8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Januaiy 9. 190' IS THE SMELTER SOLD? August Heinze Reported to Be the Purchaser. Now here Is a story tint Is worth read ing, even If there were not one word of truth,!)! It which Is not Implied In 1 lie remotest degree. I he Kt-ntleiiMii referred to as being the one who h.is Interested August llelnre in the Similiter smelter Is J. K. I'.irdee. He Is a smeller mm of ex perience, who doubted lh.it the plant here could successfully reduce local ore; hut was afterwards convinced that he was mistaken, and so stated publicly. He is a Irlrnd of Mr. Heln.e. This is what the Maker City Herald says on the subject: From authorative sources it is learned tint the proposition of buying the 40-ton smelter pi tut at Similiter has been pre sented to I'. August lleiue, ol lluttc, In an attractive light. It is understood that he has promised to send one of his ex perts Into the dUtrlct to look Into the proposition. The .gentleman who Is know to have hiought the matter before the big Montana smelting man is himself it recognized authority on subjects per taining to the mineral resources of a country and is reported to have ptesented the Sumpter smelter matter as "gilt edge." The plant Is now owned by the Union Smelter Manufacturing company, of St. Louis, hut was forced last month to sus pend operations, not, as has been stated, I realise of lack of ores, but because of a lack ol cash. Several attachments have been Issued against the plant, aggregat ing the sum of fi.ooo tor ore purchased and not paid lor. So Involved, in fact, ate the affairs nl the company that the plant can be secured at a ridiculously low figure by any one ulth ready money. I he plant itself has proven a success, far exceeding the expectations even of Its lulglualors, but a lack of funds with which to purchase ores made Its suspen sion Imperative. Mine operalois In the (trrrnliiiin copper belt and in the Cible Cove dMrlct ot base ores, quite naturally retustd to ship their output to the Sump ter plant and tie compelled to uualt tardy tto and yo d iv payments, when cash on delivery could be secured from smellers at kvriett, lacom.i and Northport. 'I wo runs of the Sumpter plu.t on ores from Hie St.iiul.iid mhe at Dixie Unite, the lempest, In the (iteeiihorus, and from mines In the Seven Devils, demonstrated beyond a doubt Its capacity to turn out a high grade, clean matte, either copper or lion. I he plant was never troubled with lack of oie. Manager llnuser, of the Standard mine, offered to contract to furnish ?o tuns a day, provided suitable arrange ments for payment weie made. I he Irmpest people alone were prepared to tax the capacity of the plant. Cable Cove operators weie climoious to test the elhclency ol the smelter on their ores, 1 he Columbia mine w as willing to sell its concentrates in Sumpter. Hut everybody w. inted cash on delivery, and the St. Louis company had no cash, Fortunately I'. August Hehic Is not troubled In that direction. It the deal goes through, and the big Mont.iuian takes hold of the little Sump ter plant, it will mark an epoch in the lives of the small mine opet.itois of the district. Whit One Projector Has Accomplish!. In an Interview recently with the writer, Lee Barnard said: "I still have two claims, the Indiana and Skeleton. I came here a iittle over a year ago without a cent, have these two claims yet, have sold two or three, built me a fine cabin, spent about liooo In cash and expect to spend several thousand more. If my experience is not a recommendation for any mining district, I don't know what would be. My claims are only an average, and every claim in the Quarlzburg district will show up as rich values as mine." The work on the Indiana and Skeleton done so far amounts to but little, but the assays on the surface average to in gold, copper and sliver mostly copper. These claims are also parallel with the great Copperopolis. Work has been commenced and several hundred feet of tunnel will be run this winter. Canyon City liagle. COLORADO-OREGON BONDED. Option Held by Spokane People Water Power Frozen. The five-stamp mill at the Colorado Oregon mines at Quarlzburg was com pelled to close down the fore part of this week because the cold snap shut off the water supply. The mill is about a half a mile below the mines and the ore is hauled by teams. Superintendent Hayes has four men employed on development work and their output only Is milled. Isham Laurance recently bonded this property to the Quarlzburg Mining and Milling company, of which John M. Burke, the well known mining man after whom the Idaho mining town was named, is one of the principal stockholders. These are two of the oldest quartz mines In Grant county, and the only property in the district equipped with a mill. They have an output of at least f 100,000 to their credit. Like many others in this part of the country, tills property has been worked principally under the lease sys tem, in consequence of which but little at tention has been paid to practical and permanent development work. I he two claims are advantageously lo cated for tunnel development, on each slope of Comer gulch. 1 he Oregon, for merly the Little Denver, by which latter name it Is more generally known, has 700 feet and the Colorado 6)0 feet of tunnels. 1 he greatest depth attained is not over 150 feet. The ore is free milling In the upper levels, but base below. The vein in the old workings was three to five feet wide, with eight Inches to two feet of high grade ore. Included in the equipment is the live stamp mill above referred to, with a one vuner concentrator, a live-ton smelter and a complete assay ollice. Prairie City Miner. Leuont In Lace. Mrs. Marsh, next door to MlNUK ollice will give practical Instructions in lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select from THE STAR HOTEL J. M. LANDIS MOPRKTOR Frvo 'litis to mid from nil t ruins. Ilcaililiinrtors fur ininiiij men. Mot ooiiifortulile rooms in town. Puss enters wnyliilliMi at hotel oiiiets for all interior HintK. Half block from Mtetoiiicc. SUMPTER, OKKGON tt it ; CUT OUT THIS AD. j Enclose It to Me With Ten Dollars" a And I will furnish you J all complete ready for use, my 1900 Model No. $ 7 SANDEN ELECTRIC i libLI. It is superior in make, quality and power to any other belt offered 1 ... j uyuuici ueiiicis iui which they charge $o or more. $ This masterpiece of jj electro-medical science will cure yonr nerve loss, your weakness, your kid neys, your stomach and poor circulation hy en- s dowing you with that vi- 2 tality which builds up the J system. Drugs are use- less; they are harmful. My belt cures where bar- rels of medicine have 2 failed. Why suffer long- er? I offer you an invig- orant which has no equal $ in the world, for it will ;$ drive out your pain and :$ make you a strong, sound J man. 3 ACT TODAY Because this offer will be held open only for a lim ited time, as I want to favor the many sufferers who cannot afford to pay more for a first-class electric appliance such as the Sanden is. The Belt m Cures If you suffer from de- bility, rheumatism, sciat- ica," varicocele, kidney, liver or bladder troubles, j wish to be cured and are wise, you will lose no j time in obtaining one of j the genuine Dr. Sanden j Electric Belts, 1900 model. 3 Call or write tor my free booklet, which ex plains all about my fam ous appliance. Dr. A. T. Sanden . , Dept. A, Ruucll Block Portland , j Oregon if C rx S I R N J SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET OS AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meals and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON R J. HARD & CO- niiMurRS or TUB Oregon Mining Stock Exchange CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLD'O PORTLAND, OREGON Correspondence solicited rela tive to mines or meritorious prospects. Can place tiiem In stock companies or sell outright .Extensive Eastern. Correspondents General brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works FRANK MALONE, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker City, Telephone Red 161