XHE SUMPTER lyilNER Wednesday, January 9, .1901 SUMPTER IS HEALTHY. Has a Clean Record, Result of Vigilance. II there K ;i sliiuli-town or cilv in t hi M.'ite nl OreK'"' wlirre I lit- lictllli urn tlitimi Is ciinii.'ir;ilvrly nn;il lo tli.it nf 'Sinniilrr, llirn tint p.jre run r.i.'l.'iiin tlir fact uith prlJr. One ye.-ir :itt,n 1 lit- town u:is ctnlitrd uith h.'ivjiiK ,m rrnpilvi-illsc.'isr known ;is Mli.illpox, ,iikI In f.-ilit v there were too iminy r.iirs hrr? nf the l!ml for cmnfntt, tine or two ol ulili h proved I it;il, uhni tnmplic.-itril with othrr .'itlllitinnt. I he illy .-inlhnriilrv it umptl v tool the in. liter in liiml, plKiiiK A I ll'lller In tli.it c ,i- he.illh oth. 1 1 .nnJ Dr. Hin i .is Uly pliv-lii.in, with the m iillvini', nsnlt tll.il in .i O'liip.it ilkrlv .nr l lime ihe ttoulile M.olnlly IlllJrr i'iiiiMiiI.iiuI lin.illv .st.'iiiipeil out entirely. II i. in tliillilllllv he iiJ dim lh.it Mine the ixt II nl last Nuveiiiher tlieie li.is not lieen ;i cise In Siiinplt'i or the ne.ir vicin ity, jiiiiI it t lie sniiif piei.'iutions :inJ nl-'m-i v.iine ut saiiltit ' coinlltioiis wete etc fiiKrU in other pi.ne. whelc llierc .He tlliiny Uiiowii i.'iset, there would he little ll-ingei n( Its tiling hioimht here .ik.'iIii. II he s.ime i.m he Mild ol levers; mure p.'ir tluil.ulv the iMihoid lpe, nl u lilt. Il Ihele ll.'ive Iven .1 ilneii or liltren t.isi-s here tills l.'ill ind u Inter, lie lllv .ill .iinmiK pen VieiomliiK Iioiii outside -mints ,i shoit lime pievlmislv. Only one I. it ililv lim ever is Knmwi f r i 1 1 1 this diseise to d.ile. Not :i .le il si.iilrl It r h.ls liecil Iomuii hele in mri .i t-.ir ind hut one uise ol diphlheil.i. I his li.ippv shite of iill.iils did not ionic .itioiit l llelf. Sumpter i. in ho.ist ol ,i lieilth ottucr vhu .-icln.'illy :iud lunirMlv li is the it-.-il well.'ire nf the town find people .it lir.nt, ,ind li.is done his work In the p.ist ye.ir elleilllilly .Hid ulth le.lt iledil In hilll sell ind those who put him In .mtlioiity, Il Is si.iuely lieies:nv In s.iv ttl.it lie slumlil, .ind will he, let. lined In Ills present nllue the irniiiliin e.it. It is well lor the huinplcl people not to iel.i tlieli MKll.ilue In (eu.ild lo the .s;ini t til v I ns he. itlsr nl the l.ivouit'le uiliill lion lieie now,. is it is Kun ui III it one point, .Hid peihips utlnis, w I. hln tiiui m live liiiiils il.le ol lifn-Ii.in -esri.il i.ises nl dlphthetl.t .'Mill the riiiiiive dlse.iM', and it siieerim'ositileirlln-etroulles to he himif.lit lieie. Ililllnj; tli' lilite Cijj.tr Slur. I.. Moses, in:iu:i)',ei o the hlito tlg.ir stole In the Mealy huildiiiK, l lelittlnn Hie pl.ue .ind will h.ixe line ot tile lies) .in- pointed sumhels lesntts In Siiiuptet when iiiinpleted. "Muse," .is lie Is hetter known, uudersi.nids the u.iuts ol Ills in. in' p.itlous ,iud m.ilies ,i sprti.iltv ol llesh Koods. just been received that the company has now several thousand dollars In the treas ury and as soon as spring opens It Is the Inlrn'lnn tn put nn n hoist and pi'mp and pmceed with active develontierit. The lead Is strong and well defined, with an averaKe width of forty feet and showed values of thirty to eighty dollars to the ton. This is the company organized in p Yam Hill, and Is tinder the management of Mr. Haird. TIMBER CUT IN 1900. Amounted lo Bttwrcn Twenty-five and Thirty Mlll'on Feel. lint lew people think of or realize the exirt of the himher and logging traffic In Maker county. The Oregonlan recently gave some liguies on the subject, but hi an Interview uith .1. It. Stoddard, who is one ul the best posted men in this busi ness and on the subject, it was learned that approximately between twenty five and thirty million tret of logs and sawed lumber had been taken from this Immedi ate seitiou, or within seven miles of Sumpter, In the pistear nf looo. Added tn this can he mentioned a con-siderabl- ipianlily cut by the various mines npet.itiug their own sawmills for tiie nnniila. ture ot building lumber and mine timbers, 1 he Oregon Lumber company lus made e.Mensive Improvements In Its Maker City plant, whereby f nil v 100,000 feet of sawed lumh-r can he tinned nut daily and there are not many days in the year when the mill will be idle. Added to tills dimes tin- next largest In stltutiiins, Stoddard Druthers, of Maker City, and J. M. Stoddard, of the Sumpter I. iitubei conip.iuy, the capacity of whose mills will swell Ihe cut lo mammoth figures within the coming year, and there are also others, including the Service llrothers' plant at .McHweu. The value of timber lauds should,. md doubtless will, take an upward turn that will set locators to thinking, when it is known that there is much good laud open for location. K.HftSSSH( nBKKmi D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the Win Id Fire I'lool Kool on duly Huilding. I. ( i. ( it.iliam, ol Portland, manager ot the Columbia Kooliug and Ketiuiug mm pany, came up 1 uesdas ol last week to superintend the louli.ut ot putting on .i lire ptoof asbestos root on the rebuilt Mealy bloik. lie will have the work done in ad.iy or twnaiidilaiuis that when ! the public knows (lie virtues of their lite proof i on! lie will have occasion to mine here otteu and will also he glad of the op-, .poitunily, as he has a high opinion of the town, which he thinks will be the metrop oils of eastern Oregon In a shoit time. The Wed Side Mining Company. The West Side Gold and Silver Milling company's claims are on the east exten sion of the. famous Diadem mine. 1 lie-: property was extensively worked last , spring, nut had to shut down owing to the ilack of funds. The gratifying news has I'liMiito Ti'iiiiM'uiitini'iiliil lioiitc lii'lwoi'i) tlio NiiilliuoM mill nil Points I'n-t. Clinitv nl' two iiuitt'f- through tin- 1 "union- KOCKY .MOUNTAIN SCENEKY mill i'niir mule.- eii( of Pitehlo utiil Denver. All ia,iitft,i fjranti'il u day Mop over in tlu- Mormon ('apilol or any where between Ofjtloti mid Denver. Peixninlly enntlucled tourii-t exeurs ions to Omaha, Kansas citv, St. Louis CHICAGO AND Till; EAST. For ticket.- nr any inl'uriimtion re ptnlitiL' routes, etc., cr fur descriptive ndvurli-iu iimtti'r, mil on agents of lirvpin luitlwuy tiiul Nnvipition Co., Orvpm !?liort Lino or Southern Pacific eonipnnii. S.,K.J1(X1EK G.'I. AT. A., "Denver, Col IL 0. N1CIIOL, Gen'l AKt. -Portlund, 0rgim. Joshtta Hendy Machine San Francisco Works California j The "Hendy Improved" Triple Discharge Two Stamp Mill 1900 MODEL Careliy . 6 lo to tons per day Wei(ht ol Mill complete with 8so-IK stamps, 8n lbs. ' " " tooo-lh. " gooo lbs. I'owrr requlreJ lo Jilvc'8$o-lb. stamp mill J II. I. ' tooo-lb. " ....7 H. P Dlscharce area 465 square Inches. KINIi OILINO CAM SHAFT IIOXES QUARTZ, HYDRAULIC, MINING AND SAW MILL MACHINERY. WATER WHEELS AND WATER MOTORS, PROSPECTING PLANTS GENERAL MINING SUPPLIES Estimates and Catalogue on Application Davis IIoivu Power IlmVtin;,' Whims Solf-Diiiiipiiif; Ore, and Witter Skips Ore mid Water Uueketrt Mining Cars and Tee Kail "Triumph" and Hi-inly.NorlmniB ConeentratorsOre Criixhciv, Ore Feeders, Crti-hin Rolls Hoilei-s, Kniiuy and Pumps, Hoist iit, Puiiipin and Irrigating Plants Oil and Oasolinn Kngiiies and lloisU Air Compiv.-sors and Itoek Drills Saw Mill Mnehinory. 3ft Impact Water Wheel rrrr irr- i m m j&jp I 1- A 1 1 ; ". STAMP MILLS wood ok iron fra.uk Self-contained aills Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg. Co. INCORPORATE PORTLAND, OREGON f K 1 '-1 I iB and 0 Flrs-t llnl.iN'rur Plnr I Cawston & Company. Successors to H. P. GREGORY & COMPANY Engines, Boilers Machinery and Supplies... PORTLAND, ORE l