IO THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 16, 1901 1 SUMPTER, OREGON : s1 HJiMPTEK is located in the Blue Mountains, 422 feet above sea level, neaitmui climate, and is the commercial, banking, mining and distributing center for the entire district for many miles in all diiections, and, different from most mining towns, it is a model little city ol homes for the sur rounding district. 1898 1899 1900 i T rHE YEARS iqoi and 1002 promises to excel all past records in the growth of Sumpter, and add many paying mines to our present large number. Well located real estate purchased now will increase many times in value in the next one to three years. Take advantage of the op portunity now offered. POPULATION, 1898, 350; 1899, 1500; 1900, 3000 Amount Merchandise Carried. December, inon, . 20,000 December, 1800, 100,000 Dc. ember, l!MIO, '.TiO.OIIO Value ol Improvements. I. SUN. S'.'.'t.OOO; 1800, I.m.OOO; I !tOO, '.'.Ml, 000. Brick Buildings. I. SON,,; I. S0!l, lll.'irccl front-a-je, 71 licl ol which is two t..n; 1000, INS licl I'rnntagc, 100 I'ccl ol' which I wo .-lory. Total In dale, .'151 li-cl. Streets Graded and Paved. 1808 c; S!I!I ic; 1000, IH.'d li-cl, iilu mile.-of sidewalks huill. $(n ),oo() Water System. I.SO.S ic; 1800, ft 10,000 ex- tciiilfil iii I lit ciiiii ruction of a uiii wider -y-lcin; 1000, 'JO, 000 ciciulcil in completion ol' -lime. Capacity of iv.-ervoir, I, '.'00,000 gallon-, locale.) 185 feci iihove (he level ol' iriiieiial I net; 10 inch -led main.- from ie-eroir lo hii-iiic.-- portion; I .'I lire hwlraul-on hii-ine M reels. Fire Department. 80 none; J 8110, one chemical ciejilie; 1000, two hn-c carls, 2200 licl ho-e, well ciiiipM'd hook ami holder truck, 1 large chemical engine, .'! ilciarlmeut buildings, ho-e ami hell tower. Lumber and Logs in 10,00 I'rom williiu seven miles of Samp ler, hclweeu twenly-livo ami lhiil million t'cet wa- cut during the vear 1000 s - A MODERN CITY OF 3000 POPULATION 4! J $30,000 Electric Light Plant. 18!)0,83,f00; 1801), 0.G00 ad ditional; 1000, 20,000 addition nl. Capacity of plant, 2000 in candsccnt and -40 arc lights. Streets welt lighted. Public Schools, 1900. Large public school building with four rooms and one largo room occupied in another building. Freight Received. 30,000,000 HHinds freight re ceived over y. V. It. It. during 1900; 2000 car, 270 of which were machinery Kir our mines. This required 7fi0() four-horse teams to transjiort it to the mines, or 20 four-horse teams each day, or one four-horse team leaving here every 30 minutes, ten hours each day, during the year. Passengers. Passengers over S. V. It. It. dur ing 18!)!), 27,000; 1000, M.O.'H. 60,000 Transportation Outfit. 200 horses in iimj moving freight and passenger to thesuriiaiuiling camps. Daily stages to Hotline, Granite, lied Hoy, Lnvtou, Ho naii7.a, Clifford, Atistiu, Susan ville, Prairie City, lohn Day, Canyon City and other (mint-, New Brick Hotel. $:i,r),()0() brick hotel building in course of construction; will be completed by April 1, 1001. Sumpter Manufactures all its building ma terial lumber, brick, etc. LOTS $25 AND UPWARD adr ess W, G CALDER, Secretary S, T Co limited P. O. DRAWER 77, SUMPTER, OREGON v