12 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 2. 1901 TALK OF THE TOWN. David Wilson Is hi Spokane this week. Miss Hffie Yoiiiik, telegraph operator nere, Is visiting friends in Seattle. Paul Poliulexter h.is been in Maker City (or a couple of days, working on a mining deal. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Jackson rrturned Monday from Portland, wherr tliey had firen (or a week or ten d.iys. J. N. lisselstync, the Maker City min ing engineer, camr up this morning on his way to Granite. Assayer Townseud, formerly with the smelter here, has accepted a position with 'he II. ild Mountain. if not, will return to Sumpter in two or three weeks. There Is reported to have been numer ous relocations on the first of claims In this district, on which assessment work had not been done; some being jumped and others located by the original owners. Around the Ibex much of this kind of woik Is said to have been done. Mrs. Stanford, the brilll.int writer on the Amerkan, over the pen name of "Honor Bright," and under the leading, " through l-emlnlne Eyes," left several days since for Oakland, California, to remain some weeks. Headers of that paper will surely miss her radlently daz zling literary gems. Since yesterday morning the tempera Dr. Dodson, ol Maker City, came up ture has moderated considerably. Snow eslerday to attend Al Jones, who is erlously III at Ills residence here. M. I:. Maine left Sunday (or the Quart. nurg district, where he will remain for some weeks looking after mining Inter Ms. (irorgeW. Welgand, the Mnurne nicr haul, left List Pild.iy (or an extended trip through Arlon.i, (or the benefit of his 'iralth. I here Is a movement on loot to present .1 drama here, with local talent hi the .ast, nt an early day, for the benefit of' I le party who exchanged capes with 'e schools. ' Mrs. Mary Martholf, at the New Year's W. D. Cushiu.iu lias secured control of eve '-all, can have her own by calling at Mieltoatdot Trade saloon corner, in the Mrs. Matthnll's residence, in Mill ad- has been falling for more than twenty four hours past, and still Is. The ground Is now coveted to a depth of about two feet and there Is no longer any doubt in the mind of the most skeptical that win ter has arrived with booth feet. Lessons In Luct. Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office will give practical histiuctlous in lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select (rom Hc.ily building, which place he will here' alter operate. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mahau went to Haker City to send the holidays. The tormer returned to the Ned Moy this week, where lie Is the s'eward, Roy Miller led lor La Grande yester day, where he will remain for several weeks, In charge ot the bank there, while 1'reslilent Schrlber Is absent. lion dltlon. I'he Capital Hotel is again under the management of Mrs. George M. Tedrowe, which fact guarantees the best of service to all patrons. Only the best brands of liquor!1 and cigars at the Club saloon of Dunphy & Gertridge. Hair rnlOiia fittr.rtin ntlan NIftlll lenrgr Marretl, representative! ., i ,.... 1. f. , -1. 1.. 1.0 '""' "M,,i mm viiiiiii iiitiiuy, iMru IlllllllgllOllllip ter today on his wav to Salem, wherr the legislature meets in a lew daps. Arrangements to open a modern foot . ycleiinkln the opera house are being made by Messrs. Newton ,v Stevens. The new cycle, or cashion tvre skate, is to be .ised, wherrbv no lugury to the floor will KCiir. W.'l. Ihatihet, manager ot the Mo 11.111.1, passed through town yesterday en ' uuilr to Maker City with the monthly dean up ot that big producer, the amount j if which Is mere guess work, so far as I 'he public Is concerned. ) lames Snvder, one ol the carpenters employed on the Hc.ily building, received fall wildcat work yesierd.iv. from which ' tie will be routined to the house with a sprained ankle lor some time. He Is at-' lended by Dr. Mrnck. W. II. Mnsbv rrturned Mondiy Irom , i'ortl.uul and lelt luesdav for Nevada, j accompanied by I". (). Mucknam. They lll Investigate a proposition over there' and if It proves satisfactory, will remain! Mrware of, but ask for It Giant Powde Scenic Line of the World, l-'or an enjoyable trip east, take the Denver Rio Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three daily trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on the Pacific coast. Most magnificent scen ery on this continent. The leading fea ture In connection with the trip is that the through trains pass through the scenic attractions of the liocky mountains In Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, tree from dust and the annoyances experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la cute, pay for what you order. 1 hrough standard and tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets anyw here between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tickets, rates and all information, or ad dress, CM NICHOI.,. General Agent, Portland, Ore. tldil PINE musk Courteous Treatment to All ..club., ham 'TfV booms T II 1: Sullivan House l:. L. SULLIVAN, Manager Best Liquors & Cigars I'MVATK NEW kooms SUMPTER, OREGON bowling RhSTAUUANT Citaiti Jt. ALLEY GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Neill Mercantile Co. A happy and prosperous New Year to all Neill Mercantile Co. The New Olympia E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor Successor to Henry Finobr) Newly refitted and Fine Oold (1884) remodeled. . . . Hermitage Whis- All the best brands i : key of Liquors and Ci- Olympia Beer, bot- gars handled. . . tie or draught. . . Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter TIIOS. McEWUN. I'retldent n4 Central Manager T. G. HARRISON. Vlce-Prti.and Treat. JAS. NEWIANDS. Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co MOST COAPLETE LIVERY EQUIPMENT IN EASTERN OREGON. TEAMS AL WAYS HEADY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavv Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. 0 -"