The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 02, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, January 2, 101
The Bald Mountain Liquidates
Months Ahead of Time.
H. S. MrCnllum returned Monday af
ternoon from a business trip somewhere,
but not to Boston, as was published in a
Baker City paper. He was out at the
Bald M niiitaln yesterday.
Secretary Reed, of the mining company,
confirms the report published in the Dem
ocrat, to the effect that the last payment
of $25,000 has been made on the property,
several months before it was due. The
company now has a flawless title to all of
its claims. Regarding this payment, the
Democrat of Sund.iv said:
"In compliance with telegraphic instruc
tions, the First National bank of this city
released the escrow deeds to the Bald
Mountain group of mines, and C. A.
Johns, attorney for the Boston purchasers,
placed the deeds on record.transferrlng the
title to the property from George W. New
man to the Bald Mounting Mining com
pany for and in consideiatlon of the sum
of $50,000, the whole amount of which
has been paid, the last pjyment of $2$,
ooo, made yesterday, being several
months In advance of the time required
'under the bond."
Carrol B Still in Rich Ore.
Miners in the Cirrol B are at present
drifting In some very rkh ore. W. L.
Vinson was out to his property on Sun
day and brought in more of the fabulous
ly rich ore, some of which was placed on
exhibition at Baker & Pearl's cigar store.
The specimens attract a g:eat deal of at
tention, being plastered with free gold.
Of course these are picked specimens, but
the pay streak, which is several feet
wide, Is showing a high average just
now. The Carroll B is a "hummer" and
no mistake. Democrat.
Man Arretted Five Day After Com
mitting Offense.
There is something prcular, to say the
least, about that burge shooting scrape.
W. W. Burge, foreman of the Ameri
can, Sunday night a week ago, stuck his
head in Gus Woodward's saloon, fired his
gun at nothing in particular and ran
away. Nothing was done In the matter
until the following Thursday, when he
was arrested on the charge ot assault with
Intent to kill, the complaint being sworn
out by the bartender.
At the preliminary trial he testified that
he was asleep at the time the shooting
took place. It was then also developed
that some days previous Burge had won
considerable money from Woodward, about
$240 of which was not pal J. On the
night of the trouble Burge had tried to
collect this money, but instead got a
smash over the side of the head with a
gun. The day of the arrest Woodward left
town, going to Bonanza, it is saiJ.
Justice Felix, before whom the case was
tried, bound the accused over to the Cir
cuit court In the sum of $500, and after
wards voluntarily reduced the bail to
Ijoo. Burge could nut secure bondsmen
and is now in jail at Baker City. Attor
ney Craig appeared as his counsel at the
Before being taken to the county jail,
Burge told all kinds of stories, here, de
claring that the American management
was responsible for his arrest; that it was
an attempt to railroad him to the pen be
cause he refused to leave the country,
having been offered $200 to do so. He
stated further that he had positive proof
that the first mention of the affair in the
Baker City Republican, was Inspired by
the American people. He had been given
notice of his dismissal in two weeks.
It Is the upinlon of many, to whom he
talked that some of his statements should
be taken with a sack of salt. There are
those who think that certain local officers
Instigated the arrest, as a means of re
venge against the American, whkhhas
abused them unjustly and persistently,
not knowing of the trouble between Burge
and that paper.
Colonel Grayson Buys It for the Baby
McKec Company.
Cable Cove district is the scene of
great mine development and presents a
mnst encouraging sign of future per
manency from an ore producing stand
point. Colonel J. T. Grayson, general man
ager of the Baby McKee Gold Mining
company, assisted bv his able superin
tendent, W. O. Reynolds, has three
eight hour shifts developing the Biby
McKee group. A 25oo-fnot tunnel is be
ing run to crosscut the Cincinnati, Chlo
ride and Babv Mi Kee ledges. On Thurs
day last Burleigh drills were set In opera
tion nn the tunnel. A force of 23 miners
is employed in the development work un
der way.
A deal of considerable importance, In
volving a Cove property, was consum
mated a few days' ago. A. H. Sprague,
acting for the Baby Mckee Gold Mining
crmpany, purchased the Last Chance
mine, owned by Edward Raw-son and J.
C. Young, paying tnerefor $10,000 spot
cash. The Last Chance Is said to be a
verv promising property.
Colonel Grayson is in New York city.
A trlgeram was received here yesterday
from him stating that he would sail tor
London on January 1.
Mine owners In the district are placing
their properties at fair prices and the re
sult Is that many transfers are being
made and many more are expected to fol
low. There is three feet of snow In the
The Calfornla and Crown Point mines
are each running Burleigh drills.
All the properties under development
are showing well. A large number of
prospectors are at work and considerable
assessment work is being done. Demo
crat. Rocky Mountain Scenery By Day Light.
Day light stop over at Niagara Falls.
Through first-class tourist sleeper from
Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago, Reston,
New York and other eastern points via
Rio Grande Western (Great Salt Lake
Route), Denver & Rio Grande, C. R. I.
& P. and Illinois Central to Chicago,
connecting in the Union Depot with Mich
igan Central's similar car lor points east.
For full particulars call on or address,
Com'l Agent UK. Cent. R. R.
421 Third St., Portland. Oregon.
Lessons in Lace.
Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office,
will give practical Injunctions in lace
work. Materials and hundreds of pat
terns to select from
J. P. Wallace, general manager of the
Monmouth Development company, is es
pecially commissioned to secure large pro
ducing gold and copper mines.
The Capital Hotel Is again under the
management of Mrs. George K. Tedrowe,
which fact guarantees the best of service
to all patrons.
Wanted Janitor work to do by a re
spectable and competent woman. Ad
dress, Mrs. Rlchen, Sumpter, Oregon.
At the Club saloon, Dunphy & Gert
ridge serve a Hue of goods equal to any
that money will buy.
Something to depend upon Giant
0 O D
Slab Wood
Cord Wood
Short Stove Wood
Lumber For Sale
Mining Timbers to Order
Sumpter Lumber
J 9
Well Dressed Men....;.
Muitnrcrwrtllly h.ue ilirlr clutliri
madr ly nn oilcncr,t
Rrcrnlly from Portland, whrrr tic lint atitxlatrj
wliti tlir trading lallonnK tiousrt lor nvrr twflve
yrati. Now (air)lni; n line llnr ol tail an J
winter Sultlngi, Uvrrcnal Patterns and Pants
(iooJi at
Citrur Steins' i
Wiifclnttiri Struts
Baker City, Ore.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice
Delmonico Hotel
M. SI'ANCI U). Prinilttur
A First-Class New House, Well FurnMied and Superior Table
Service. Transclcnt Rates Reasonable. Special Rates tn Local Pat
rons by the Week. Located One Block Hast of Depot, Corner Co
lumbia and Auburn Streets.
fwhM mw
sz!4iAvtfm m
Wpijssri i a en
fjj. -ar- - wc a m m rm -w r 9
Writ for Catalogue and Prices.
Are You Seeking Substantial Investment?
If you prefer legitimate investment tn speculation and gambling, I can offer
you a few first class mining propositions, from a prospect to a well developed
paying mine. I can advise the purchase of a tirst class mining stock that you
can buy without risk and with a certainty uf early and substantial returns, the
Sumpter Mining District is rapidly opening the eyes of the mining world. A
long identification with the district enables me to give reliable information and
advice as to investments. Expert examinations of and advisory reports on any
mining proposition. Correspondence solicited.
W. H. W. HAMILTON, Mining Engineer, Sumpter, Oregon.