THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 9, 1901 The Sumpter Miner I'.iper dI the 'I own ol Sumpter. I'limisiiiii iww tiv MAKMI nil J. W. i.ONNIil.l.A ... 11 SUHSf.MII'tlC IMII s Om W.u SU Monili AIU US IN AJIVAM I. I nliri'.l ill Hie pmliillUr in Sumplrt, On iron, fur IritiHifiUslini ihridili llu iimIU .is MConJ das maftt-t. WllA'l interests the jeople of Sumpter ami. nt .nursi I III- MlNlilJ :ikn :il tills. wrhlng mure thru the U1ient.1l trade, is the tt.ide ol the suiioiiiidhig mining '"ill's. Il- II is a lad that litires cannot lie, thru thev in the some egregious blunders seni.oi..isliiuallv. l:or Institute, the di rector of ill- mint reports Oregon's gold production l-ist year at only f1.i7s.72n. SUA 1 1 l.l: is now r.iu.n-ed In its ihirj ! great con game; I diking thousands of , IriiHK-euis lu stampede to the luzeii i.i.rlli I in the vain search tor gold-a ho are ex- ( peeled to buy their outtits in Seattle, ut lllllsr Will N any man in putills life makes a slateuirut leg.iriliug any matter ol public 1 IntncM u lik hi-, nut in accorJaine with the bigoled, ideas ol the Port-1 land d lilies, those p.ipei.s Imsten to an tiouiite editmially that so and sols "work ing his mouth again" rvldeutly think lug that this is the acme of sarcasm and. that the whole business is thus deliuitely I disposed ul. I IN rill: house yesterday the Itiirleigh re-1 iipporliiintmeul plan, Instead of that ol Hopkins. Hie Huilrlgh meas ure likteises the membership ol that body Irom 157 In )H6 Che represent ition of no state Is decretsed and the following gain: Illinois, New York and Texas, three each; Minnesota, New Jersey and! Pennsylvania, two e.uh, and Arkansas, I California, Colorado, Connecticut, I'Torl-1 da, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, ' Mlssouii, North Caiolliia, Nortli Dakota, Washington, West Vitginia and Wis-1 cousin, one eaih. YlSll:RI)AV the senate, while consid eiiug the atmv irorg.inl it ion bill, restor ed the ptovislun for post canteens, which had been omitted Pv the house, livery once in a while the senate takes some such wise step as this, uhuh impiesses upon the dlsterulng publU that the fathers acted wisely when they provided that one branch nl the nillonal legislature should not br illicitly .ucoiiulable to the people fur Its aitlons; that it should be removed in a measuie I10111 the lullueuces ol the tool mob's wild, end 1 hanging clamor. At this stage ol the national game, It seems particularly ImpoM int United Stales senatois should nut be elected by direct vote ul the people, now when so many quatlei-ediicatrd quacks are en deavoring to pose as leadets lu some silly reform. IN ClIICAOi) last evening Hry.111 scored a Center shot it Plfwl mil's, riiutrlv t. at ueveiiuu s poweis re-, posltorv when he said: "Some seem to think that they can be outside tor voting puiposesaud inside lot purposes of reorga nization." Speaking of the currency ques tion, he pertinently remarked: "Whether the money question will figure prominent ly In future campaigns will depend upon , i Ifcumstances which no one can measure ' m Pta.tiie.Goij (ciucibiea,sa), vs-goia. a.11 ... ... ,. ..,.,, rrTc: golJ. slher. copper. $i.o. A liberal ais- With Celtaillty. Is desired is a SuHl- count on all bill, over $n A share ol our work dent quanty of money to keep pace with ' r"""r ' the demand for money. If an unexpected - and unpromlsed increase In the out put. of p fc"- starh, gold restores the level of prices and pro- Attorney-at-Law texts the producers of wealth from the evils of an appreciating dollar, those who Cmur, or. iiifh St. Sunpur, Orto have labored for bimetallism will rejoice more heartily than the financiers who ad vocateJ a Rold standard at a time when gou wa scarcer anu rue uonar was De- .1 -1 1 cnmliig dearer." Activity Around Pnire City. Elmer Cleaver, of the Prairie City Land company, returned from that thriving town l-rld.iy and remrts mining matters' over there in good condition. The new ! nwnets if the Clifford mine, Messrs. ' Morrv and son, expect to strike the I'dge ' within a few feet more and at a depth of , 400 feet. Tlie Cnpperopolis will resume I work next w el with a large force and, continue a I winter. A rich strike was t made a few days sltue in the Prairie Dig KiiiKs property, a lew miles west of H...1.1.. f-i.. Mr I !..,, ...., il,... I. vrv little snow over there, In fact Dixie mountain has only about one foot of the' "Ileecy," which is something unusual. While business is good In Prairie and the oilier John D.iy valley towns, It Is ex - peeled to be much better than ever this spring and summer. Mining will receive the attention of outside people that it lias never known before. The railroad situation will develop Into something deli '' "' '""I wwlc being consummated! ""ner.-isi at present, win put new me and vigor Into that part of Grant county. Al the Club saloon, Dunphy & Gert- ridge serve a line of goods equal to any that money will buy. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER,nl Capital Stock f 20,000 on 11:1 ws. I. II. Knllins President I. W. Scrlber VIce-PreslJent limits NrtstanJs .... Cashier IHUICIOMS. J. W. S.rlber H. II. Mlllrt .1. W. MrJ i.l.iikSniJrl II. Rnbblns Trmisiicls a (iciicnil Hanking mill lCxclinnt! Himiio Inlrirsl I'.il.l in Depotlls 1 - .RANK J. DAVY ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Woik a Specialty 2010 CCNTCR ST. BAKER CITY, OREGON 444 -- I. O. R. M. , i:iAN TDIIII So. ai. ImprmeJ OrJu UeJ Men, meet 1 ii.k.m. iij'i al the iili - 1 i.i.Ii...i. n,,,,!, ., .,. T1.....1.S m..ih oi ..m. moon All Ke.t Men sltlting our hunting grounjs I aie orltiimr. GtOWiiK llAKLU, ' A. J. I tuw.Gol U Sachem. I -- .-.--. .... ...vw... ........ ... ... w IILIAM II. STHOIT SON i?ji Arapalior Si., Demon, ColoiaJu. Eslabllthrsl In ColoraJu In iKto filJSSXSZjftL" JRS. TAPE & PEARCE, ' Physicians and Surgeons 1 "" '- 0. W. TAI'F, m. 11. Tele plione Main j. SUMI'UM, OufcflOV SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUMPTEK, OREGON Owners of all the choice acreage sur- rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots " easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL, Manager. E. ' CLEM & CO. MINING INVESTMENTS ! Proprtl Easmlnarl and Raported on. Mtrnbtr Port lino inin I0C icnint 46 THIRD ST PORTLAND, ORE. CHAS H CHANCE 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW j Pnnins , ...j , Hlr. . B.lllk of Sumnter Building, SUMPTER. OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Ailrnllon Given In Surgery and lu Dli. eases ol Womrn. Orfic Ciranlle Street nea Mill noin iiiock; ReslJence, pENNER & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors for Oregon, Wash ington. Uaho anj Montana. Engineers (or the Sumpter Townsltt Company, l.lmlteJ. Uni'irtrtiiai iri Patint Smifi. mi Oriktln. Im Prltln H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Bargain, In Sumpter District ljuartt uaimt. SUMPTER, OREGON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, IIAKtU CITV, t OBEOON Reliable plans, tpeclfiralloni an J estimates lurnlsheJ ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor (or Oregon anJ Uaho. I:xamlnatlans anj reports on mining proper lies. Ottice llh Little (ilant Mining Co. Miil Stuelt. -; Sui'ri!B. OocaoN. INSUMANCL'. ltL. MANNING, UBAL USTAIU City RecurJer nj Notary Public. Collections Abstracts Agent lor I jtlclJe I lie Lxtlngulslier. Sumpter. .ISTOTT si SHELTON, SAM V. MOII J. I'. SMU.TOS Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER. OREGON . YV. H. W. HAMILTON. Mining anj Consulting Engineer. Mining Properties Examines!, RepnrteJ On anj I or Sale. Morelne and Meal CoJe. Uox OX !. SUMPTER. OREGON E, T. FREEMAN Public Stenographer All Kinds' "of Work Done at ReasowrWe t It AlCS 1 Room t; First Bank ol Sumpter I ilVI Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy. Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C. C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO 1 AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Ruilding. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U S. MAILS. SUMI'TER-CANYON ROUTE. ;)o p. m, :io p. m. 1:40 p. m. U., Ar.. Lv.. Ar .. Stumpier Ar ...CllflorJ ....Lv ...UlllnrJ Ar . Austin .. . .Lv 10: )o a. m. 8:00 a. m. 7:10 a. ra. :oo a. n. r.a p Cnnnectlni. al Austin ulilt .i.n.. f..r r-.n..AK -i.u .. i.i..i. r-T:;; " "" s... 1:40 p, m. I Lv ClltforJ .. ,.Ar 7:10 a.m. yoo p. m. I Ar. ..tlonama. ..Lv 6:10 a.m. Connecting at Honama vlih stages for Pyx, Robinsons ille, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan anj Uelcher mines. SUMPTER-URANITE ROUTE u:o p. m. I Lv. t'lo p. m I Ar.. . Sumpter Ar 10:0a a. ra. .Ciranlle Lv 7:00 a. a. Livery at Granite 10 North Fork, Rest Boy, Ban ittt and ajacent mints. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE !: p. m. 1:00 p. m. i:io p. m. Lv Sumpter... ..Ar Ar Bourne Lv Ar Columbia Lv )o a. too a, "" Including North Pole, E. E. Clima, Okloajisl ai lactni mints. EAT