The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 26, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, December 26, 1 00
Say the word. Let me show you what 1 have been show
ing weak men for over a Quarter of a century the true road to
health. The remedy I offer you will serve you faithfully with
out danger.
During mv early years of practice I gave prescriptions to
weak men. know better now. For thirty years I have been
treating these peculiar nervous symptoms which result from
youthful errors or later excesses, such as drains, impotency,
lame back, varicocele, etc. From so vast an experience I can
usually offer men, single or married, valuable advice. Reader,
I wish it was in my power to show every weak man what
wonderful results I am getting from my famous appliance, the
Dr. Sanden Electric Belt
It is a never failing restorer of
and suspensory attachment.
strength it used properly.
You may believe when I show you 6000 unsolicited testi
monials of absolute cures names and addresses received dur
ing 1899. This belt is the result of patient years of study. It
developed from a portable chain battery I invented twenty-five
years ago. It has undergone many changes, until today it embodies the best features of all electrical appliances,
and constitutes a perfect home self -treatment for men. It is really a portable battery of 56 elements. Weight,
six ounces. Currents instantly felt, though regulated to any degree of strength while on the body by using regu
lator thumb screw. Worn all night. Soothes, strengthens, cures while you sleep.
r fmf
y 1
Department 19
Russell Building
DR. A. T. SANDEN, Portland, Oregon
Though Money Not Yet Due on the Bell
Baker and Red Fox.
Manager H. S. McCallum, of the Mam
moth Gold Mining company, and the Bald
Mountain Mining company, came to Ba
ker City yesterday and made the final
payment of f8,ooo of the purchase price of
the Bell Baker and Red Fox claims, ad
joining the Mammoth mine In Mammoth
district. The persons receiving the money
and from whom the title to these proper
ties passed, were Thomas McEweu, J. F.
Cupid and Andrew Elliott, all well known
citizens of Sumpter.
The last payment on the purchase of
these properties was not due until Jan
uary I, iooi, but a few days was of no
Importance to the syndicate buying them,
all of whom are Boston people, since
sufficient development has given ample i
evidence of the value of the mines.
The Mammoth Alining company, the J
purchaser of the Bell Maker and Red Fox,
Is one of the strongest companies opera- j
tine i" the eastern Oregon gold fields and ,
it is a matter of congratulation to know I
that the company has placed its confi
dence witli so great a degree of certainty
of success as that indicated by the splen- j
did showing made by the mines they now
control, under so able management as that '
of Mr. McCallum who, since his advent
into Baker county, has shown temark-,
ahle foresight and extraordinary business
ability. Ills success has been remarkable
and there are still greater achievements in
store for him and those associated with
him. Democrat.
Good Showing on the Yellow Daisy.
S. B. Dourty's Yellow Daisy group,
situated on the south end of Spokane
mountain, near the Red Boy, Is now un
dergoing further development. A force of
men are at work extending the main tun
nel to cross-cut one of the numerous leads
that are known to traverse this property
and which crop out on the surface a few
hundred feet up the mountain from the
mouth of the main working tunnel. This
property presents as tine a showing as
any in this section for the amount of de
velopment done. No less than eight dis
tinct and separate free gold leads of fair
size and value have been uncovered on the
surface, and the owners have every confi
dence that when these are encountered In
the face of the tunnel at a depth of several
hundred feet, they will have a mine equal
to any in Grant or Baker counties. The
Yellow Daisy group is about two miles
from Lawtou. Lawton Standard.
Gold Hill Produces 35 Tons Daily.
The Gold hill, which Is just four miles
northeast of Express, and only a short
distance from the Gold Ridge, has just in
creased Its milling capacity to thirty-five
tons daily, and in a few days the new ma
chinery will be In operation. The force of
thirty miners will be increased at once.
There has been something over $150,000
sunk Into this mine, every dollar of which
came out of it, besides paying handsome
dividends, and it has today as good a
financial standing as any mine hi the
country. In conversation with Colonel
James A. Panting, under whose skill
ful management it has come into promi
nence as a producer, he said: "With the
Gold Hill and the Gold Ridge we have
two of the best mines in the country up
near Express. I don't care what those
Sumpter people think, I know this. We
can show any day a ledge that will equal
any In the country, both in size and value.
I have spent the last four years in the
Gold Hill and the mine now has a tunnel
depth of over 650 feet and looks better all
the time. As a matter of fact, there is lit
tle known of the value of this mine as we
have never courted publicity. We have a
good mine, we know it, and we are satis-fied."-Baker
City Herald.
O. S. L Ry.
Montana, Utah
Colorado and all
Eastern Points...
Olvrs clmlct ultwn favotitr rmitM. via Ihr Union
I'ACll IC I'aM AU1I Hi).?, or ilic Hio (iUAMtli S.rnc
No Change of Cars
On the I'oilliinJ-Chlfiipi Sprclal."'Tht linrit In
theWrst, i:ul't-Jltli
Elegant Standard Sleepers
Fine New Ordinary ('I ourlst) Sleepers
Sunerh Library-Buffet Cars
Splendid Diners (inealsa la carte)
Free Recllnln Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Entire Train Completely Vestihuled
Ml Mill MS Ol Till)
Oregon Mining Stock
Correspondence solicited rela
tive to mines or meritorious
prospects. Can place them in
stock companies or sell outright
.Extbnsive Eastern.
IIV Till:
0' PiSoSv
Uiivt Daily FiihI Train
In llif
I ur furllu-r lliliiimallun Apply tu
Trav. Bass. At. Gen'l Agent. '
142 Third St., I'orlland, Ore.
If von iiiiiiiiii IiiKc 1 he 11111111111'
liiiin. trawl li the evcniii;,' train.
Until n it- fully ciiiiii',
Tllltorfill SICKVICK
Tliiniigli I'ulmc anil Tiniiat Kkcp
fiv. Dining Cur mid Hiillrlt l.ilirnry
('a it". I'iii-t-i'liiN- Knit Id (lining Chair
Cui. Home in tin i'mimiI to OiiiiiIiii,
Cliicnpi, KiniMit- ('it), New York,
Huston uiiil oilier Kin-Inn iiiiiln.
Tickets L!f l via Salt Lake City
anil Denver. It ih (o yum inlciot to
iihu tin1 Ovi'ilmul Route.
TiekilH ami deeping 1111 heitlis can
lie m ell in I lining
A win (). H.&N. CO.
linker City, Oregon
Or, .1. II. LATIIKOr, lifii'l Agl.
I llliH.h.l St., h)iilnml,.pro.