Wednesday, January 2, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER s LONG LOST MINES. Interesting Legend From Peru, With Locality Given. Of all the existing legends which refer to as yet undiscovered treasure, none Is more widely spread than that of the Tres Tortillas. It may be selected as one of the most possible of a large class at least we have here a well defined and unmis takable locality and no actually conflicting facts. On the remotest headwaters of Hie River Secure, a branch of the Mo more, which joins the Madera, an affluent of the Amazon, lies a broken, mountain ous country, full of great gorges, precipi tous cliffs and tentiana. Here one descends abruptly from the region of eternal snow to a tropical forest where sugar cane and coffee flourish, and as we leave the high and wind-swept plains and scramble down the deep, dark grfrges to the heat and damp of the monte, ague of the most virulent and insistent type lurks in the rain laden atmosphere, waiting to attack the stranger who has the hardihood to penetrate these unknown valleys. Here, if nature suffers the ex istence of disease, she also provides the remedy cascarilla, or Peruvian bark and the only intruders are the bark work ers and occasional seekers for treasure. As the traveler leaves the high moun tain, side far off in the east can be seen three tlat topped hills, apparently close together and forming an unmistakable land mark, and If the same region is en tered by ascending the river from the east ern side, at certain points in the journey, far ahead in the west, can be seen the same three mountains, which always ap pear only a few hundred yards apart. These are the f am jus Tres Tortillas (three pancakes), and around these three mountains have accumulated numerous traditions, with probably some foundation In fact. During the Spanish rule it Is certain that great quantities of gold were mined and washed upon this mountain range. Old workings are frequently dis covered, whole towns built of stone and adobe, and deserted churches and cathe drals are burled In the forest, and from a hundred evidences It Is clear these regions have been and may again be a source of great wealth. It is quite possible that In ' the neighborhood of the Tres Tortillas is a mine of great value, and according to nearly all the current stories this mine contains a vast treasure, consisting of gold ready for transport and left when the last miners lied, never to return. Of the various expeditions which have during the last half century endeavored to penetrate to this valley, a survivor of only one of them returned and stated that ' he, with a companion, hid found the mouth of the mine, had entered the tunnel and there had found a great mass of gold stored for removal. This man at least possessed enough faith to make another effort to reach this El Dorado, and is be-' lieved to have perished In the attempt among the mountains. Of the other ex-1 pedltions the result has uniformly been , lailure. Owing to Inadequate resources, to the great natural difficulties of the' country or to sickness and death, up to the present Tres Tortillas have krpl their I secret and stand like three gigantic sen tinels, unapproachable and defiant, guard ing a treasure which may be worth a king's ransom or may be only the phan tasy of a dream. Exchange. Method of Measuring Water Flow. To measure the How of water In a stream with approximate accuracy, the only satisfactory way Is to construct a flume of sufficient size to carry . It 'all, This flume should be twenty to thirty feet in length, set level and provided with a permanent end piece at the lower end (not so high as the side pieces by several Inches) over which the water tan flow as a lip. Construct wings at the head so that the water will be led gently Into the flume. When the construction is In steady operation measure the depth of the water running in it, at a point about the center of the length of the flume. Then measure the height of the end piece (over which the water flows) from the bottom. The difference between these two meas urements will be the head. Thus, If the water is 14 Inches deep in the flume, and the end gate stands 6 inches above the t floor, the head of water will be 8 inches, or 066 feet. Next, measure the length of the overflowing stream of water. In the construction assumed, this Mill be tl e same as the width of the flume, which, we w ill say is 30 inches, or 2.5 feet. Now cube the head (o 66 x o 66, equals 8 287, 496) and extract the square root of the result, which In this case is 8.536. Mul tiply together this figure, and the length of the lip expressed in feet (2.5), and the constant, 3.33. The result will be the discharge in cubic feet per second. Thus, 0.536 x 2.5 x 3 33 equals 4 46 cubic feet per second. Denver Mining Reporter. Prairie Clty'i Fountain of Youth. If the early Spanish explorers had navi gated the John Day valley, nt Its head about ten miles from Prairie City, they would have found a spring that comes as near being the long looked for Fountain of Youtli as any in existence. In a pic turesque spot at the base of the moun tains, in a grove of pines on the dividing line between forest and prairie, there flows from a spring about ten feet in di ameter a stream of water having a tem perature of 112 degrees, and possessing wonderful medicinal properties. They are owned by M. V. Thompson, one of Grant county's pioneers. Since acquiring them he has built a commodious hotel, a restaurant, a bath house, a dancing lull and stable. Many eastern Oregon peo ple make tills place the Mecca of their summer outing. Game is plentiful. The odor of the water is not unlike that of well seasoned chicken soup; it would be difficult to describe its taste, but it is said to be good for almost anything that alls you. There are many people In this vi cinity who can testify as to the pain re moving and life prolonging powers of the water. The spring is an ideal spot for a large sanitarium. Prairie City Miner. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship existing between Ed Turk and Mi not Austin, under the style of Austin Meat company, was dissolved on October 29, iqoo, and said Miuot Austin has as sumed sole control of said business. MINOT AUSTIN. Sumpter, December 15, 1900. I liitoiiir Bouilis IMIMIIMI. Reputation MELLOW DELICIOUS IflSS Cocktails i a twTx xy c tear; ir ooo at iipe oreomuia, vVV U u 11 11 1 11 tl EVtT.Y COTTtE fittSIUltO ACU GUAtttNrEEO CROWK DISTILLERIES COMMA" PACir.o cosar itohcv IGU-1U2 FRONT ST.. SAN FHANCliC W J. VAN SCHUYVeTR & CO. &CNCAAL taCNTl, OHfLAND. On. HOBSON MERCANTILE COMPANY: New Departures In Sumpter Merchandising REALIZING the need of n better assortment of better stuff and up-to-the-minute styles, we are as rap idly as possible adding lines of new thhgs never before show in these parts. All this new stuff and prices away on a vacation. -DRESS GOOD: What do you want in Dress Goods? We may have just what you have been worrying about. The weaves are new and the prices are enough or we wouldn't mention it. Mohair Suitings Th New Oxford O.raw, Drowns anj Oi on, 6 Inchri wlJe, nj the regu lar $mo klnj PER YARD tl. 00 Scotch Suitings fc'xlra Heavy (or RalnyDay Skirts. 56 Inches wlJe PER YARD $2.75 Black Periola forty-lour Iruhes wlJe, cslra heavy weight, imortej design. Introduc tory price PER YARD $1.60 Underskirts Wont and Silk Morten, assorted colon tinted flounce, silk sewed throughout, worth one dollar more than the price $4.60 Mercerized Sateen Real heavy, look like satin, extra cord rd Amincr, assorted lengths and colors. Sale price $2.25 Ladies' Jackets An entirely new lot ol slvles In Jackets and tins Coats, III tck, Mude. Ostors and light Cans. I he m iker wir will ing In lose consld.-raMr money nn a lot ill these and ou gel the hrnelit. I k THE 10WEST occur, r. OF PRICE ! ' HOBSON MERCANTILE COMPANY THE HIGHEST DECREE J OF MERIT J Avenarius Carbolineum 1(1 C;iSTI:UI:l) - BEWARE OF IMITATIONS" The world famed Wood Preserver for mining tim bers, fence posts, house props, shingle roofs. A radical remedy against Chicken Lice and all insects that prey upon timber. hhKKUUKON Paint (anti rust). A permanent coating for ipon roofs. Fire proof for stacks. Send for circulars. Basche Hardware Company Agents UMPTCp) BAKCR CITY, OREGON Eureka Feed & Livery Company J. L. SULLIVAN, Mmi;itrr. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE- W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience In Maker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Maker City; Oregon.