already the road has been extended to make a total length of about fifty miles, and the work will not be stopped until too miles are completed. The road will be pushed southwest Into the tlch Harney valley and lake region of Oregon, a sec Hon without railroad facilities. In the Tribune recently, this section was fully described In connection with the extension of the Nevada, California and Oregon. The Sumpter Valley road will be extended southwest to meet the N., C. & O., which Is building northwest, and the two will form a very short route from Idaho and Oregon to San Francisco via Reno. They are both narrow gauge lines and are being built economically. The Sump ter line is owned by David Eccles, C. W. Nlbley and others of Utah, and they have had the foresight to greatly add to their equipment by purchasing at a reasonable figure all the rolling stock of the Sanpete Valley and Utan Central roads as soon as they were broad gauged. This has given the road a large amount of rolling stock, and it now has several hundred cars with which to meet traffic emer gencies. Taking Harney valley as a center, the nearest railroad points are as follews: North, Sumpter Valley terminus; south, O., C. O, terminus; west, Roseburg, Oregon, on the Shasta route; east, Parma or Nampa, on the Oregon Short Line. The new line, therefore, would enter an - ' open field, with no fear of any compe- tition, and traffic results would amply pay the promoters. The country will quickly fill up with settlers, for it is now sparsely settled, owing to its remote location. The two roads are extending quietly in the' direction of Harney valley, and when they ' meet a new and interesting railroad situ-1 atlon will be opened. Salt Lake Tribune. Barrett Hat Only Two Pet Bills. j Representative Barrett, of Grant conn-1 ty, was interviewed while In Portland, on ; his way to the state capital. He stated ' that he has only two bills to Introduce. I One of these relates to assessment and taxation, the other to mining. He has been a miner for 16 years, six of which have been passed among the quartz ledges of eastern Oregon. He therefore considers himself well qualified to judge what legislation the miners of this section require. "At present," he said last even ing, "a man has under this state's min ing laws only three days in which to j stake his claim and find his lead. I de sire to give the prospector 30 days In ' which to protect his rights after discov ery. In the meantlne, representation work may oe done, after which the claim may be recorded on sworn statement. At present, crowds can come in and record claims by paying i each, and thus tie up the whole side of a country for a year. I desire to protect the honest prospector, and thus foster the development of ledges that would otherwise be held on speculu tlon for a long period." Mr. Barrett favors precinct assessors and abolition of the office of county assessor. "We in Gran ite are 60 miles from Canyon City, our county seat," he continued, "and the as sessor comes over about once a year and enquires around for a few davs, assessing some and missing many. He can have no adequate Idea of property values in our section, and much dissatisfaction results. Precinct assessors can take care of each precinct and meet at the county seat as a board of equalization, and thus assess ment, collection and listing of delinquent property can be accomplished within the year. I favor a good, heavy penaly for non-payment of taxes." Never falls Giant powder. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE j. i8;8.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oilier. ( La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 18, two.) Notice Is hereby ghen that In compliance with the provision! of Ihr act nt Congress ot June 1, i88, entitled "An act tor the sale ol tlmbet lanJs In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, i8o, ORLAMIO C. KOONTI of Hereford, County of Maker, Slate of Oregon, has this Jay filed In this ofnce his sworn statement No. 7)1. for the purchase of thesetf ,( of section No. j?. In township No. 11 south, range No. )8 C W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than, for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver of this office at La (iranJe, Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of March, 1901. lie names as witnesses: Thomas Arvldson, E. II. Ware, James l:leetwcd, Jr., Fred Perry, all of Mere ford, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said ttth day of March, 1 Vol, Jan - E. W. llAMTliiTT, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office, ( La Grande, Oregon, December 17, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en titled "An act tor the sale ol timber lands In the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Statei by act of August 4, 1841, IINDON II. STUTIBR, of Sumpter, County of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 7 10, for the purchase of the w j nw' sec. 11, and eJJ nej(, of section No. 14. In township No. 10 s, range No. it I:. W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Re leiverot thlsnlhceat La Cirande, Oregon, on Satur day, the qth day of March, iuoi. He names as witnesses: I). S. McCoy, V. R. Mead. Clarke Snyde, and Irwin (ialewood, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above Jescrlbed lands are requested In file their claims In this office on or before said ulh day of March, iuoi. I:. W. IIAUTIUTT, Register. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE l'o the honorable Board of County Commissioner of llaker County, Oregon. We, Ihe undersigned clllent of Bourne I'resclnct, Baker County, Oregon, humblv petition vour honor- . able body to grant a license to Anderson tt Marsh In sell spirituous, lnnus and mall tl.iuors In iuanlllles ' less wan one gannn, in me town 01 iiourne, lor me rerindof three (1) months from February i.ioui. "I and for such jour peiltloners will ever prav: Thos Mcliulre, I rank McGinn, John Connell, Thomas Ward. Frank Weir. I: (i White. I'll lloli. F F Johnson, II R Cadds. C II Cook Tim Shea, Win Hint. John T Rusk, S A Dowers, W M Francis, A II Steele, (i N Taylor, Allen Mcl'hee, I Anstead, Chas Fnele. David Evrland. R I) War nock. T I1 Oakes. I) (i wanner, I'at Murrv, Chas (i North, John Reagan. 1 Harney AUNenna, A. 1 iioidluorp, I: u liraylnrj, w T Campbell, Henry F.ngle, Chas At Boslnuin, Wm Blair. W J Lvans, Alfred Casanbon, John Snor, Cat Verunda, C F Kear, A J R Dress, A J Tadlock, Ward O Croat, J C Post, I R, M W Beck wlth.OW Rankin, John McOIII. (ien (', Hale, LI. Day, I. II Aklns, I C While. J Nelderknin, P liar kins, II II Wilson. Ed Rawson, W II Spencer, Chas C Hall, W S Bonner, R N Wall, W II ll.ilesry, Ben (i Ross. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the said Anderson & Marsh will apply to the said county court ot Baker county for the granting of said license on the list day of January, 1001, or as soon therealler as their petition can be heard. AMiiksos & Mausii. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of Baker County, Oregon. In the matter ot the estate of Annie Clemens, de ceased. Nnilceis lierebv given by the undersigned, L. T, Brock, administrator of the estate of Annie Clemens, deceased, to the creJilors ol, and all per sons having claims agalns the said estate, to exhibit them together with Ihe necessary vouchers, within the next six months alter Ihe first publication of this notice, to wit: The twelfth day ol December, iv. to the administrator at his office, at the corner nt (iranlte and Mill streets, in the town of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, the same being a place for Ihe transaction of business ot the said estate In said county. L. T. Bkock, Administrator. Dated, Sumpter, Ore., December u, 1000. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To Steve Leyden and W. W. Thurmen: You are hereby notified that A. J. Tadlock, our co-owner In that certain mineral claim known at the Peacock, being situated on the McCully fork about four and a halt miles northwest of Sumpter and near the Granite road in Baker county, lias performed as sessment work as required by law and you are re quired within go dayi from date hereof to pay your proportion of the expenditure upon said claim. A. J. Tadlock, Sumpter, Oregon, December ig, 1000. First publication Dec ig, igoo, last March to, igoi. Famous, HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company Swmptcr, OKCOON ASK FOR HOP GOLD POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFPI-Klil) IIV Till: 'a pictow'' Wo Iliivn DnilyFtiKi Truim In tiiti If you niniiiit dike the iiinriiing train, travel by tin; rvciiiiii; train. Hntli an; fully -iiiiiiK'l. OUItHI'tiHAIiTIKS PAST TIM It THItOlH.H HKIIVKJK Tliroiili l'lilaeo anil Tourixt HUvp ins. Dining Car and ItullMt Miliary Caw. I''iit-! Free ltccliiiin Chair GW. Mom' in linu'Mivcil to Omaha, Cliiuifrn, Kiiimis City, Nmv York, HoMoii anil other Ka.-turn pointH. Ticket good via Salt Lake City anil Denver. It in to your interest to uko tlio Overland Koiilc. Tickets anil clipping ear liertlix ean 1x3 secured from II. C. IIOWKKS Agent O. It. ft N. CO. Haker City, Oregon Or, J. II. LATJIKOI', Gen'l Agt. 13.r Third St., Portland, Ore. T4 IftTnyJ VvSL Ll V EAST 0. R. & N. CO. Dlimht timf. sciii:i)iu.i:s I torn Baker City Salt Lake. Denser. Ft Woilh, Omaha, Kan' sis City, St. louls Chicago and AHHIVB Chicago INutland Special in: 4 5 p m 1US a 1 Atlantic F.xpress ia:ji p m Salt lake, Denw-r, 1 1. Wot III, Oiniln, Kan sas Cllv, St. I mils, Chicago and ltst. JUS pni a:4S A m Walla Walla, lew Mon, 10:45 pm Spokane, Minneapolis St. Paul, Duluih. .Mil waukee, Chicago and I..ISI. 8 pin OCKAN STCAMSIIII'S All Sailing dates sublect to change. For San I ranclsco -Salt e ery 5 da s. COLUMBIA RIVLR STI-AMF.KS To Astoria and Way Mndlngv 4 pm Dally Ex. Sunday 8pm Saturday in p m l.i. Sunday 6am lix. Sunday WILAMI-TTH RIVF.R Oregon Clly, Newberg, 4: ! p n F.. Sunday ;alem, liMeprndeme and way Landings. 7 m Tues. Thur. and Sal WILLAMtiTWAi YAM V v P w Mon. Wed. and I rl. HILL KIVI.HS Oregon Cllv. Dayton and Way-landings. 6am Will AMI-TTI! MIVI'U 4. 1-1 p m Mon. We. and III. lues, itiur. and Sat. Portland to Corvallls and Way landings leave Rlparla Fit a m Dally SNAKI: RIVLR Rlp.11 la to lewlslon Leave I ewlstOK Dally gain II. C. HOWI-HS, ARent, Maker City, Oregon RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN CON.-GIHV, MUM tl.l DKNVCR RIO CRANDE or Colorado Midland railroads THREE DISTINCT ROUTES 1 Vt iHf MOST MAINIF.ICENT SCENERY IN AM I RIGA. 11 If II THC OtotV fHANbOONflNINtAk lINt fAbtiM UmiRTlV IMWliHiH QUAINT ANU PM HJI ftV" 8ALT LAKE CITY. LIADVILLE, COLORADO SPRINGS nd SINVKR. wvera IUr4. THE nmnllANDE WIUTEMN HAIIVAV ff NATta TMIICK fABf tnAINH lO 1M tASI daily; oAHiiriNii PuHrim PrIms hI PuHrnsn OnMnary Slispsrs TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO WIIHOtJI CHNQf( frmm Raollnlng Chair Cart). Pertot Dlnlng-Car ftarvloc If I INfdHMAfKlN 111 FAMPHttt QtiMf Of J. D. Mansfield "po'tun5"orH nco.w.MiiNTi,c.'irMrBi.,aMLaoiry Sumpter & Bottling Works Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. j jt jt jt j Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. j jt j jt jt SUMPTER, - OREGON klTUliA I i