THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, December 26. 1900 "GOLD NOT WORTH A BIT A BARREL " Georgeous Pipe Dream Colorado Boomer. of "Well, gentlemen, when I was In Idaho a number of years ago, I was of the im pression you a line state a state where there were opportunities for Invest ment and profit In mining but It Is all off now. Why, the fact is, from knowledge in my possession, I am justified in stating that, if nil the mines In Idaho were put up for sale at auction they couldn't be knocked off for six .hits. Not at the pres ent moment, hut within a week, when the facts I will now relate to yju will be the property of the world and when gold will not be worth n hit a h.irrel. I n come down to the phh of the story, and then tell it In Its proper order I will simply 111. ike the statement. " Ihere been discovered, underly ing the town of Glllctte,Colorado, a blan ket of ore 3$ miles su.ti.ire In extent, and live feet thkk, all running Jjooo or more per ton I " I hese arr the facts, In n nutshell. Gillette, us you all know, Is adj iceut to Cripple Creek, the camp, where is t lie only deposit uf pliouolitc In the world." I hen John W.itson Cork stopped a mo such tor a number of months. But the Swede staid with it. When he got down too feet he struck phonolite and f 3000 per ton told. He was crazy, for a moment, but then got dumb, and has so remained since. Meanwhile he continued his Inves tigations. The ore was determined to be five feet thick. When he had gone through this in the original shaft he began sinking others, having obtained financial aid by the showing made. "Now It Is absolutely determined that this blanket is 35 square miles in extent, and of an average depth of five feet, never getting less. This may seem strange to you, and especially that so tremendous news has not been made public. The fact is the people owning the property have not dared to state the facts, but I know that within the next three or four days the Associated Press will have It and give it to the world. When it is made public there will no longer be a market for gold, except for the cheaper kinds of jewelry, for trinkets and baubles and such kinds of ! jlmcracks. Hut as for money, it will not be used as such, because it will be too common. With such a deposit of gold It seems reasonable that one as l.irge of other metals will be discovered somewhere In the world, so that we will be able to have neither as a money medium. Thank God they don't mine paper, so we can have a money, and one in which there can be no such sensational deterioration as there will presently be In gold. "Since the absolute determination of the facts as I hive related them, John II iys Hammond has invested in 585,000,- ooowoithof properties section. Fraser and Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINERY Rolls, Stamps, Crushers, Perforated Metals, Jigs, Frue Vanners, Etc. MINING MACHINERY-Bollers, including Scderholm Bolle:, Air Compressors, Reidler Pumps, Fur naces, Etc. Write to our Chi :ago office for Catalogue. Represented by MtNNO UNZ.'CKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON WWW,'tW' OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES ment lor 11 hie ith and to see in what man-1 P N tiere ostensively to look over the tier the listeners l.ikeu the statement. (impendence mine and I believe tie lias It was given in the presence of :i number Kivnl ,,.,t MIC, ., i,:ic eye oraer to di of mining men In the rotunda of the ml .mention (rui this other and greater Ovetl ind hotel Sund ly evening just after proposition. He knows lie has the d-posit dinner, and the author had enjoyed the ' r ia (fm which all others, the world meal heartily and was sitting smoking one of tli it hotel's best Ugars. His aud itors gasped. Hut one man spoke lor several moments, and he had the hardi hood to suggest there was a defined deposit ol phonolite within live miles of Boise. Cork simply squelched him with a look, and then preceeded: " There is no such tiling as phonolite outside of Cripple Creek or the adjoining section. It is a gold bearing material simply, and from what I know it is the material In which the gold of centuries has deposited, making the greatest blank et ledge the world has ever known and greater than the dreams of even the ancients, who to me seem to have been more avarliious than the people of a later day. The story of the discovery is this: A Swede came to Cripple Creek a couple of years ago, and looked about a bit for a chamr to get to work. He had some money, and could not secure work be- over, have come, and it is a cinch on gold." I hen the story teller wafted Into the darkness of the night and then the lis-' teuers began figuring. Based upon the usual estimates on ore there would be here 2,787,060,000 tons of ore, and at 3,000' per ton would beworthM, 363,80,000,000. ' I hat amount of money would easily pay all the debts of the world, and give the in habitants each a nice bank account. It would put us ail on easy street. The gen tlemen who listened to this story became convinced It was of a wonderful thing but they determined that It was a shame that only a Swede and John Hays Ham mond were to get the gold. Boise States man. BtUlcy-Elkhorn Mill Will Resume. The Haisley-Elkhorn mill, which has been underline needed repairs for the past two or three weeks, will resume Agentsfor Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and .Winers. SUMPTER, OREGON k.'''''''' J cause he had never been in a mine in Ills operations next week. The machinery life, and had not the least knowledge of 1 )as received a complete overhauling and the simplest portion of the work. So, dls-1 s m,w , ie C0nj,0l, for C0n,llU0U8 courageo in mis, ue tnou 4111 lie would Avenarius Carbolineum RKGISTURliD -"BEWARE OF IMITATIONS" The world famed Wood Preserver for mining tim bers, fence posts, house props, shingle roofs. A radical remedy against Chicken Lice and all insects that prey upon timber. Fhrrubron Paint (anti rust). A permanent coating for ipon roofs. Fire proof for stacks. Send for circulars. Basche Hardware Company Agents UMPTCR AKCR CITV, ORCOON buy a farm and go to raising truck, or something of tint nature. He had some money. He was around town sK months or so, and being rather shrewd, soon learned all he wanted to know of mining. He noted that a great number of people had sunk shafts and found such ore as to make them It was, to him, simply a question ot HkU or chance. One morn 1'iiS lie begin buying provisions, and when questioned stated lie determined to go into mining for a business and thus make a fortune. Asked where his prop erty was, he-said lie had none, but that he'd tuid ground somewhere, and work it. So lie st itted out, reached the top of the pi itrau west of Clippie Creek and found tills had 110 locations whatever. run. The mine, which is the oldest con-1 tluuous producer in Baker county, never looked more promising than at present. Work has been prosecuted steadily dur-' lug the temporary shut down of the mill, blocking out a large body of high grade ore. A new station has been made in the ' deep sinking shaft and the hoisting ma- chinery Is now operating to perfection. A Democrat reporter vMtr-J the camp re cently and noted many Improvements that had been made during the past season, probably the most important of which was the road to the mine. It has been made double Its former width, so that teams can pass eachother at any point, and is now one of the tinest mountain roads in the 1 west. Sleighs are now run from the old Bobbins mill at the foot of the mountain I GRAlNSTROM'S CAFE.. AND OYSTER HOUSE .Baker City, Ore. NOTHING IN EASTERN OREGON TO SURPASS IT ... ALL KINDS SHELL FISH A SPECIALTY NEVER CLOSED t'NDLR ANTLERS HOTEL It was believed tv all mliihii! men to be batten. But It was good enough for the to the BaisleyElkhoru mine. Mr. Geo. Swede, and lie set his stakes on the level L. Whitaker, superintendent of the mine, and lrg.'iu sinking a sh itt, I who has been on a visit to his home in "He lilted men, good miners, and began active and large work, 1 he people of that section made it a standing joke, and it was Norwich, Connecticut, for the past two or three weeks, will return about the first of the year. Democrat. r George W. Weigand... ; I 1 HIGH GRADE LIQUORS I I '! II Aivtrv. nr.ADc ' J Mining Men's Headquarters Next Door to Wonder Store BOURNE, OREGON 1.'.'''. ,