vv'ednesday, January 2, i-joi THE SUMPTER MINER 1 1 x - VERY OREGONESQUE. "'Finance" "Pipes Off" This State's Characteristics. In the strictly mineral section of Oregon there are opportunities which the casual observer sees, and the casual observer marvels that the world knows so little of them, and that they are so slightly de veloped. Only a trifle of Investigation serve to show the causes for this. They are those most formidable of all obstacles to de velopment, an inordinate selfishness and an ultra-conservatism. Foreign capital is disposed to look as kance at what local capital, when there is such, does not show any willingness to be Identified with. Nor Is this in any way remarkable. Indeed, the contrary would be. There has been bad management of some partly developed Oregon mining properties, and there have been promoters identified with some of them who could not claim any close relationship to neces sary capital themselves, nor to any un usual degree of Integrity or even good sense. Mining development and the min ing business as such, however, has no monopoly of those unfortunate attributes. Even the greatest and soundest and most carefully scrutinized financial institutions themselves are not infrequently made prey for people of tills class, and that the mining opportunities of Oregon have not been brought to such state of development as they should is, In part, though we are constrained to believe perhaps the lesser part, attributable to the misconceptions .and conservatism of local financial people. It is, we believe, a fact that should any Portland banking institution, for instance, be known to lend any considerable sup port to a mining enterprise, however wor thy and substantial, its heavier depositors and the monled people whose patronage it enjoyed would so thoroughly disapprove of such a course that not a few of them would withdraw their accounts. In this matter Portland is not unlikely to commit the same error that Denver did when it permitted Colorado Springs to become the great world-wlde-known cen ter of mining transactions, though Den ver had the advantage of age, and expe rience, and capital. It is not at all im possible that when the mining opportuni ties of Oregon shall have further devel oped, some community, now small and unknown, perhaps even unborn, will spring up in a night and become and re main the mining mirket of Oregon, with all that Implies. There Is yet another stumbling block in the way of the Oregon mines; and itls the morr formidable of the two. Human sel fishness not infrequently kills the goose that lays the golden egg, and this is quite as often exemplified in mining fields as elsewhere. In these last It does not usu ally manlf'st itself in the earlier stages, but comes with the advent of the more powerful operators and combinations. In the case of Oregon, the disease appeared with the mineral, and no remedy for it has as yet been successfully applied. The history ot the so called mining develop ment of Oregon which lias been no de velopment at all except In such few Iso lated cases as only prove the correctness of our contentions has been one of stumb ling upon a rich deposit and straightway gathered in every square foot that could be seen through a long range field glass, by the utilization of mining claims filed by sisters and cousins and aunts. This accomplished.the bold and intrepid discov erer of mineral wealth sat down and wait ed for other people to make his mines val uable and pay him a monumental and luscious price for his holdings and his great service to mankind. That he did not readily find some one who would straightway empty their pockets for him, accounts for the fact that there are scores and scores of splendid claims In Oregon today which have been held from 10 to 20 years and have not had earth enough dis turbed on them to make a scratching for a brood of chicks. Perhaps some day the people who are holding these claims and the local capital ists who could develop properties in thoe cases where it can be done upon an equit able basis, will awaken to the fact that they have been making a serious mistake. So far as the capitalists are concerned, they may not make their discovery until they are in the same relation to the Ore gon mines that St. Louis was for a time, at least, to the great zinc fields almost at Its very door, when Boston, by quick per ception and greater enterprise, got the first and the best and the most. St. Louis knows better now. As for the dog-in-the-manger claimants, if their own greed does not of I'self show them that they are de feating their own ends and Injuring Ore gon, some legalized means should be found to deprive them of this wholly un economic and unnatural privilege of hold ing opportunities which they will neither develop nor permit others to develop. Editorial In Finance. All kinds of pies, cake, bread, etc., at Rrechtel's bakery, opposite depot and In Nelll building. Orders promptly filled. TIMIIER LAN!), ACT JUNIi , i-NOTICI: IOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Ofticr, ( La (irande, Oregon, Dec. 38. tyuo. Notice Is hereby ghen Hint In compliant!- with the provisions ol the act nl Congress ot June , 1878. rnlltleJ "An net lor the sale ol Umbel linds In the stairs nl California, Oregon, Ncv.lJ.l, .inj Washing ton Territory," as extended In all Hie puMic l.inJ states by act ol August 4. i8v. OULAMK) O. KOOSTZ of Hereford, County of llakrr. State nl Oregon, has this Jay filed In this olncc his sworn statement No. T, tor Ihc purchase ol the setf sw',' of sretlun No. , In township No. 11 south, range No. )8 I: W M. an J will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lanJ before the Register an J Receiver ot this office at La (irande, Oregon, on Saturday, the 161I1 Jay ol March, 1901. He names as witnesses: Thomas ArvlJson, I:. II. Ware, James I leelwod, Jr., I red Perry, all of Here ford, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this ottice on or belore said 161I1 day of March, ISI. Jan s-jt E. W. llAMUCT, Register. TIMHIIR LAND, ACT JUNE . 1878. IOR PUIILICATION. NOTICU United Stales Land Olhce, j La (irande, Oregon, December 17, !" 1 Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the provisions of the act nl Congress ol June 1,1878, en titled "An act tor the sale nl timber lanJs in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Sutei by act of August 4, 1801, Itsiihs 1). SlllUUk, I of Sumpter, County of llakrr, Slate ol Oregon, hat 1 this day hied In this olhce his sworn statement No. 7 10, for the purchase of the wii nw1,' sec. is, and e!j ne1, of section No. 14, in township No. 10 s, range No. 17 li. W. M.. and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim 10 said land before the Register and Re teisrrof thlsolliceat La (irande, Oregon, on Satur day, the oth day nl Mirch, tuur He names as witnesses: 1). S. McCnv. V. R. Mead, Clarke Nnyde, and Irwin (Sitewood, all of Sumpter, Oregon. ' Any an I all persons claiming adversely the above- 1 described lands are requested In hie their claims In ' this olhce nn or belnre said Mil Jav ol .March, 1901. I:. W. It.Mmi.U, Register. Administrator's Notice. Famous. HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company Sumpter, Orcoon trt ASK FOR HOP GOLD POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFI-Klil) HY Till: EHliH LDIW2S mlehu "PlCTOrtf'' '. Wu Have Daily Flint Trunin til till! EAST In the County Court uf llaker Counts', Oregon. In the mailer ol the estale of Annie Clrmens, de ceased. Nollie is hereby given by the undersigned, L. T. Ilrnck, administrator of the estate ol Annie Clemens, decrased, to theiredllors ol, and all per sons having claims agalns the said estate, to exhibit them together with the necessary vouchers, within the next six months allrr the first publication of this notice, to wit: The twelltli dav nl December, rcw, to the administrator at his nllice, at the enrnrr nl (iranlte and Mill slrerts, In the town ol Sumpler, llaker County, Oregon, the same being a place for the transaction nt business of the said estate In said county. L. T. liMOCK. Administrator. Dated, Sumpter, Ore., December la, turn "notice of forfeirurF " To Steve Leyden and W. W. Thurmen: You are hereby notified that A. J. Tadlock, our co-owner In that certain mineral claim known as the Peacock, bring situated on the McCulty fork about four and a hall miles nonhwesl of Sumpler and near IheCjianlte road In Hater county, has performed as sessment work as required by law and sou are re quired within go days from date hereol to pay your proportion of the expenditure upon said claim. A. J. TA.KI.OCIC. Sumpter, Oregon, December 19, tow, first publication Dec iu, "" last March ro, tool. I 11 you cniiinn iiiku iiiu iiinniiii J I ruin, travel ly I In: livening train, J Hoth ait! fully i'iiiiiel. OUIlSI'KCIAIims l-'AHTTIMK TIIHOUCIIKKKVICK Throu'li I'lilucu anil Ttmrir-t Sleep or. Dining Car ami Hullitt Library Cur. Fiit-eluM Fri-u Kecliniiif; Chair Car. Hour in tiuuiMiviil to Omalia, Cliinifto, Kiiiimis City, Nuw York, HiMou anil other KiMcin point. Tickets gooil via Salt Liilcti City ami Denver. It i to your interna to iiko tliu Overluiul Knutr. Ticket uiul Weeping ear liortlm can be hccured from m"Xt 11. 0. nowEiis Agnus O. It & H. CO. linker City, Oregon Or, J. II. JATIIKOF, Gen'l Agt. 135 Third St., l'ortlund, Ore. 0. Ri N, CO. DlilMHT Chicago Portland Sped it to'4f pm Atlantic Lxpres ulljpm t:4$ a m 8 pm Dally Ex. Sunday 8pm Saturday top m 6am Ex. Sunday Tarn Tues. Thur. and Sat 6a m Tues. Thur. and Sal. leave Rlparla Ml a m Dally II Ml: SCHEDULES I rom llaker Lily Sail Like, Denver, 1 1. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City. St. touts Chicago and Last- Salt lake. Denver, 1 1. W011I1, Omaha, Kan sas Cllv, St. Louis, Chicago and Last. Walla Walla, lewlslon .Spokane, Minneapolis St. Paul, llututh, Mil waukee, Chicago and i-ast. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Salting dales itiblect in cnange. I'nr San I ramlsco Sail every 5 days. COLIIMIIIA RIVLR STEAMERS To Astoria and Way landings. WILAMGTTl: RIVER Oregon Cllv, Newberg. Mairin, independence and Way-Landings. WILIAMUTTIi YAM HILL rivers Oregon Cllv, Daylon, and Way-landings. WILIAMCTTE RIVLR Portland to Curvallls and Way-Lindlngs SNAKE RIVER Rlpatla to lewlslon AHHivr '4j a 1 JiSJ pi tout p I P" Lx. Sunday a'.snpin Ij. Sunday i: o p m Mon. Wed. and Irl. 4. 1" p m Mon. SVed. and I li. Leave lewlstoa Dally nam II. C. HoWI-HS, Agent, linker City, Oregon lUU0as. RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY OINVIR ft RIO GRANDE or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS (HIM own n THREE DISTINCT ROUTES A'tO THC MOST MAQNIFICENT SCENERY III AMIRIOA. If 19 fHf ONiV fllAHMONtlMNIAi. il PANIMI UmiCHV THftMH QUAINT AMJ) PtCIUWIftQill SALT LAKE CITY, LEAOVILLK, COLORADO STRINGS and DCNVIR. l.avra allasvttsl. tni inoniiAHor wcunHN mailwav oi-haii 1HIICE PABT THAINU lOTHr AUI DAILY, OAHIIYINO PuHrim PsUhs mi Pullman OrAnary Slttfsra TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO irHNii e M'Nar. fra Rsollnlna Chair Car. Parfact Dlnlng-Car Sarvle. ,0 I INfl NUAflOH U4 P.MMiafq ,MOU.M, II. J. D. Mansfield c'7::!..:j.Mo,.n. 010. W. MIINTI, Oaa'l l.,ll Laa Olr Sumpter oft Bottling Works dt Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. jt j j j jt Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders tilled and shipped on short notice. jt jt jt j jt SUMPTER, OREGON