Wednesday, January 9, 101 THE SUMPTER MINER 11 OUR GOLD FIELDS. There Are Now 400 Stamps Dropping. Not since the four California miners dis covered gold in Gritlin's ruIcIi In October, 1861, has there been such favorable con ditions for mining as has been experienced In the eastern Oregon gold fields during the last eight months. Willi an early spring and a late fall, with little snow or mud to interfere with travel, the mining industry has progressed as never before in Baker and adjoining counties. While "the woods" have been full of prospectors, and greater development work has been done than ever before, there have been few new Mi Ikes reported of any consequence. This is accounted for by the fact that much of the prospect ing has been done by companies who have bonded old claims and continued the work already done, white the prospecting done on new ground has been simply to hold the property till next year, when a large amount of development work must be done. One year ago there were nine regular producing mines in the various camps and 14 Irregular producers. At this time there are 15 producers with about the same number of Irregular producers, or mines where machinery Is being constructed for reducing ore. The new mills, or mills having new machinery put In for enlarg ing their plant are, the Gold Hill, 10 stamps; the Empire, 10 stamps; the Bra zos, 10 stamps; the Mammoth, 10 stamps, the Bald Mountain, 20 stamps; the Gol conda, 10 new stamps; the Columbia, 10 new stamps. There are 400 stamps that are sup posed to be dropping1 In the various camps in Baker county. Some of these stamps are temporarily Idle, due to various causes. Mills are being enlarged, new machinery being put in or pending sale or explor ations being made for deeper work. There are about 100 more stamps in the district that are idl-, not mentioned in the above list. These are in mills on old properties that have been worked out, or, if not exhausted, then ruined by bad man agement and In bad shape. There have been just eighty stamps ad ded to the active workers in the last year. There are also about the same number in process of construction which will be ready for next year's work. A large amount of hoisting machinery has also been put in place and consider able deep sinking has been going on. The district east of the city has taken a new start and present indications are that the old Virtue district will rival Cracker Creek, Itniianza and the Granite districts before the close of the coming sea son. A most conservative estimate indicates that before the close of the season of 1901 there will be 10 new dividend producing mines added to the list of producers in the eastern Oregon gold fields. Approximately the district lias produced $3,000,000 In gold this year, 1000. The Improvements which are in process of construction will raise that figure to at least $5,000,000 for the year 1901. Baker City correspondent In holiday edition of Boise Statesman. Captain Thompson's Placer Proposition. A very Important step was taken by the Gold Bullion Mining company of Oregon, when the owners met the other day and reorganized, by increasing their capital stock from $100,000 to $500,000, and the purchase of 640 acres of placer ground. The company owns a dredger on Snake river at Big Bend, where their placer grounds are situated. The com pany contemplates putting in an electric plant at Parma, where the water is ample, and convey the power to operate the dredger a distance ofio miles, saving thus the useless expense of hauling coal to the dredger. The raise In the capital stock was found necessary to secure adequate funds to carry on this enlarged project, as It has been demonstrated that by cheap ening the cost of power a fair profit can be made from the cleanups of the dredger. The owners of the property are, J. S. Kenyon, Captain C. H. Thompson, A.S. McComns and Hon. William Smith, thus showing that this is practically a home enterprise. Republican. TIMIlCR LAND. ACT JUNE . 1878. IOK I'UIILICATION. NOTICE UnltrJ States UnJ Ofiicc. I La GranJe, Oregon, December it. igoo I Notice is hereby Riven that In compliance with the provisions of the act o( Congress of June i, 1878, en titled "An act (or the sale ol timber lanJs In the States ol California. Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing ton Territory," as extenJcJ to all the Public LanJ States by act of August 4. 1841, UNDBN 0. STUTUR, of Sumpter, County of llaker. State of Oregon, has this Jay fiteJ In this office his sworn statement No. T 10, for the purchase of the M nw( sec. 15, anj ejj ne!(, of section No. 14, In township No. 10 s, range No. it li. W. M., anj will oiler proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish Ills claim to said lanJ before the Register anj Re ceiver of (hlsollcccat La GranJe, Oregon, on Satur day, the oth day of March, 1901. lie names as witnesses: D. S. McCoy, V. R. MeaJ, Clarke SnyJe, anJ Irwin GatewooJ, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming ajversely the above JescrlheJ lanJs are requested to file their claims In this oltice on or before saM uth Jay of March, 1901. l W, lUHTLI'TT, Register. TIMlinR LAND. ACT JUNE i. 1878.-NOTICI: TOR I'UIILICATION. J Unlti-J St lies Land Oflice, La Grande, Oregon, Doc, 38, tgoo. Notice Is herebv Driven that In compliance with the I provisions of the act ol Congress ol June 1, i8?8, entitled "An act for the sale ol tlmbei hnJsin the states of California, Oregon, NcvaJ 1, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1841, ORLANDO C. KOONTI of Hereford, County of llaker, State of Oregon, has this Jay hleJ In this ntlire his sworn statement No. t lor the purchase of the se'( sw1, of section No. I?, In township No. 11 south, range No. )3 E W At, and will offer prool to show Hi it the land sought Is more saluabte lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to esl.illish his claim to said land belure the Register and Receiver ol this oftice at I a Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of At irch, toot. He names as witnesses: Thomas AtvlJsoti, K. II. Ware, James I leelwoJ, Jr., I ted I'erry, all ul Here lord, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims in this office on or belore said 16th Jay of .March, got, Jans t i:. W. ItsRUIlTT, Register. Famous, PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE Tn the honorable Hoard of County Commissioners of Maker County, Oregon. We, the unJerslgned cillens of llourne Prescind, llaker County, Oregon, humbly petition our honor able IniJy to grant n license to Anderson & At irsh to sell spirituous, inous and malt liquors In iuanliile less than one gallon, in the town ol lioutne, for the period of three () months from lebruir) 1, loot, anJ tor such 11ur petitioners will ever pray Thus Alcliulre, I rank AicL.inn, John Council, Thomas Ward. I rank Weir. EG White. I'll lint, i l: Johnson. II it Cadds. Cll Cook Urn Shea, Win I lint. John T Rusk, s A llrmrrs. W At I rands, A II Sleile, GN r.ivlor. Allen Mcl'liee, lAnsleid, Chas I nele. DiWd L', R I) Wainock, l l'Oike, I) (i llr inner, I 'at AUiris, Chas (1 North, John He.1g.1n, Huney AlcKenna.A I Goldthiiip. E C llr.ilurd, W T Campbell, lleniy I'ngle, (Jias At llostmiin, in III llr. W J I vans, Allred Cisanbon, John .Spur, I'at VrrunJi, C I- Kear, A J l Dress, A J TaJlikk, Ward O Or J C I'usl. I R McN.1m.1ra. At W Heck- WRinkin.Jolin AtcGill. Gen G Ihli. I.I. Diy, I. II Aklns. I C While, J NeUeikoin, I' liar kins, II II Wilson, I'J Rao son, W II Sptncer, Chas C Hill, W S thinner, R N Wall, V II lljlesry. Hen (i Ross. Norici. Notice Is lieiel'v given that the said Anderson & Atirsli will apply In the sii J ccuntj court ol Hiker county Inr the granting nt said lUense on the list diy of January, tgoi, or as soon thrrealler as their petition can be lieirj. ANDLHsON Si AUusll. I Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of llaker Counts , Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Annie Clemens, de ceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, U T. Ilrock, ddmlnlslrator of Hie estate ol Annie Clemens, deceased, to the creditors of, and all per sons having claims agalns the said estate, to exhibit them together with the necessary vouchers, within the next six months alter the lirst put licalion ol this notice, to wit: The twelfth day ol December, n, to the administrator at his oftice, at lite corner ot Granite and Atlll streets, in the town of Sumpter, Haker County, Oregon, the same being a place for the transaction of business ot the said estate In said county. L. T. IlkOCK, Administrator Dated, Sumpter, Ore., December 11, 1400. HiWcTOFTORFllTURlf. To Steve Leyden and W. W. Thurmens You are hereby notified that A. J. Tajlock, your co-owner In that certain mineral claim known as the Peacock, being situated on the McCully fork about four and a halt miles northwest of Sumpter and near the Granite road In Uaker county, has performed as sessment work as required by law and you are re quired within 00 days from date hereof to pay your proportion ot the expenditure upon said claim. A. J. TADLOCK. Sumpter, Oregon, December 10, looo. First publication Dec 10, 1000, last March ?o, 1901. HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company PHrihiirrr SUMPTER, OflECtON J ASK FOR HOP GOLD POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OHM.UI.I) HY llll: 0. R. & N. CO. DLI'AHT Chicago Portland Special 10-45 P m Atlantic Express a: IS p m 8 in I) illy Ex. Sun.t.ty 8 p m Saint J ty 10 p m 6 a tu Ex. SunJay 7am Tues. Thur. and Sat 6 m Tues. Thur. and Sat. leave Rlparla Dally TIME S( HIDUI.ES I rom Hiker City Salt Like, Denver.. It sv tiiiii , wiiiail.l, sis Llll, St. touls Chicago anj last. Silt lake. Denver, It Worth, Onuha, Kan sas Cltv, M. I null, Chicago and East. vsatii nam, lewmon, Spokane, Minneapolis St. Paul, Diihith. .Mil waukee, Chicago and ,.., OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing dues subled to rli ntge. lor Sin I i.nntsco Sail every 5 Jivs. COI ll.MHIA RIVI.R STEAMERS To Astotl i and landings. Wav WILAMIH IE RIVI.R Oregon Cltv, New berg, .s.ilfin, injepeiMeiue iiiki wav-laiuings. WHIAMETrE&YAM- llll L. KIVI.KS Oiegon Cltv, Pavton anj way-i anjtngs. WILLAMETTE RIVER Portland In Corvallls and Way-Landings SNAKE RIVER Rlparla tn Lewlstnn ARRtvn i'4 a m J P 10-45 p m 4 I'm .. l'm l.x. Sunday 4: p m l.x. Sunday f 10 n m Aton. Wed. and hi. 4. o rf m on., Wee". Aton. 1 and I ti. Leave Lcwlstfa Dally H. C. ROWERS, Agent,, Haker City, Oregon tWcrsAiT iakCSh RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN ftNI'ntNt Mill iMl 0'a pioV Wo Ilavo Daily 1'Vt Trains tti lite EAST If you cannot take t lit; morning train, travel by I ho evening train. Iloth mo fully ciiiiic(l. OUUKI'KCIAIi'lRS FA.STTI2ilK TIIHOLKiH SIOUVICK Through I'alacti and Tourist Sleep or. Dining Car ami Hulletl Library Cars. First-class I'Yco Iteclining Chair Cant. Hour in time saved to Omaha, Chicago, Kan-as City, Now York, Boston and other Kmtcrii point. Tickets good via Halt Lake City anil Denver. It is to your interest to use the Overland Itoutc. Ticket and sleeping ear berths can lie secured from 11. c. nowEiis Agent O. It. & N. CO. linker City, Oregon Or, J. II. LATIIHOI', Gcn'l Agt. 135 Third St., I'ortlund, Ore. I B DENVER A niO CRANDC or I S COLORADO MiSLAND RAILROADS THREE DISTINCT ROUTES AMI IMl MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMERICA. IF l ff IV flUNnttNll"IML tltl PAtftiMI ItiniGllV 1HHOW1H (jilAtftT ANtl pH 1llHIV"f SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLE, COLORADO SPRINGS mid DENVER. ftlpv.r. all.w.4. Tite 1110 niisHur wehii iih hmivs-av oi-FHAtrii liiiitt. rAsr iriAihu ioihe Eaur DAILY. OAllliriNO Pullman Palace and Pullman Ordinary Slatatrs TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO WltH'MII f NINUt fnm Raolinlna Chair Car. Poifoct Dlninu-Car Sarvloa. 101 istiMMSltON ill H.Mimitrs iwitnf or J. D. Mansfield '"pJitiinToriiori nCO.W,N(INTIlC.,lla..'rBl.,allLak0My Sumpter & Bottling Works Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. jH jt J J J Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. jt jt j j j SUMPTER, OREGON