Wednesday, January 9, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER COUNTY RECORDS. The following Is the record of official buslntss transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, January 8, 1901. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Warranty dJ-Dec t. Wilson Imvf itmcnt Co to Sumpter Townslt. Co, lots 1 anJ 8 klk 1, Sumpter $ )0o Warranty deJ-Dec j. R D McCorJ et ux to F P McCorJ. tot 5 blk jj, McCrary Jn to Baker City goo Warranty JeeJ-Dtc 11. J P Atwooi et ux to P J Brown ct at, tanj aJJoinlng lot 6 blk j, At wooJ aJn, Baker City Warranty JeeJ-Dec t, Q W Collins t ux to A S Shoiklty, lots 11 to j, Inclusive, blk j, Stewart inj aJn, Baker City Warranty dee J-Jan 4. H H Hlndman to S E Thompson, 160 acres In sec )4 tp 10 r jg 500 Quit claim deeJ-Jan 4. W S Bowers et ux to A S Shockley, lots 11 to ai Inclusive blk j, Stewart and aJn, Baker City o Warranty deeJ-Dej j, P Bascht et ux to H M Hlndman, 160 acre's In' sec 14 tpior jo $0 Warranty deed-March t, 'qq, Sarah J WarJ to C W Lewis, lot 9. AtwooJ and adn. Baker City tt Quit claim deed Jan j, W L Lachner tt ux to C W Lewis, lot 9, Atwood and adn, Baker City Patent Augai. United States to Abble Mead, nwX sec to tp 9 1 r j? E W M Warranty deed-pec'ir. J Hellbron to W S Bowers, lot 4, McCrary adn, Baker City.... tjoo Warranty deed-Jan 7. J H Blanlord to S A Lof an, ite acres In sec 1 tpiarai al$ Warranty deed-Dec 6, ECclser to J C Relff, lot a blk 16 S Sumpter jooo Warranty deed-Jan 1, W II Shurtllff to Ball antyle, lot j Mk , Place ad adn )u Warranty deed Jan 7. Jas Tlbbs to R Service, ' part tH ol neJi sec 8 tp 10 r j8 40 Warranty c"eed Nov 16, Jas Palmer et ux to Ellen Nelson, part ne) sec ti tp 9 r 40 jo MININQ MATTERS. Articles ol Incorporation Wisconsin Cold M Co. L E Hoys, T H Dunphey, F A E Starr. Incorporators, capital $100,000, Sumpter Article! ol Incorporation Tillamook Cole M Co. J Byers, P D Mealy, Thos McEwen, In corporators, capital Sijo,ooo, Sumpter Mining deed-Dec 18, F T Clysan et al to J W ' .Holland, 100 Inches ol water ol Silver creek soao Bend lor deed May a, Thomas Drlslane et al toASAdklns.lotiM. is. i6,blk 17, Pacific aJn, Baker City 150 Mining deed-Dec u, O H Bryant to J F Dunn, M Golden Reel, !i White Pine qti claims , 150 Mining deed Nov 15, 0 J Langet al to Inter state Cold Mining Co, Silver Eagle, Golden Peak, Oregon and Golden Gate claim 5 MOMTOAUES. Mortgage Dec i. J L Sumpter etvlr to F L Moore, lots 4 and j blk 1, J II Parker adn to Biker City 60 Mortgage Jan a, W C Cundlll et ux to S A CalJwell, lot 1 blk 1, J Stewart aJn, llaker City too Release Sept 17, Keene sc Sav bank to M II Hlndman el al, land in sec )6 tp 8 r w and sees a and 11 tp 9 r w aioo Mortgage Jan a, P F Shaw et vlr to P G Chrlinun, lots 1 to 10, part lots a and 9 blk a McCrary aJn, Baker Clly jjo Mortgage Jan j, A Mr et ux to L W Place lot 7 blk 10, J II paikeraJn, llaker City joo Chatlel-A liolllngtworth to J II GrltwalJ, a horses, harness and wagon V Mortgage Jan 4. J C Thompson toll II IllnJ man, 160 acres in sec ) tp 10 r 19. 400 Mortgage Jan 4, Fred Gardner et ux to W Fernald, lots j inj 4 blk jo, Pacific adn to BakerClty sen Mortgage Jan 4, C W Slade to A At Irwin, lot 4 blk , RiverslJeadn.Sumpler... 1500 Mortgage Irwin & Slade to E F Cranston, lot 4 blk 1, Riverside adn, Sumpter, and 11x40 It adjoining ijos Mortgage Jan 7. A W Lewis et ux to G W Henry, lot 9 blk st. Atwood and adn too Mortgage Jan 8. W M Osborn to M Richard son, toxica It In Jahney tract...., 400 Mortgage Jan 1, Henry Rust et ux to West ern Loan and Savings Co, lots 1 and a blk a. Fisher adn , 16000 ChatUr-C W Slade and A M Irwin to E F Cracow, to horses. 6 wagons, so set har- Chattel J L Sullivan to J Jorgensen, Parlor saloon, Sumpter , ij Chattel J Butt to F L Moore, hay and grain lor 190 too Mortgage Jan 5, C II Sp'ague et ux to M RicharJson, lots 16 and 17 blk A, Fisher adn 500 Mortgage Jan 7, H Harrison to J Cleary, 6H by 1 10 It, Fox block too Mortgage-Jan a. C E Whltnev to J William son, 160 acres In sec ar tp 10 r )6 87 Mortgage-Jan 4. F P McCord et ux to J P McCord, lot s. bk a?, McQarv adn 5)8 Chattet-Mlddlebrook & Denny to Whlttler Bros, 8000 sheep 5600 Chatlet-P J StubbletielJ to J J Slubblefield, a horses mo MISCELLANEOUS. Action Oregon Liquor and Cigar Co vs Car mon & Miller, to recover lor goods sold u8 Action J L Balsley vs Al F & C C Grlfrin, to recover possession ol Clondyne and Paie goulan g.11 claims and $joo damages Bill ol sale-West & Gay to K Smith. St Elmo restaurant 7j Judgment Against Wm Boehmer lavor M C Twiss 19 Judgment Against John Austin lavor L'mma Potter nj Articles ol Incorporation Sumpter Lumber Co J B Stoddard. J H Robblna and S II Bell, Incorporators, capital Ss. Sumpter Notice of DsMOiutkm of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the partner ship existing between Ed Turk and Ml not Austin, under the style of Austin Meat company, was dissolved on October 29, looo, and said Mlnot Austin has as sumed sole control of said business. MINOT AUSTIN. Sumpter, December is, 1900. Strout, assayer, 1725 Arapahoe street, Denver, established In Colorado In 1876; gold (crucible assay), 50c; gold and silver, 75c; gold, silver, copper, i. 50; forty years practice. The Capital hotel, under the manage ment of Mrs. Tedrowe, serves special Sunday dinners. Families should take advantage of this. Best table board In town. Try It. Lost A small pocket account book in Sumpter or on road to Cable Cove. Find er please return to MINER office and re ceive pay for trouble. Eugene Bartholf. The Capital Hotel Is again under the management of Mrs. George B. Tedrowe, which fact guarantees the best of service to all patrons. All kinds ot pies, cake, bread, etc., at Brechtel's bakery, opposite depot and In Nelll building. Orders promptly filled. Wanted A position as stationery engi geer by a man of experience. Address Engineer, care THU SUMPTER MINER. The large and commodious club rooms of Dunphy & Gertridge are headquarters for mining and commercial men. Good Japanese cook wants position, either in private family, mining camp or any place. Apply at this office. Prompt attention to orJers for cut How ers and floral pieces. City Green Mouse Raker City, Oregon. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow der company. For rent One four-room cottage. Nelll Mercantile company. Something powder. to depend upon Giant ESTRAY NOTICE. There came to my place Monday, De cember , two stray work hoises. One Is a gray horse with hook and anchor brand on left shoulder; the other a brown horse with a square and letter A joined at angle, on left shoulder. Owner can ap ply at my ranch, Alder Springs, Baker county, and secure the property by prov ing ownership and paying expenses in FREE MUSIC HALL FINE ..CLUB.. ROOMS Courteous Treatment to All THE Sullivan House F. L. SULLIVAN, Manager Best Liquors & Cigars PRIVATE ROOMS RESTAURANT SUMPTER, OREGON Comer Crieatr in Orialts Jts. NEW BOWLING ALLEY Zleat Printing of (Df course ! you can get any tiling you want at Che 2niner Office Baker City Iron Works HIGGINS & HAKDENBROOK, Props. Iron Rounders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron work and bridge castings. Write for estimates. WEST END AUBURN AVE. THI Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON. nuiuj. HYDRAULIC. MININQ AND DREDQINQ MACHINERY. RIVETED STEEL PIPE. .,,.. AMERICAN IMPULSE p...... WATER WHEELS. ETC. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS PORTLAND OREGON THE GEM SALOON .Mxmuut A. J. STUN SO IN, Prop. iSuccessoi to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, OREGON 1)09 curred. JOHN ADAMS.