8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, December 26, 1900 THE GOLD HILL MINE Facts and Figures From the Company's Books KDITOK MINI H: A promise made you long since to s.iy something, when I had something to siy, Impels mr to adJress you ;it this time. I li.ive lor tile p;is( two montlis been so journing (it tills little- town cm the O. It. & N., tlilrty miles east of Halur City, which Is die metropolis of the Murnt River mining district. It is ,111 embryo city, known to post;tl authorities as l:xpress, hut to the r.iilro.id world as Durkce station. Although yet In Hs swaddling clothes, it is growing mid hids fair, In time, to he come of considerable Importance. Along the buiks of the Itiirnt river, or creek, there is a hell of low land, varying in width from a few hundred fret to a quarter nf a mile, which Is adipted to agriculture and Is mostly utllled as meadow and hay ranches. As the adj iceut hills and moun tains afford good grazing In summer, the section is naturally a stock country. Al- 1. 111a nay is principally giown anci sens in j the stack for four dollars per ton. In ad-, tlltlon, lacer mining In many ot the gulches coming dow n at Intervals Into the river proper, h is for m my years been car sled 011; while the mountains have numer ous quart lodes which have been devel oped just enough to prove that rock exists ' in paying pi uitities. In tv o or three in-1 stances mills lor reduction hive been rrrcted, hut it can he safely asserted that i no systematic and extensive quart mining I has been tarried on here. i I tod ty made a visit to our of these par i t Lilly devrloprd proprrtles w hich is known . as thr llurul River ( inld Mining and Mill lug company, hut usually called thr Gold Hill mine, Colonel James A. I'.iutiug he lug thr grurr.il in uiagrr. It Is located on ( iold Mill mountain four miles rast ot Duiker. I he company is lumposed ol Uliulnuati and New York i.ipitalists, who have been In possesion ahiiut lour rirs. Duii-ig Hut lime ex teusr drv.-lupmeut work has been inaJe and thr Indications lotliy point u lilt eel laluty to i.s bring a rry valuablr prop erty. Composing thr pioprity are twrnly-livr 1 laims, altogrtlirr, and they co rr an atra ot over sl huudied .ides, for whLlia patent h is bem granted. I here has been 1 tin 1S70 leet of tunnels and twice as miiiyol crosscuts, prospect tunnels, up raises, etc. I lie coiiipiuy has a ten stamp mill completely equipped with 1000 I mind stamps, ore crustier, lour concen trators and a capacity of thirty tons. i diy, located on a creek our quarter of a mile Irom thr mouth of the tunnel. I here is a comfortable two story house Occupied as a residencr and oMicr by the superintendent, a bnirdlng and hunk hotisr, assay ollice, barns and other outhouses. I he greatest depth attained by the tun nel is 700 feet, and at thr end a new ledge was struck day before yesterday, ore from which camr out today while I was pres ent, of the most promising character. It is highly mlueialied, and while no assay Ins, as v. el, bren made from it, the fore man assured mr it would hnw values very high, judging from (lie ch trader of the orr and a cuiipailsim w ith other bodies , in the mliir, ol known value. 1 he new luid Is lour feet wide, with a streak oer a foot wide carrying thr promising ore mentioned. I'o show the general character of the orr I was, upon irqurst, given access to thr books in thr assay office, In which wrir found the ilues obtained from samples befoie thr mine was purchaseJ by the company, and upon which they bought the mine. I found them as fol lows, from the different claims sampled at the time: Spring Gulch, iG; Lookout, J10.30J Bonanza, J2640; Senator Jones, 5 Co; Aulnger, S1040; Gone Goose, J4.20. l:rom the Spring Gulch ledge there has come shipping ore yielding $124 per ton; from the Gem vein, $104. From iron pyrites, taken from the top of the hill, where the ledge Is from four to two hundred feet in width, four dollars per ton has been taken. There has been some ore worked at the mill which yielded from 540 to 5130b per ton. Hitherto none of these figures have been given to the public and it was with re luct, nice they were given me. As (lie mine is not for sale, and as I obtained the data from the books of the company, reliance can be placed upon the statements. During a period of tlilrty dtys, when the mill was last run, two years ago, the battery samples ran from 10.40 to 537.20. At that time crushing was suspended, awaiting more extensive developments In the mine. It Is estim ated there is 12,000 tons of ore on the dump, wlch if it yields what is considered .1 low estimate, 58 per ton, It will go a long way toward paying the cost of the mine up to date, which, including the pur chase price, amounts in round numbers to 5150,000. The mill is to be started up again as soon as new machinery, which is now 011 the road, arrives. Steam power Is used to run the mill, and a gasoline engine to run the air com pressor at the mine. Coal is used for fuel, costing 55.75 at ,ne station, which makes it cheaper fuel than wood. The company Ins secured water rights on liagle creek, tlilrty miles distant, for an electric plant, sufficient to give four thousand horse power. It Is expected to furnish power and light to other com panies along the line, when it Is com pleted. It is a pleasure to commend the man agement on the systematic work that has been done at the mine, both inside and outside. If all signs do not I nil. the Gold Hill will be added to the dividend paying list in the near future. H. J. Watson. Hxpress, Oregon, December 22, tioo. Good Japanese cook Wants position either private family, mining camp or any place. Apply at this oilier. Never fails Giant powder. I:ive quart bottles of Olympia beer lor ii.ooat Henry Fingers'. T.D.Bellinger & Co. .of sumpier. Oregon Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors 01 Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch, Imported 1881 Hraudv, 1 hrre Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Brands of Wines and Cigars. New- and Elegant Fixture:,. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service In Oregon. The Magnolia T, 0, lillldfii I C) , Propt (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) W I 0 I 0 1 D j O' Slab Wood Cord Wood Short Stove Wood O DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY Lumber For Sale D Mining Timbers to Order CLOSING OUT STOCK OF SHOES AT COST Sumpter Lumber t Company & J. B. STODDARD, Mgr. ---''- A. P. GOSS, President A.J. GOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 5 TrinncU i Ctntrtl linking Igilntu Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON -'-''''-' Are You Progressive and Up-to-Date? Do nu want a stamp mill tliat has a capacity of X to 12 tons to each stamp? One that no maker of stamp mills in the United States can sell you, but ourselves? One that is better in every way than the kind they can sell you. THE MERRALLS' RAPID STAMP MILL has an enormous capacity. We are selling these mills everywhere. We in stall complete plants, Irom 8 to 1000 tons capacity. If you are thlnklug of putting up a stamp mill, don't do it, until you have written us. We can save ou thousand ot dollars, besides worry and vexation. These mills are endorsed by mining men evrrv. where. Send for circular. Merralls' Mill Company 129 First Street San Franoisco, Cal. t STAMP MILLS wood or iron frame Self-contained mills Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg. Co. incohporatc PORTLAND, OREGON ' s