THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 2, 1901 COUNTY RECORDS. The following is the record of official business transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, January i, loot. UtAl LSTAT8 THANSItHS. Warranty dteJ-lVc jt, II K Hrown el ux to O B Stone. neK anj 8 acres nJjolnlng In ec 4 IP 9 r w $ u Warranty JeeJ-Pec 18. Title Guarantee anj Trust Co to Ira II SturgK lots )). 14 an J j, blk , Stewart's mj a.ln, Baker City 5 Warranty dreJ-Drc jo, Ira B Sturcet et ux to Wm P Hunter, lots 14 anj 35, blk Q, Stew art's nj aJri, Baker Clly icu Warranty deeJ-Ocl 1, F W l.pplnKcr et ux to LM White, lots )8 to 4). InclusKe, Mk 10 Stewatt's nJ aJn, Baker City uj Warranty deed-Dec n. Maty Richardson to K Martin, lots 11, i, i; anj 16, (irler aJn, anj tract aJJolnlnc Baker City 1 Warranty i'eeJ-Octii, Jack Cockelt to T C Melhan, lots 1 j, 14, is anj 16, Park Villa aJn BakerClty 1 Warranty JeeJ July 0, W II Ares et al 10 A Long, neji ol nw', anj n) of sejj.rec 10 iprr )9 ;lo Warranty JeeJ-Dec t, M West et ux to A Melville, blk 18, Leven aJn, BakerClty 430 Warranty JeeJ -Dec ?, W Brovles etuxto Obe Broyles. trutlee, w 60 acres In w sec itp8r4o. 440 Warranty JeeJ Dec iv, Jas Calmer et ux to I) 5 LltllelielJ, lots it anj 98, Mk i, Wllovale tuu Warranty JeeJ June a?. A N Church to Chas Dupile, lot 1 blk U, UeKoo aJn, Baker City.. w Warranty JeeJ Dec 37. Jno Waterman et ex to A IMummer, lot 10 blk 1, Sturgls & Croell aJn, BakerClty jjo Warranty JeeJ-Dec 6, Nettle DellorJ to J II DonalJ, w jo It lot 4 blk 5, llellner aJn to BakerClty too Warranty JeeJ Dec 7. Jno W Waterman et ux to N C Mission Society lot 1 1 blk 1, Stur tjes & Crowell aJn, BakerClty in Warranty JecJ-Oct ti, n P WanJ et vlr to T White J et al, lots 6, 7, 8 A 9. blk 4). Pacific aJn, BakerClty 700 Warranty deeJ Sumptrr Townslte Co to C S Warren Jr, lot 8 blk u. S T Co's 1st aJn to Sumpter , in Warranty JeeJ-Dec j, Whitney Townslte Co to CE Whitney, lot I blk 11, Whitney , to Warranty deed Jan 1, O W Mink, trustee, to P C Shine, lots 1 anj blk 19, Huntington.. Warranty deed Jan'is, O W Mlr.k, trustee, to I C Shine, blk 46, Huntington jto Warranty deeJ Dec jo, J J Hennessey et ux to Mary Brown, e s It ol lot 7 blk i.Sumpter 1 Quit claim Jeed-Apr 14, F J Stewart et vlr to S Given, ifoacrti In sees 8 &o tp 8 r 40.... 100 Warranty deed-Dec . Wm 'II Mosby to B Ballantyne. lot j blk 17, Sumpter T Co's 1st aJn, Sumpter 50 Warranty JeeJ Dec jo P DeRoo to James E Caster, lot 1 blk C, CeRoo aJn, Baker City tjo Warranty deed Dec 18, A N ShepparJ et ux to E J McCulloch, lot ! blk 1. llellner aJn, Ba ker City 700 Warranty JeJ-Dec , A W Ellis et ux to Wilson Investment Co, lots 7 to 11 blk 1 anj kit 8 blk , South Summer tuoo Quit claim JeeJ Nov 17, E S Grlttin to Annie ETemalJ, lols6& 7Secjtp ir 4) t Quit claim JeeJ Nox , Annie E FernalJ et vlr to D Caililfht et al 5 quit claim JeeJs to parts lot 6 an J 7 sec 3 tp 1 1 r 4 1 30 Quit claln deed Dec 4, Mary J Halg to Ann E LaJd.eJ ol n4 tlk 4, Stewart aJn, Baker City 1 MIMSO MATTLHS. Quit claim deeJ-Oct 17. B Rallanlne to p TletJen.unJM St Lawrence anJ Mt View qti claims 90 Quit claim deeJ-Dec 15, John Smith et al to J T BalJwin, und H SUney qtx ilaim 13 Quitclaim JeeJ Dec 6, W L Young et ux to W F Butcher, unj Int In Damp Peel and 8 other qti claims aoo Quit claim deeJ- Dec 16. EK Carey et ux to W F Allen et al, unj ) Banbeler qti claim.. 1 Quitclaim deed-Oct j. H Wall et al to F F Johnson, und H Alcondla qtt claim 33 Quit claim detd-Nov so. F W Morse et al to Baker County Mining Co. Edna Stevens qti claim. 600 Quit claim deed-Nov u ' H Pollock to J C Post, und H GolconJa qu claim 1 Quit claim deed-Dec so, W E Hurd to George Good, und H Int Gambetta, Mayflower and Ophlrqti claims Quit claim JecJ-July 97, Al Dunphy et vlr to AM Romlc.unJ JjChllooot qti claim 1 Quit claim JeeJ -Dec jo. C Al Pierce et ux to Pierce G M Co. ColJ GolJ qtt chlm 1 Mlnlnc JeeJ-Octq, M C HaooJet al to II S AlcCallum, BalJ Alounlaln, l.ilivlcw anJ East I'alrvlew qt claims joako Quit claim JeeJ Dec o, Wm Pallman el ux to Con Danania GolJ At Co, unJ 4 .Monarch anj 3 nttier qti cliims joo c)HTO Kit ,s, AlortBJce Dec 8, Chatles Dnplne et ux to A S Shockley et al, lot 1 block U, DeRoo aJn, BakerClty 930 AlortRjge-Dec a. Llllle Al I'lsk et vlr to W FeinalJ, lot loblk 13, BakerClty 413 Chattel P Peletson to Jno Waterman 1 cow . 13 AloitRage Dec jj, A P Plummer et ux to Jno Waterman, lot 10 blk 1, Sturncss A Crowell's aJn, Baker City 113 Atorlage--l)ec 17, A E Daganey to John Juik ensen.lot 3 blk 4, Sumpter 613 Mortgage-Pec 97. J J Hlntun et ux to J Wil liamson, lot 16 blk 8, Sumpter 130 Alorlgage Dec )i, Jas E Carter 10 P DeRoo, lot ibtkC, DeRooaJn, BakerClty 30 MISCEllAMOUS. Jujgmcnt-Henry Rust lavor II Durgtort 4160 PETITION FORLIQUOR LICENSE , To the honorable BoarJ of County Commissioners of Baker County, Oregon. 1 We, the unJerslgneJ clllens ol Bourne Prescind, Baker County, Oregon, humbly petition vour honor able boJy to grant a license 10 AnJerson fit Marsh to . sell spliliuous, vinous anj malt liquors In quantities ' lest than one gallon, In the town ol llouine, lor the petloj ol three () months liom February 1,1001, an J lor such jour peiitloners will ever pray: Thos Atcdulre, I rank AlcCann. John Connell, Thomas WarJ, Prank Weir, I: (i While, Ph Holt. P R CaJJs, CH Look. Tim Shea, Wm I lint. John T Rusk, S A Bowers, W At Prancls, A II Steele, (i N Tavlor, Allen Alcl'hee, I AnsleaJ, Chas Lngle, DavlJ LvelanJ, R I) Wamotk. T P Onkes, I) (i Branner, Pat Alurrv, Chas (i North, John Reagan. Barney AlcKenna.A J Goljihnip, I: C BraylorJ, W T Campbell, Henry Engle, Chas At Bostnum, Wm Blair, W J Lvans, AllreJ Cisanbon, John Snnr, Pat VerunJa, C P- Kear, A J R Dress, A J TaJlock, WarJ O Groat, J C Post, I K McNamara, M W Heck- ' with, GWKanktn, John AlcGIII. Geo G tlale, LL Dav. L II Aklns. I C While. J NrlJrrkorn. P liar- kins, II II WlUon, Ed Rawson, W II Spencer, Chas C Hall, W S Bonner, R N Wall, W II lUlesry, Ben G Ross. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the salJ Anderson A Marsh will apply to the said county court of Baker county lor the granting ol saij license on the list day of January, 1901, or as soon thereafter at (heir petition can be hearJ. Anderson ft Marsh. D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World Fnvi-ntu Traiifeniitiueutnl Route between tliu Northwest ami all Points Kast. Choice of tun routes through tliu Faiuoii" ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY and tour routes ea.t of Pueblo mid Denver. All iu-enjers granted u days flop over in the iMoiinon Capitol or any where hctweeii Option and Denver. Personally conducted tourist excurs ions to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis chicago and the east. For liekets or any inf'orinutioii re garding routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on ugcutH of Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pasiliu companies. S. K. HOOPER G. P. A T. A., Denver, Col R. C. NICHOL, Gen'l Agt. Portland, Orcgun. SPOKANE Drug Ca Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. MaUe the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET Us AUSTIN MEAT Co., Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON F.J. HARD & CO. Ml Mill k.S (II TIIU Oregon Mining Stock Exchange CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLD'O PORTLAND, ORCOON Correspondence ollciteJ rela tive to mines or meritorious prospects. Can place thrni in htocU conipanlesor sell outright .Extensive Eastern. Correspondents General Hrass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works FRANK MALONIi, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker City, Telephone Red 161 THE STAR HOTEL J. M. LANDIS PROPRIETOR Five 'tins to and from all trains. Headquarters for mining men. Moxt eoiufiirtalile rooms in town. Pass-eiici-n wayliilled at liolel olliee for all interior points. Half bloek from Histolliee. SUMPTKK, ORKGON PIRST BANK OF SUMPTER,oiio) Capital Stock 1 20,000 onions. J.ll. R.iM'hn I'irkMrnI J. W. Snlhrr Vl(r-I'rl Jnl James NewlanJi Cashlrr IHWIi'.IOUs. J. W. Suiter M. II. Miller J. W. MraJ LlaikSnyJrJ. II. Hnbbln Transiu'ts a General Hanking und Kxeliaugti HiiHincss Intirttl l'M on Urpotllt B. L McLAIN MILL WRIGHT CltCCTION Ol- QUARTZ MILLS A M'lXIALTV Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL IIOTI.L O. S. L. Ry. 1IIU IIJMICT fOUlll TQ Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... Ulvmchulcv oltwu favmitr iutc. via the UNION I'ACII IC lat Mall Line, or lliv Km (iHANbU S.'cnic Llntt. No Change of Cars On the I'ortlanJ-Ctilcaicu Scclal,"'Tlir flntil In tin Writ, LqulpprJ Willi Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary ( tourist) Sleeper Superb Mbrary-Huffet Cars Splendid Diners (mealsa la carte) Free Recliiiiu Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibuled lor lurllicr llilormallon apply to J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Anent. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore.