Wednesday, December 26, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER GIPSY KING ORGANIZED One of the Most Attractive Propositions in the State. The men who are Interested in the Gipsy King group of mines, on the Big Limber In Cable Cove district, came Into town Saturday to spend Christmas and complete the organization of the Gipsy King Gold Mines Co. Eight or ten peo pie are interested in the property, consist ing of three full claims and an excellent water right. A deed was executed trans ferring all to the company above maned. The title is absolute, without a flaw. Directors elected are Eugene Rartholf, William Rumery, J. F. Alden and Dr. A. K. Greenlee, all of whom are widely and favorably known In mining and commer cial circles of eastern Oregon. The officers are Eugene Bartholf, president; Dr. A. R. Greenlee, vice president; J. H. Robblns, treasurer, and Otto Herlocker, secretary. Mr. Bartholf located the claims; Dr. Greenlee Is a leading dentist of this town, Mr. Robblns is president and Mr. Herlocker bookkeeper of the First Bank of Sumpter. Mr. Bartholf was also appointed superintendent. This is considered one of, if not the best stock propositions in eastern Oregon. The ore is of sufficient value to make ship ping proffitable, so that comparatively little of the treasury stock will have to be sold In the early, cheap stages of develop ment. The ledge Is already stripped for 200 feet from the foot of the mountain. Open cuts have been made all the way to the summit, 3000 feet, showing a continu ous, strong vein. A good tunnel site has been selected, which will have to be driven only thirty-five feet to cut the vein, at an angle of about forty degrees. The Intention is then to drift on the vein, and a depth of 1800 feet can be obtained by driving the tunnel 2,100 feet. It is estimated that the ore taken from this tunnel will go a long ways towards pay ing for the work. There Is a five-foot vein, which gives assays from $14 to J40, practically on the surface. The by-laws of the company provide that no officer shall receive a salary for one year. At the end of that time it is expected that work will have progressed sufficiently to make it a steady producer; when it will either ship regularly or else put in a reduction plant. From the road to the Baby McKee a route over easy grades has been surveyed to the mine, a distance of only two miles. This road will be built early in the spring, alter which occasional shipments will be made. In the meantime, work will be pushed. The company is capitalized at f 1,000, 000, of which amount 1 250,000 worth of stock has been placed in the treasury. The remaining 750,000 shares, held by In: dividuals, has all been pooled for one year from date of organization, which will in sure buyers of treasury stock that the market will not be flooded with Gipsy King certificates. Taken, all in all, this is one of the best mining propositions; one of the safest and surest Investments yet placed before the public from eastern Oregon. Extensive Development at the Red Bird. The Red Bird Gold Mining company, In which prominent Portland and Tacoma people are holding the controlling interest and have been doing extensive develop ment work for the past two months, has made a splendid showing. A iso-foot shaft has been sunk and over 70 feet of crosscut tunnel has been run already, and a 5-foot vein of $17 ore has been disclosed. This property consists of five full claims which He one half mile from the Gold Hill and a little over two miles from the Gold Ridge, near Express. The owners feel quite jubilant over the extremely good showing made, and will prosecute work on a larger scale with as much speed a possible. This Express district Is fast coming to the front and ere long large revenues will be forthcoming from a num ber of mines which are hot already send ing In their little bunch of gold regularly. -Baker City Herald. Scenic Line of the World. For an enjoyable trip east, take the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three dallv trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on the Pacific coast. Most magnificent seen ery on this continent. The leading fea ture In connection with the trip is that the through trains pass through the scenic attractions of the Rocky mountains In Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, free from dust and the annoyances experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la carte, pay for what you order. Through standard and tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tickets, rates and all information, or ad dress, CB NICHOL,. General Agent, Portland, Ore. Rocky Mountain Scenery By Day Light. Day light stop over at Niagara Falls. Through first-class tourist sleeper from Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago, Boston, New York and other eastern points via Rio Grande Western (Great Salt Lake Route), Denver & Rio Grande, C. R. I. & P. and Illinois Central to Chicago, connecting in the Union Depot with Mich igan Central's similar car for points east. For full particulars call on or address, B. H. TRUMHULL, Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. R. R. 421 Third St., Portland, Oregon. Lcuont in Lace. Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINI-K office, will give practical Institutions In lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select from FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (iNCORPOMftVCD) Capital Stock J .10,000 OHIO Us. J. II. Robhlnt I'ffvlJrnl J. W. Sf rlh r Vicr-Prr IJrnt Jamct Ntwlanj, Ottilrr DlklCTOks. J. W. .Scrlftr H. II. .Miller J. W. MmJ Clack SnyJrJ. II. Ror-Wns TmiwucU a ( it'iicinl Hanking ami Kxeliaui' litiiincxM Interekt I'alJ on Dtpoiltk B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OP QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL LI I n ?' vb -t 'V' fir $ 1 ft Well Dressed Men. MiiNltH'i'i'N.iillv lur thrlr clolhn mvlc l an rrrlrncr.l TAILOR Such Is M. STEPFRN Ki'CiMiih I mm IVrltmJ, wlicro lip h .isviiltlcJ with llu'lci.tlii tallmlng lioutr tor mrr twrltr !" Now ramlne .1 Inn- line of I .ill .111J Winter Suiting, Oteu-iut I'.iltrins .111J (n( (100J1 .it Corner Second nd Dl.-. !.. n Wiitilnilon Street. BaKOr City, CTC I "Clothes Clcmed ami Pressed on Short Notice JAMES NEWLANDS AGENT Is Prepared to Do Business For the Hartford Steam Boiler, Inspection and Insurance Co. Royal Insurance Company Equitable Building and Loan Association Portland, Oregon Real Estate Loans on Approved Pronertv Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co. SUMPTER, ORE. Delmonico Hotel M. SPANC.I I'M. Pniprlrtor A First-Class New House, Well Furnished and Superior Table Service. Transclent Rates Reasonable. Special Rates to Local Pat rons by the Week. Located One Block Fast of Depot, Corner Co lumbia and Auburn Streets. SUMPTER. OREGON ENGINES BOILERS SAW MILLS THRESHERS STACKERS RUSSELL & CO. Write for CatelogiM and Prices. PORTLAND, Oregon. HK5g i tjy i.s.VEM.raiNn m juns 1 SIHSSSiSL RUSSELL IM Grade Machinery Are You Seeking Substantial Investment? If you prefer legitimate investment 10 speculation and gambling, I can offer you .1 few lirst class mining propositions, trnm a prospect to a well developed paying mine. I can advise tile purch.ise of a lirst il.tss mining stock that you can buy without risk and with a certainly ot r.irly and substantial returns. The Sumpter Mining District is rapidly opening Hie eyes of the mining world. A long identification with the district enables me In give reliable information and advice as to investments, Expert examinations ot and advisory reports on any mining proposition. Correspondence solicited. W. II. W. HAMILTON, Mining Engineer, Sumpter, Oregon. MNTKtCK "Old age brings experience, and some kinds of experience brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture for their new homes. We are ready to servo them. We have already supplied satisfactory furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy .selection at all times. There is always plenty here for every room in the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to give us a call. Red Room Suits, i5.oo Red Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (samrin tree). 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co.paHcrbo,,&i:pP...Rer Phone Red 361. BAKER CITY, OREGON