The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 09, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, January 9. 1931
Capital $500,000
(Cell. Met. HunW-r lllll CinlJ Mnc Co.)
Al.llliUT Gl:ISI:K,
(I'rolJert Ullri-njltank)
l:(Jfil:NI: Sl'liRKY,
l. C. PhNIXANI),
Grizzly Gold
Mining Company
In 1,000,000 shares of the
par value of Fifty Cents
Each. Treasury Stock
-b Treasury Stock at TEN CENTS Per Share
CASH BASIS All Cash Purchasers Receive a Discount of Five Per
Cent on the Investment.
INSTALLMENT BASIS Purchasers May Secure Stock in Blocks
of 1000 Shares and Upwards, Payable 10 Per Cent Down and 10
Per Cent Each Month Until Paid.
Affords an opportunity for profitable investment that cannot be equaled in the Sumpter District. The mine is now
being actively operated and has reached a degree of development practically assuring the stability of the mine.
The ledge, carrying high values in gold, copper and silver, is over 40 feet in width. Work is being rapidly pushed,
tunnelling and sinking on the ledge, blocking out ore and adding to the pay dumps, and it may be expected that
the mint1 will be a producer and the company a dividend payer at an early date. Every dollar realized by the
company from the sale of treasury stock is being used for improving the property. The sale of stock will be con
tinued until the mine is a producer,. As development progresses the price of stock will be advanced.
Secure this stock now at 10 cents. That it will be worth its par value within 12 months is a conservate es
timate. Subscriptions for stock may be sent to the company direct, or to the First Bank cf Sumpter, Sumpter, Ore.
For Prospectus and Further Information, address,
Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore.
Finbt Bank or Iumhr Sumpiih, Om.
Cmiin Ban Bahcm Citv Omcoon
Quart Prospecting Hat Largely Succeeded
Placer Mining.
A mining region, one of exceptional In
trrest, is situated eight miles in a
norlliwcsteily direction from H.iler City,
now known as the Nelson placets. The
history ol this district would
luiuish (or a novel. I he yellow
111rl.1l was discovered in AkCord and
Washington gukhes, In this district, as
rally as 1862, slniewhMi time thousands
upon thousands ol doll, us have been ex
tracted Irum the bedrock gravel, j ptesldent. Samuel Baldwin, an expert
Slmc irifu tinny a man his taken out enced mining man, is pushing the work of
his loitiuie Itom this vast deposit and lelt developing the White Babbit, up AkCord
thetoiuittv. I hat this placer gold was gukh. I he showing on the claim for the
rattled their liom decomposed iiurt amount ol work done, is perfectly satis
Irdges higher up in the mountains is he- factoiy, showing Indications of a very
lug demunstiated to a irilaiuly sliue the ' .strong lead. Several new leads have re
run) quail mining lias dawned upon cently been struck on the Little Quart
this sretlou ol the country. A lew eats claim, property of the .M.iden brothers,
ago piospntois weie looking for placer I'hls property is located a short distance
which they are now working at a good
The source from whence came all this
placer gold has scarcely been tapped; the
rich quartz, ledges which are being devel
oped up the gulches In close proximity,
are telling the story; solving the mystery
and revealing the secret source from
whence came so much gold. Mr. Nelson,
the pioneer miner of eastern Oregon, who
located the Nelson placer mines away
back in the '60s, is now with a large
force of men working the ( iiinbolt quart
mining claim, property of the l.e H )l Min
ing company, of which Mr. Nelson Is
gold oul) ; they would pass ovrr the rich
qvi.ut ledgrs without giving then the sec
ond thought. Some of the now famous
mines of Sumptrr and Granite wete sren
by prosptois as as i860; In
l.'ut, a man now a resident of San Joaquin
county, California, located sevetal quart
claims in the vicinity of Granite in iSio.
It is not, howem, the object of this at
Hoe to dwell to any extent on any mining
dlstrkt other than the one referred to the
.Nelson placets.
up AkCord gulch, and witli proper work
performed it would prove a prolitable ship
per of oie. The Old Soldier and loin
Paine, properties of .Mr. Hackett, also lo
cated about a quarter of a mile up Ak
Cord gulch, .ue woudeiful properties, and
although they are not being worked at
present, their s'alue is known. Hither
of these cl ilms could keep a mill busy for
time indefinite. There will be some mines
opened up in tills section that will sur
prise the world as anything can be. Every
While it is a lad that these diggings Indication points that way. Some of the
have, lo a certain degree, been worked ' greatest of eastern Oregon mines areas
out, there is yet considerable ground be- yet sleeping In their mossy graves, undls
lug profitably worked. A Portland firm, turbed, undiscovered and unknown, wait
er company, now the owner of a part of lug to respond to the tap of the prospec
the Nelson placer ground, at the mouth of
Salmon creek gulch (now known as Ba
ker gulch), l the possessor of some rich
Baker & Harryman are also In posses
sion of good placer ground In this vicinity,
tor's pick. Maden brothers, Darker and
Hatrymaii, James Cavan and several
others, have some exceptionally good
quartz claims in this vicinity, all of which
show strong leads from which good assays
are procured. While it is a fact that these
I mountains spurs of the Blue mountains
have been but little prospected, great
I activity will be noticeable here during the
. next twelve months. Nor would it be a
surprise to those men who are In a po
sition to know to see one of Maker's
county's greatest mining camps right here
within eight miles of Baker City inside of
another year. W. A. J. In Telegram.
Rich Rock Creek.
The Chloride mine 011 Hock creek,
owned by Tennessee people, and which
has been under a systematic course of de
velopment for over a year past, Is said to
be making as line a showing as any mine
in the county. It N very probable Itsown
ers will have a mill erected on it in the
spring. Other properties In the vicinity
of the Chloride are likewise developing
into good mines and it is now conceded
that the Hock Creek district Is one of til.
best mineral belts in the eastern Oregon
gold tields. Democrat.
I'he Bock Creek district Is situated a
little north and east of the Cable Cove
section, which Is now attracting the atten
tion of the leading milling men, both here
and in the east, and will be the scene of
greates activity in eastern Oregon this
summer. '
Half the Utual Snowfall.
Oregon's snowfall up to date Is about
half the average of other years. Forecast
Official Beals has received reports from 43
points in the mountain districts of the
coast and eastern Oregon. With but a
single exception the repotts indicate con
siderable of a deficiency in the snow fall.
This exception is a point in Union county,
where an average snowfall Is reported.
The dlfficiency is about the same In the
Coast range as in the Blue mountains of
eastern Oregon. The reason for the
shortage in the snow crop is the high tem
perature during December, which pro
duced rain Instead of snow. Telegram.
Director Robert! Issue HI Preliminary
George B. Boberts, director of the
mint, has made public his preliminary es
timate of the production of gold and sil-
ver In the United States during the calen
1 dar year 1000. The aggregate of gold is
t given as 570,322,281, and of silver Jj6,
361,411 The Nome gold and silver production
for 1000 Is given as $5,100,000, and that
of the Klondike, which includes both
American and Canadian fields, $22,287,
566. The product of the Canadian mines
Is not included in the figures given.
The following Is the production by
states ai.d territories In go'd value and of
silver In line eunces:
State. Gold.
California $14,377,200
Colorado 20, 500,000
Malm 2,067,173
Montana 5,126 315
Oregon 1,175,726
Washington 826,873
In connection with the above comes the
report of the United States assnyer In
charge of the assay office at Helena, Mon
tana, who has announced his estimate of
the metal output of that state for 1900, as
follews: Copper, $41,246,250; silver,
$21,607,500; gold, $4,960,000, lead, fcjoo,
410; total, $68,723,160.
Lively Times Ahead.
Hon. John M. Burke, the prominent
Northwest mine promoter, who has been
operating in Butte for the past six months,
Is expected to arrive here in a few days.
Also a number of Baker county mine
owners and mine promoters are abroad'
and are expected to return this month.
Many big deals are talked of and lively
times In mining are probable In the near
future. Democrat.