The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 26, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, December 26, 1900
1 J 1 r
A limited number of lots will
be sold to bona fide building
purchasers. No boom. Let your
eyesand foresight be your judge.
The cars will be running into
Whitney by December 10.
Don't overlook a good thing.
The coming town at the west
ern terminus of the Sumpter
Valley Railroad.
j Building Has Actually Commenced
Idaho Mining Man Say Tbcy Will Have
to Go Into Politics.
Yesterday afternoon one of Hie best
known and shrewdest mining men of the
state was talking in the rotunda of the
Ccpltol hotel, the theme of his conversa
tion being the recent decision of the Su
preme court regarding the taxation of
patented mining claims.
"Patented mining pjoperty should be
taxed," said he, "but whether or not this
decision is too far reaching Is a question
to be decided. I think it Is. For In
stance, Is it right for an assessor, wflo in
nine out of ten cases, knows nothing of
mining, to come to my property and make
an arbitrary assessment and compel us
to pay. What basis will he go on? Will
he take the output gross, or the net profit
or will he take what some one says the
property is worth? To properly assess a
mine will be practically impossible, be
cause it is the most fluctuating business
In the world. This year the Never Miss
mine may make a profit of $5000, while
the Never Hit may operate at as much of
loss; and yet next year these conditions
may be exactly reversed. As this is true,
the question to be decided is, how will
they tax these properties?
"The mining men of Idaho must get
together for the purpose of Influencing
legislation of a nature to do justice to the
owners of patented mining property.
Mines are patented for two spaclfic pur
poses. The first and most important Is
to prevent any possibility of question as
to ownership; the other to avoid the $ 100
per year assessment work lequired by
law. The first cause Is the influence be
hind the patenting of properties by the
large operators they don't consider the
assessment work any hardship. Now, If
this decision is so far reaching as to allow
assessors to "exercise their judgment" in
taxing patented properties,. there will be
no more patenting. It will absolutely
stop It.
"Again, there is no good reason for tax
ing a property as per Its output, while
there are many for not doing so. The
people of Idaho who have output want
nothing but what is right they want a
fair shake they want to do as much in
proportion as any one else, but they do
not want to do more. You take the tax
ation on a basis of production, and you
tax a hundred properties and let a thou
sand go free. Idaho is too young a state
to begin such methods. It is different in
Colorado, for Instance, where you can
get to almost any of the camps In a pal
ace car, and where there are a great many
big dividend payers. Here there are few.
Here we are just getting on our feet In
quartz mining. Here we lack the means
for general development throughout the
state. Here we must have outside capi
tal in order to proceed. .
"Now, the law has been 100 worth of
work per year on all unpatented mining
properties. Why would it not be a good
plan to fix a single standard for patented
mining properties 1 50 or ioo per year
for each claim? Be lair, wouldn't it? You
take it In a section where they have had
labor troubles, like the Couerd'Alenes for
Instance would it not bethe easiest thing
in the world for the union miner who has
been elected assessor to put an exorbi
tant estimate on the value of one of these
mines, and compel payment of taxation
on such a basis? Surely, and it would be
far from just. If a fixed charge were
made it would be just, and prevent any
possibility as suggested.
"Something of this nature must be done,
else the mining men ot the state would be
compelled to go into politics. Without
any egotism, I think I am safe In saying
that in many counties of the state the
large operators could select and elect the
assessor. We do not want to do anything
of the sort. We are willing to pay taxes.
We recognize the fact that It Is otir duty,
but we do not wish to be at the mercy of
absolutely incompetent men and we
won't be. This is a matter presenting
many knotty problems, but they will
eventually be satisfactorily settled, I am
satisfied. What Is necessary now and till
the legislature meets is to think over the
matter carefully and arrive at a conclusion
which will be just tn all concerned."
Scenic Line of the World.
For an enjoyable trip east, take the
Denver it Rio Grande railroad, Scenic
Line of the world. Three dally trains be
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
and all eastern points, and all points on
the Pacific coast. Most magnificent seen
cry on this continent. The leading fea
ture in connection with the trip is that the
through trains pass through the scenic
attractions of the Itocky mountains in
Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas
sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable
ride, free from dust and the annoyances
experienced via other lines. Superb din
ing car service on all through trains.
Service a la carte, pay for what you order.
Through standard and tourist sleepers.
Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets
anywhere between Ogden and Denver.
Call 011 your nearest ticket agent for
tkkets, rates and nil Information, or ad
dress, CB NlCIIOI...
General Agent, Portland, Ore.
There came to my place Monday, De
cember 3, two stray work horses. One
is a gray horse with hook and anchor
brand on left shoulder; the other a brown
horse with a square and letter V joined at
angle, on left shoulder. Owner can ap
ply at my ranch, Alder Springs, Baker
county, and secure the property by prov
ing ownership and paying expenses In
curred. JOHN ADAMS.
Always reliable Giant powder.
Portland, Oregon
SwMPTtn, Ohioon