THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 2, 1901 The Sumpter Miner I'.ipfr ill Hie luwi ol StiiiiptiT. I'l 111 Will 11 I vim WlllMMm lt ( II MARSH iMi I. W. (.ONNI I I M MSI UlpllON IM1I Out W.u M Monilii 1 IS I AMI At" IN MV I. l.nliii'd ill tin- it'iii!if In Suiiiptir, (lrrgin, tin iMMMtiKOnn tliitiuli (In- ir.ills ji MirmJ m.lllrt II WiM'l.l) mci 11 tint Mir nliiflrnitli rut nl v If") I'rfll Irnrii tn ili'ilh .nnl llifn mi'M ril iitul-r (,)WY v III piiitiihlv lie elrilr.1 In the H-Il.llf Itom IViiiisvIv.'iiiI.i. W lllll.'l lll.iUrl'o iH'.lll ; 1 n 1 i 1 1 t litni Is III tl nl ,111 iilli.'ilrui ,i.iliit .1 pnilf'ssiiiii il heavy urlfclit, I III: (i(iUisllliili v III In mills Rive nlil 111,111 Oullett .'I MHI I"' Ills llliMK'V dilxVIt lit Silent tills ulnlei. I lii-y .nr .iiiiii'iilly oit.inlli i: In it-llrvf him ol .is i ,1 lric .IS pllsslllll'. I III Mliisl IIMnK. IllltithiH ItMluie iniiliritnl wild lilt-. 1 ( I v n 1 1 ut lllr twentieth irnliiiy Is l.itin.l In tilt in iss n tdinlU tslnff v llU It iirsiicls ,ip iiili ll'lilil)! on lllr siilnl. I II MiW M-rnis iiossllili ( I . . I'.it- ! Irisiin, I In- ImIIIiiiiI I Jriivrr liel .null oiiin.ills, will ir.illi Ills liin JierMied .illltiilliin to heloilie ,1 Uiiiirii bt.itt's srn.l I tor. A iii.ijnilly ol the liisimi lcir.cs m the C0I111.1U11 Irlsl Hint- l.i in I1I111 .is 1 Wolcoll'.N siuirssiii. A 1111(1:1: line telrnr.illl .iniimnued lllr de.ith yeiteid.iy ol lunations Donnelly, V.I10 poNsrNNrJ ol .1 ttiilliant, II Mime ei.ilU, mind. Ilr was ,i nmfmindly learned Ntiidcnt. I'wenty-live or so years jro he leptesented MIiiiicmii.-i In Con KlfNs, tint whllr lllrlr irlnsrd to do lllr bidding ol llir pliir lind linn that was thru tohlihiK tilt Kuvrrninrnt, and throuKh its liillueiue was drtratrd (or re election. I his rinlnttrird him and .shut hr has hrru an rttrmr, trimmer. "1 III: AinetU.iii .WiuiiiK irvsa: "II .1 levie- ol lllr world'?, llliniiiit success imild he ni.ulr, it would prove tliat thr small invrstois di.iw (he l.iiuesl ainoiinl of divldruds tiom sikirsslnl mines." lo this the S.111 I laiiilsui Mining and liiiRl' nceiiiiK Review ;idds: "Ills a trm.uka hie l.kl that with lew rstrptbns, the hit; iniiirs ol thr uiiintty have t'een opened and air operated hy iiiuney supplied by small MoiUholdris. It is the grand .in Ktegale ol thr small amounts that m.iKrs vast iiiliiiiiKriuipmriits pos-lNe." I here Is 110 doubt hut whit both obNrivatloii are line, fioin ulilJi l.ut Kk.-iI opeialors should di.iw the obvloiiMOiuhiMon, and .nl tlieieon, tliat it In a wntse 111. ill UNrlrNs waste ot lime tosprud mouths, and some times yeais, in an tlloit to "tloat a proposi tlon," vvl.kli means to senile a hi", piete of, ol money all at oiue, so that e.Meuslv e, e.v pensive wurU i.iii be M.itttd at oiue. The surest and, perhaps, the best method, Is to start out hi a small way, piovr the worth ol the proprtty and then stand pat lor reasonably advantageous trims In dealing with the capitalist. THIS U the Impudent attitude assumed hy the Haker City Republican on a sub ject of local Interest: " This week twelve letters have been leceived at tills office fiom men who own stoik in as many mines in this district. These men have subscribed for the paper and state that they desiie to know what work, it any, is belnt done on these ptoperlles. Hut when we go to the superintendent and ask which the stockholders in the east want tn know, the Invariable answer comes, 'we do not w mt our mine to get into thf papers.' There can be nothing amiss about stating f ids alittit mining properiies III it is, -limit the .vorkings of the mine, and for the benefit of tho-.e who hive a right to know, we shall make the Inquiries, ami any manager of such prop erties who reluses to give the Information his eastern stockholders sli ill kno.vlhit fad." In the lirsl pine, the Republic, 'in didn't recrlve thrive letters In one week from eastern stockholders in Oregon mines, , as Id ig for Information. That is merely ,-nintmdiktorv bluff to attract the alien-' ti unit mine in lungers. No wonder a repre- i sentntivr nl suilia paper can get on In-' foriii'ition Irom mining men, as its columns d'ty .itier d iy priul-iims. I or lhr heuetit ol the crall, Till: MINI l( J will here state tliat it pursues a diametric-' ally npiiisiir course, which is proving to be a suuessful svstem as lis columns' demonstrate. Oci.isionally a letter is re Ceived from Nome eastern j-iy wanting in formallou regarding some mine. The iuv ill iblr trpl is to the rlfect til it this is a nrwspiprr meielv ; il a report on the piopeily is wauled, lie can sriure it by paving 1 nulling engineer inr ins eivurs. I iirthrimoii', in looking for mining news rrpiesriilalUrs ol this paper do not go around lriug to prv iutu private business alfaiis. .Mining men hnrabouts ircogule this 10 hr .1 l.-Kt, and as a result thry are I ever iniirteoiis and in nine cases out of trn i willliiglv give auv iiiforiiiatiou of public iuirirst asUrd lot. Newspaper men should i displ.iv a tr ice nl lOiniiinu srusr and tact, i as well as othet people. I I RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY H -tK iIH0N Will II I DCNVCR RIO QRikNDK r COLORADO MIDLAND WAILROADS 1MIIM 4tiHI I THREE DISTINCT ROUTES Ml 1HI MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMIRICA. If l I Mi (fitv tMANViiOliKlhloU. II lIM4 IhNlOtlV IWWOHQM QIIAlNl ANI1 li'1l H ! SALT LAKE CITY. LIADVILLK, COLORADO PRINCt and DENVER. ftl0)vr llw4. Till NIOIIHANDC WtSltHNII ILWAV (IHIHAIIU IllllfF rAHT TIIAINH IIIIHI TA-ll OAIIV JAHHYINO Purlman Palact and Putlman Ordinary SUaptra TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO IHHI ... N., rrn Rfcllnlno Chair Crn. Puriocl Diiilno-Car ftarvloa. J. D. Mansfield "po'timToroio CIO. W. Mr INII, C.n'l (..'r al..aH Laka Cll I. O. R. M. :;,S 11(1111 No. a. ImpiowJ OrJci RrJ Mrn, in. t In ( .nun. II jil I O.M.M. Ila-i al the Tin llilnlrlli lliralli nl riny TucsJay Nlglil nl racli miMin All HrJ Mrn tltlilng our hunting grounds iir Mrkomr Ciiomni tiAsiu, A. J. tMtH.Col K. Saclirm. w II HAM II. SfHOllTA SON iti Ar.ipalior St.. Orinon. ColoraJo. i:ltMUhrJ In ColoraJo In 8;6 Mining t'nglnrrrs, Atsarrs, Chrnilklt, SunJarJ Work, Prisnnal Allrnllon, HrasonaMe I'rlcrv. l-oily i 1'iactkr. ("10IJ (cruclt-lr assa), soc golJ, vll rrw; golJ, slltrr, copper, Jno. A llhrral dls counl nn all WIN inrr fits A share ol our work Is lrss-ctlully vollillrJ. C A. K. STARK. Attomey-at-Law (.rnlcr, ioi. High Si, WJtA" ulCr Suaiplf r, Ortgon, fjRS. TAPE Ut PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons c. M. I'MWI.E, tl. 1. W. TAI'I', . I) rVlepliiinr Main Suvu'ltw. Ouiiion. gUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUAM'TI-R, ORI-GON Owners of all tlie choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside reNidence lots 1111 easy terms. Apply to Sl-V.MOtJK H. Ml-1.1.. Manager, i E A. CLEM A CO. MINING INVI-STAUNTS Ptoptitln Eiimlnid tnil Ripoittd on, Mimbtr Port land Mlninf Stock Eichino 146 I IIIKI) ST. PORTLAND, ORE. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTOKNFY AT LAW Rooms i and . l-'irst Hank of Sumpter Huildlng, SIJMPIhR, OREGON L T. HROCK, M. U., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpler, Ori'Kon Si'riljl Ailriiiluii (tlvrn In Suri'try nnj In tils. vw ol Women. Clihre. Ni-lll liliK-k; KrslJrncr. (iranllc Slrrrt in-ii .Mill piiNNKH cv WORTHINGTON Civil mid Mining Engineers. 11. S. th'i'iilv Snrryor (orOifRon, Wash- liiKlim. U.OuiiinJ I.nclnrcu lor Hie Sumpter Timnllc Cnmpnnv, l.lmlli-J. Undinroynd ind Pttint Smuyi. and OraMlni. laa Prlnllni H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. IUri;aln In Sumplrr Dltlrlcl Quant Claims. SUMPTER, . OREGON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, IIAKLH CirV, I OMEGOS HrllaMr ljns,rcltH'tlons an J esllmalrs lumlihrj ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil mid MiniiiK EiiKineer. 11. S. Deputy Mineral Surror (or Oregon anj IJ4I111. Iiamlnailiint anj reports on mining proper llrs. Oltice ltli I Itlle t' Mining Co. Mil I. SrfL'lT. SU"I'TCB. ORIQON. INSUHASCI'. EJ.. MANNING, HEAL liNTATK City ReiorJrr nJ Noiarv Public. Collrctlvns Abstracts Agrnl lor I rlclJr I Irr I'xilngulslirr. humplrr. QTOTT a SHEI.TON, " stojt sJ ' J. r. MIIITON Attorneys at Law. SUMI'Urt. OKCC.ON V. II. W. HAMILTON. Mlnlnc anj Comuhlne Enclnrrr. Mining Proprrllrs HsamlnrJ, Rrportr J j On and I or S.ilr. MorelnganJ Nral CoJr. Uo 8. SUMPTER. OREGON . T. FREEMAN Public Stenographer All Kinds of Work Done ut Reasonable .... Rates .... Rnnill r First Bank ol rvuom r, siaariti I'uiiji Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO ii ! AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U S. MAILS. SUMPTfR-CANYON ROUTE. 12:10 p. m. no p. m. Uo p, m. r.o p m. Lv...,, Sumpter Ar Ar Cllltorj Lv Lv ClirforJ Ar Ar Austin Lv 10: )o a. m. 8 00 a. m. ?:jo a. ra. Vooa. . Connecting at Auslln wllh stages lor Canyon City anj Interior points. l'4o p. m. I Lv,. Vno p. m. I Ar. ..Clifford Arl .Konania Lv 7: jo a. m. fcjoa. m. Connecting at llonama with stages lor Pyx, Roblnsnnllle, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan anl Belcher mines. SUMPTLR-ORANITE ROUTE ti:w p. m. I Lv.. 4!o p. m I Ar ..Sumpter Arl (ir.inlir Lv iaoo a. ra. 7:00 a. m. Livery at Granite to North Tork, Red Boy, Ban telle and aJacent mines. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE ia:)u p. m. 1 00 p. m. :y p. m. Lv Sumpier Ar Ar. .. . . . Bourne Lv Ar Columbia Lv 8:001 7!l Including North Pole. E A E, Climax, Ohloan J aJ (acrni mines. EAT . "J 1