The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 09, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    Wednesday, Januaty 9. igoi
J. B. Stoddard, J. H Robbins,
S. H. Bell, Incorporators.
At the office of Attorney N. C. Rlch.irds
the past werl, nrtkles were drawn for the
Incorporation of the Suinnter Lumber
rninpany, the Incorporators brine, J. H.
Stoddard, .1. II. Kobhins and Seymour II.
Itell. The capital slock of the company
Is fixed at f 50,000.
Dio Siunptrr Lumber company, as
known In the past, has been n private en
trrprise, conducted by J. It. Stoddard, one
of the present Incorporators, and has been
one of the most successful mills In east
ern Oregon.
It Is supposed the Intention of the new
company in putting In more money Is to
enlarge and otherwise advance the Inter
ests of the business, preparatory to a
heavy run during the cmiiIiik year'.
It has been Unown for months past that
Seymour II. Hell has been buying timber
lauds In this vicinity, and the presumption
Is that lliey were bought for the lumber
uud not (or speculation.
Managfr McCallum Exhibited It Here
Lail Friday.
Manager II. S. McCallum very proud
ly exhibited the first gold brlcl turned out
from the Mammoth mine last weel. The
production was not one of the usual
sle generally carried to market, but .1
miniature one, weighing fioo in value,
that can be carried as a pocket piece.
This little fellow, however, will soon be
melted up again and run into large moulds
wilh mom liiillliin, which will represent
thousands instead of hundreds.
Mr. McCallum reports the Mammoth
mill as working like a watch movement,
which fact Is not only gratifying to the
company, but a credit and source of satis
faction to both its manufacturers, the
Joshua I Irmly Machine works, of San 1
I'r.tnilscn, and to Millwright Mcl.alu,
who dialled the plans and put the ma
ihinrry In place hi the buildings, which he
also rrritrd.
I he iMammoth company Is certainly a
(ordinate one, from the fact tint It
can start lis mill running on a million
dollar body of ore; with everything paid
tor and money In the bank besides.
I he liald Mountain mill will start up
about l;ebiuary 1, under the same con
ditions, so far as having everything paid
foi, as Miuager McCallum has recently
returned fiom Denver, where final pay
ments weie made on the property.
Dr. IVarce spent .Monday in Sumpter.
.Mr. and Mrs. Giillilli let t this lorenoon
for Portland ami San lir.iucisco.
Dr. G. W. Cole, ol I'endlrlon, cime
in toJay to assht Dr. Block hi in a sin
glial operation.
Mas Schulphis, recent candidate for
city 111 uslial, is engaged at the Honana
mice as day engineer.
CI. ilk Snyde his gone to California to
buy a few acres of oil wells, Joe Mikel
went down a few weeks since and is tak
ing a fier in oil.
Joseph Marlon, general passenger agent
of the Sumpter V.i'lev railroad, came up
l-'riday; also James II. (iraham of the
Whllney Townsite company.
I he ladles having in charge the Sump
ter free reading room, will give a grand
Valentine lull February 14. A supper will
be served consisting of Iresh eastern
The cable of the new tramway between
the the North Pole mine and the mill has
been strung and as soon as made taut
and the ore buckets hung, will be ready
to operate.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Neill returned Sat
urday from Prairie City, where they spent
a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lang. The
1 former Is manager of the branch store
there and Mrs. Lang is their daughter.
Peter Joyce, foreman at the Bald Moun
tain mine, fell sixteen feet yesterday,
striking his face on an ore car. It was
badly lascerated and bruised, but no bones
were broken. He Is receiving treatment
at Dr. Tape's hospital.
A. G. Hawley, representing Clinton E.
Wordeu & Co., manufacturing pharma
cists, of San Francisco, spent Sunday in
Sumpter for the first time. He left pleased
witli the town and says he will be back
in the spring to stay .1 white.
Their many friends regret to learn of
the death of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hurt's
Infant daughter, which occurred Wednes
day, January 2. The little one was born
to them only two nights before, on New
Years eve, and was buried on Thursda,
in tile cemetery here.
The Sumpter Social society will give a
night cap social Friday evening. Bach
lady Is expect id to prepare a lunch for
two and put .1 cap In .1 basket to match
one she keeps, and the gentleman who
buys the basket will eat supper with the
one who has the cap to match. All mem
bers are expected to be present.
George W. Hayes, register of the
United States laud office at Hums, Ore
gnu, came in last Friday on his way to
Portland and San Fiaudsco, on a business
trip. Some way or other the United
States laud offices of eastern Oregon have
a remarkably line set of men In charge of
them and Mr. Hayes Is certainly not an
exception to this rule.
Frank S. Halllie, of the Columbia mine,
returned Friday from a hurried trip east,
having been gone but a week or ten days.
He was surprised to see the deep snow
here, which he says was no where else in
evidence along the road until he reached
Sumpter. I here was decided cold
weather, however, which tills section has
not been troubled with much.
Fred Chapman, formerly at the Ibex
mine, where Ills lather, Siincoe Chapman,
was manager, has been here for the past
week looking after work 011 the Hurouian
group of claims, near the Ibex. A con
tract is being carried out by Tom Dress
ier, for 200 feet ot tunnel. This property
is incorporated under the name of the Hu
rouian Gold Mining company and olticcred
by Portland men. It is said to be a good
one and will nuke a big showing when
the winter work is completed.
Lcuoni in Lace.
Mrs. Marsh, next door to MlNHR office
will give practical instiuctions in lace
work. Materials and hundreds of pat
terns to select Irom
Private Table Board.
I will furnish private board to a few
desiring such, at my residence nn North
street, near Center. Mrs. C. li. Duck-
Those who know the comforts of a good
hotel, always patronise The Capital; Mrs.
1 G. It. I edrowe, proprietor.
Dunphy ' Gertridge's Club saloon Is
the popular resort lor mining and com
mercial men.
Only the best brands of liquor" and
cigars at the Club saloon of Dunphy &
The best Is always cheapest buy Giant
Development of the Hurouian Group.
Always reliable Giant powder.
Use Giant powder, fuse and caps.
Never fall Giant powder.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
Neill Mercantile Co.
Mens' $5 Shoes
at $3
all sizes from
6 to JO
Neill Mercantile Co.
The New Olympia
E. E. HAUSER, Proprietor
(StlCCHlor 10 llGNRV riNQRH
Newly refitted and Fine Oold (1884)
remodeled. . . . Hermitage Whis-
All the best brands key
of Liquors and Ci- Olympia Beer, bot-
gars handled. . . tie or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
TIIOS. McEWCN, IV tIJrnt anj CirntMt Minasrrr T. G. HARRISON. Vlcel'rtt.ind Trtai.
JAS. NEWLANDS. Secretary
Sumpter Transportation Co
Most Complete livery equipment
in Eastern Oregon, teams al
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines.
Hauling Heavy Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.