K) THE SUMPIER MINER Wednesday, January 9, 1901 .fc $ SUMPTER, OREGON s W UMP'IEK is located in the Blue Mountains, 42.29 feet above sea level, healthful climate, and is the commercial, banking, mining and distributing center for the entire district for many miles in all ditections, and, different from most mining towns, it is a model little city ol homes lot the sur lounding district. 1898 1899 1900 &. 1 ! eh T rHE YEARS 1901 and 1902 promises to excel all past records in the giowth of Sumpter, and add many paying mines to our present large number. Well located real estate purchased now will increase many times in value in the next one to three years. Take advantage of the op portunity now offered. POPULATION, 1898, 350; 1899, 1,500; 1900, 3000 Amount Merchandise Carried. December. I NO, S 211,11011 December, .S!I!I, I (Ml, 111)11 December, lllltll, .Till, (Hill Value ol Impiovements. IM0.S, 2.,MIII: 100. I.m.IMMI; 1000, '."( I, I II II I. Brick Buildings. IH'.IM i,; 1800. Ili.'Ucct front- age, 7" feet ol which is two story; HUM), IMS Crl frontage, KM) feel iif which two -tiiry. Total In ilalc, .'in I led. Streets Graded and Paved. I HUM c; IH!I!I, nunc; 1000. I8fl lift. !ilu miles of sidewalk I Mil It . $00,000 Water System. 1808, none; I Will, 10,000 e. H'inh(l in the coii-tiucliou of a gravity wulcr MHcin; 1000, 20, (KM) cicnilcil in ciiiiiilctiiill nf Mime. Ciinicil ol' icscrvoir, 1,200,000 million., Iiicnlcil I8." li'ct ahnvc I he level nl' iiinciial licet; III inch lcel main- Inini reservoir In hu-inev portion; l.'l lite IimIiiiiiI mi huine- ticcK File Depaitment. I M'.IS, nunc; l,H!l!l, t,iu chemical engine; MIIMI, two ho-e cults, '.'2(1(1 lie! hn-e, well ciiiiiKil honk ami huhlcr tiuck, I large chemical engine, .'I ilciaitiuciit buildings, hue mill hell Inwer. Lumber and Logs in 1900 Iwuiii willfni seven miles ol'Sump ler, hclwccn twenty-live ami thiilv iiiillioit feci w n cut limine the 'ear I'.MMI St ty '! i- A MODERN CITY OF 3000 POPULATION 1 1 nl, .t . ,.n i i 1 , 4! -'. ; , ; 30,000 Electric Light Plant, ' 1H!I0,8,V(M); 18!)!), (ifAU0 tu'l ilitiunal; l'.KIO, 20,000 addition ul. Capacity of plant, 2000 in ciimUccnt anil 40 arc lights. .Streets, well lighted. Public Schools, 1900. Large public school building with four rooms and one large room occupied in another huilding. Freight Received. 30,000,000 Ktinds freight re ceived over 8. V. It. It. during 1000; 2000 enrs, 270 of which were machinery for our mines. Thin required 7f00 four-horse tennis to transport it to the mines, or 20 foui-horse tennis each duy, or one four-horse team leaving here every !H) minutes, ten hours each day, during the year. Passengers. Pusscngcrs over S. V. It. It. dur ing 185)0, 27,000; 1000, 'M.W.U. 60,000 Transportation Outfit. 200 horses in use moving freight and passengers to the surrounding camps. Daily stages to Itnurnc, Granite, I ted' Hoy, Law ton, Hn naua, Clifford, Austin, Susan villi, 1'iairie City, John Duy, Canyon City and other points. New Brick Hotel. 8:ir,000 brick hotel huilding in course of construction; will he completed hy April 1, 1001. Sumpter .Manufacture all its huilding ma terial lumber, brick, etc. 4. LOTS $25 AND UPWARD address W, G CALDER, Secretary S T Co limited P. O. DRAWER 77. SUMPTER, OREGON ', ,