Wednesday, January 9, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER 7 CENTER OF ACTIVITY. iEastern Oregon Mines Will Occupy That Position. Secretary F. J. Hard, of the Oregon (Mining Stock exchange, who returned re icently from un inspection trip through (eastern Oregon, as a result of his obser vations, is more strongly than ever con vinced that the gold fields of eastern Ore jgon will some day be the center of mining .activity of the civilized world. Being a imlnlng man of experience, and having .seen about every mining camp of any con tsequence between Mexico and the Klon dike, Mr. Hard's observations carry twelght. In speaking of his recent trip through eastern Oregon, Mr. Hard this morning said: "Very few are aware how rapidly Inter est Is increasing in Oregon's great min ing district. A lieht winter and little .snow has enabled prospectors to remain iln the hills; also much open work that or dinarily would have closed down, has iteen kept going. Otherwise, reports of new finds would have ben In. "Baker City and Sumpter, but for the .open winter, would be in a whirl of ex citement as Is common In mining towns, iwhere men gather to tell of their hopes and expectations, how "wide the vein is and how much it is going to run the next ten feet, etc. Many of eastern Oregon's miners are too Interested and too busy these times to come to town, and their stories will not be told until severe winter drives them in. "Baker City and Sumpter are certainly solid towns, and only to watch the mer chants moving their wares, to see the ma hlnery and carloads of freight in the 'Warehouses, convinces one that something is going on. The presence of well known mining men In great numbers, from Colo rado, Montana and Utah is a guarantee of substantial mining for the districts. Strikes, bonds and actual sales seem to be the topic of the day, and one looking on would surely forget that he was In a min ing camp away out in Oregon. In fact, one acquainted in these older mining camps feels quite at home, nnd is fre quently saluted by old time friends and mining partners. "I was glad to notice a spirit of kind words, and the Idea appears to be preva lent that there is room for all, which in sures progress on all sides and a mighty opening up of the earth's riches extending throughout this Immense mineral belt, comprising both Raker nnd Grant coun ties, and extending from Qunrtzburg, the home of the Copperopolis, throughout the Caole Cove and Cracker Creek districts, eastward through the Cornucopia and Snake river sections, which connect with the Seven Devils district of Idaho. "Among those we heard mentioned was H. S. AicCallum, manager of the Mam moth nnd Bald Mountain companies, who is today proving by the large amount of work on this promising property, that he is a hustler and a good man for the camp. Tom Bessler, the well known champion driller, has a contract on the Huronlan Mining company's property, which is lo cated close to the Bald Mountain group, and Is pushing work with his usual vim, and promises to make a big mine for the :ompauy. The Gem mine of Sparta, go ng Into the hands of Denver people will, without doubt, he another move towards bringing the great rush that the coming spring is bound to see In that section. The mines of eastern Oregon are rapidly forging to the front. They cannot help doing this, as their merits command .at tention." Telegram. P. Bascka'a Fjcfcfcl to 1900 Vaa 430,000. To give an idea of the amount of freight received in Baker City and, the anauntif business done during the short space of twelve months, a Democrat reporter called at the hardware store of P. Rasche, our of the leading business houses of the city, and requested that a few figures be furn ished from the past year's work. That is, from January I, 1000, to January i, tool. On turning to the books the rrpnrter was informed that the house had, during the dates mentioned, received 74 full carloads of freight, amounting to 2,447,021 pounds; by local freight, 713.756 pounds, making the total number of pounds received, 3,180,777. Allowing pounds to the car, it would makeztcars by local freight, or 98 full cars of freight during the year, or an average of over eight cars per month. The amount of money paid out on freight bills alone by this buiuess house during the year, was 929,035.41. These figures are for the Raker City house and not taking into account the Sumpter branch house, to which thou sands of pounds were shipped direct dur ing the year. When a person stops to contemplate these figures it gives one an idea of the enormous business done not alone by this house, but by the city. Democrat. Free Reading Room Statement. The committee having the Sumpter free reading room In charge wish to submit to the public the following report up to Jan uary 1, 1901, and also to return their thanks to the people of Sumpter for the many favors extended them in their work. Especially do we thank the following named persons for their help in getting the hall ready for eccupancy: Messrs. Cowden and Hillier for carpenter work, Shaver, Crandell and Houseworth for pa pering, and D. Copping for palling. And we thank all those who have donated pa pers and magazines. It is requested that nil persons hereafter donating reading matter of any kind will register their name and article contributed, In a book kept for that purpose, so that the management may be able to keep track of the society's preperty: RECEIPTS. Oct. , from White Cross society Sep 10, sale of prize cake 11.30 Nov. 17, proceeds of ball and supper 50.50 Total )4-7o DISBUKSUAUiNTS. Nov., McFadden for stove, etc f 6.9s Dec, rent and draperies 15.00 Case Furniture Co 33.30 W. R. Hawley, mdse 2.70 R. Riley, wood j.oo Window shades, etc 1.00 Sawing wood 1.50 Mrs. Hlckok, sundries 4-3 F. G. Shaver, labor 2.00 Sumpter Lumber Co 3.85 Subscription for magazines 10.20 Total J83.80 Balance on hand January 1. $10.90. COMMITTIil:. Those who know the comforts of a good hotel, always patronize The Capital; Mis. G. B. Tedrowe, proprietor. w o o D ee O O D Slab Wood Cord Wood Short Stove Wood DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY Lumber For Sale Mining Timbers to Order CLOSING OUT STOCK OF SHOES AT COST Sumpter Lumber Company & J. B. STODDARD, Mgr. m . ix; fi Ca w B ?3 fW & 2. ttet Well Dressed Men. Mint nrcriMilly liave llirlr clothri maJe ly un rxprrlttueJ TAILOR Such it M. STEFFF.N Urcentlv from I'orll.inJ. hrrr lie hai attoclatrd wllli the Ir.iJIni; tailoring limitr. lor ovrr Iwtlve vrar.. Now carr)lni .1 line lint- ol fall an J winter Suiting. Overcoat I'jttrrni and Panto ( nt Baker City, Ore. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice Sicond and Wiihlnton Strut RUSSELL ENGINES v BSKtfRS MILLS THRESHERS STACKERS ion Gt WJ Machinery . i . .-" 1 1 :.,. r .".-. i u-.twr. .- .. . Writs tor Catalegue: au J Prices. PORTLAND, OREGON,, B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OF QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort". We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Are You Seeking Substantial Investment? If you prefer legitimate investment to speculation and gambling, I atn offer you a few tirst class mining propositions, from a prospect to a well developed paying mine. I can advise the purchase of a first class mining stock that you can buy without risk and with a certainty of early and substantial returns. The Sumpter Mining District is rapidly opening the eyes of the mining workl. A long identification with the district enables me to give reliable information jnd advice as to investments. Expert examinations of and advisory reports on any mining proposition. Correspondence solicited. W. H. W. HAMILTON, Mining Engineer. Sumpter, Oregon.