THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, December 26. 1900 The Sumpter Minerfe Official I'.ipcr nl the 'I own of Siirtiplcr. I'umiMiiii 1 vi wiiiMMiAY iiv 11. marsh ami I. w. conn 1:1. 1 A (.. SUIISIIPII'tlON IM1IS One Year Six Months .il M SYS IS AIIVASI.I., M.rlnSuml,r.OrrKnn.l.,i irMnsinUsii,!, iiimiiKii tin- mulls .1 second class natter. ' natter cuuniy. 11 dugm iu ue ucrc ai I Sumpter. Baker City, of course, will EAS 1 1. KN capital Is looking for invest- put in a claim lor it, but If that town Is went In the Sumpter gold Is shown wise, it will join forces with Sumpter on by a letlet received by W. II. W. Ilainll- this Issuej remembeiliiK that the popular ton (nun tin eastern syndicate of mining lie-.trt Is fired at this wrltlnu on the ques men, asking fur a good property of tnriit tloii of county division also, and that the that Is reasonably worth from 5250,000 to votes out this way are worth considering. 1,000,000. I Besides, the real advantages to be reaped I from a school of mines located at Sumpter AND now the excitement is about oll.wolh, be nb RrM, as , )e institution In another column of I Ml: MINI-K today vwc .,, Baker C,Vi T)e purposeof such there is .1 story regarding the oil fields re- ., ,.,.,, , not wliolly, or perhaps cenlly discovered in Washington, to the eve, B,ri tn;ar n v. ,0 turn out annually a lot north. A gentleman is quoted iu a Port- ,)f ,,., batej ..experts,.. M. Es. It Is to laud paper as saving that in this state L.ell,ficay study the mineral formations there art-In several localities every Indica- Lf lhe Matc, , determine by experiment tion of oil. I o the south, Iu California, , ,(1W bes, , ,,,..,, ,e orMf , a,j , ,,)e de. this has become a great Industry and ...any ve()pmel of le mMng resources 0f ,he fortunes are being made. It is not prob- ,..,.. apie mat imuuirous rsaiure lias U'liiuielJ 1 this r it li gill from O.egou, while bestow ing Il lavishly on adjoining states. Over Iu John I Jay valley their .ire extensive coal lirlds, with evriy ludk.itinii of the present of oil also. I his region ought to be piosprctrd. Where is thr man or men with money and nerve enough to make the gamble, one with almost an even bleak to win and thi-piien hundred fold g.eater th 111 the money vrntutrd? Al.rUl.ll HAKMSVYOKIH, edi'or and prup.ieior of the London Daily Mail, his (outiibuted to the .l.iiiiiaty number of the Ninth Aineik.iu Review an a.tkle 011 what In 1. ills "Simultaneous Newspapers of thr I uriitletliLeulury." Ilariliswoith rxptesses the opluiiiii that in split- of all progiess that has been mad iu the de 1 velopi.ieiil nl newspapers hlllietto, we ate ktill im-iclv at the lllniteol itiiiinallstic de- velopiueut. Pirdkting what the journals $ of the twentieth leutuiy will be, lit s.iys; "I frel irit.iln that the uewspapr.-s ol the twentieth lenluiy will bt'tliawu Into the vorli- nl mil iblnatlon and leutrali ition. Whrte theie ate now i imiltiludt- ol pa pers, good, bad ami Indilleieiit, their will then be oiienr two jiiuiuals. The method by stiih journals would be estab lished would be 1'irilselv th tse einploved iu (lie loimatioii ot any otdluatv trust. Possessing Its own tables, wiles, dlspaUh boats and speil .1 trains, the simultaneous newspapei miuein will soon have its own paper mills, pnuilug Ink I.Kloiiesand ma- 1 hlne shops. I he slinullanemis new spa- per will lep.e-ent a siandatd of exielleiue , , ... 11, I, 1 i, never belure attained." He should go further, and point out that, though an tin- , ,, ,. ' ,, equallrd news mlle.lor ,lllil distributor, such .1 papei will be a business enteipiise, pt.lely and suiiy- that for business lea sons Its news columns will 'e minted .tod no intelligent leader will be influenced by its editoilal utterances, knowing that they are contiolled by the counting room. PAI'IKS in Poitl.llld.-UHl Other Western Olegou towns are publishing much smooth, paclhlng editoilal matter about .ill the state Institutions being In a hunch Iu western Olegou, of coutse. The oc- (or ihisnri.i- i , IU- iv thr nit laslon tor this pe.ue talk Is tl e agitation in eastern Oregon of-the question ot state division. l:astem uregon wants ,1 sepa rate state government because the politi cal storm center, the headquarters of the machine, is at Portland and this portion f the state has never received a square deal from the bosses. This latter state- 1.0 one has yet had the hardihood to Now, aside from the local advant nccruiiiK from political prizrs and al leed honors, there are no benefits to be derived from state division; It will ma terially Increase taxation. The most prac- tlcal solution of the Irritating subject will be for the western combination to throw a crumb to the eastern portion -of the state. And this brings the matter to the point where Till: MINI:K becomes interested; to a subject on which it can work up some enthusiasm. I here is no question but what the state needs a school of mines and, furthermore, "" "e " re.HOII.lWe deny bllt what sucli an institution should be located III I, , .. 1. ..i. l u. . The western powers should give these suggestions due consideration. "The Portland," conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, continues to merit the name of the popul ir gentlemen's resort of Sumpter. John Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer i the Highest References dlvm When Required . . -. IIAKLR CITY, OMIH- tjil-le Addre ss-IYmplesra) , UliVt, Ote . I. O. R. M. ptiAN lUltir No. .,. Impmved Iced .Men, '- inert In irgulii iniimlt at I O R.MVII i , ai he jth lliltilclli llii'ilh nl in iv rnisJ, Mghl ol r.ich inimii All Iced .Men slslllng out-huhting giounds .iipvwUnme ClOI-iil! IISMW. A. J. I.sww. ( 11I II Suhi'in. ham II MHOi'i , son lm A,.,r.,,,w s,., iv,,,,,,,, Oi'mad.i I staMMudln Ln'oudnin 18,6 Xlnlng I iiirlueeis, Asitrs, I demists, Standard Wink. I'us.m.l Ireisoiutle Pilces. loilv ' l''Kii.e.e..i.i (cimiMeasiav). , K.sia. n- iirni: golJ. sllur, tnppst. Ji.v- A llreial Jls- count on .i'l Mils ner i. A shair ol your vtnik Is lesprtltiitlt suliilled. QHS. TAPE sV PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons 1'. w ri ski 1 . w. it. II. W. UN', x 11 Telephone Main is SUHI'll'R. OkKIOS. SUM,m HHVELOPMENT CO. MJMI'TLK, ORI.GON . ., , Owners of all the choice acreage stir- rillll,jhlR Smnptrr. Inside residence lots ,,u easy terms. Apply to SliVMOUK II. IUH.L, Manager. C A. STARK. Attorney-at-Law Center, ci. Hleh St. Smarter, Oieeon To the Faithful KNOW ALL MI.N: lint many Prince ol the Orient are now soournlni In Hie City nl Sumpter and are meeting, tor the purpose ot In structing novices and Jllfuslng wlsJom, at 8 p. in Wednesday evenings at Red Men's hall, and al such o her places as the (irand I'adisha rnay order. All Princes who have mit maJe ttiemselves known are cordially Invited lo present themselves, staff nl Hie In hand, al lhe temple door, uheie they will be itirdlatlv welcomed. BV OROCR Grand Secretary Grand Padasha E. A. CLEM 4 CO. MININO INVI-STMIiNTS Proatitlai liimlmd and RtaorWd en, Mtmbar Port land Mlnln Stock Eiehanf 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND, ORE. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, First Rank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Sneelal Attention (ilven to Surperv and to DIs. eases of Women. Office, Nelll lilock; Residence, (iranlle Street nea iMMI pENNER & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors (or Oregon, Wash ington, Mainland Montana. I nglnecrs for the Sumpler Townslie Company, LlmlleJ. Undorirotind and Pttint Suittys. and OiiMln. Hat Printing L T. IIENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Bargains In Sumpler District suaiu uaims. SUAU'Ti-R. OREGON T A. SAMJV.S, ' ' ARC'ITECT, 1 11AK10 cm. t OHCCSON ' I '. ,. ilclnjle plans, specifications and estimates furnished Xrthur philbrick Civil and ( .AUtilng Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Survesor (or Oregon and IdiliO llsamlnatlnns and reports on mining proper ties. Omce wltli 1 Itile (ilant Mining Co. .Mill StkEIT. - SUWI'ICR. OREOON. issuiMscr. f,L. MANNING, HCAL ESTATli City Recorder and Notarv Public. Collections Abstracts Agent lor I srlclde I lie Kxtlngulshei Sumpter. STOTT SHELTON, ; -, ?" Attorneys at Law. SU.MPTl R, OHIOON W. H. W. HAMILTON Mining and Consulting Engineer. Mining Properties Txamlned, Repotted lies ramtned, and I or Sale. vJn i Moielngand Neal Code. ngand Me lion 118 SUMPTER. OREGON f. T. FREEMAN Public Stenographer All Kinds of Work Done at Reasonable .... Rates .... ROOin IJ '"' Sumpter BullJln Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO ll AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wopd's nulldiiiR. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMPTEK-CANYON ROUTE. EAT 11: o p. in. Lv ,.., I'.jo p. m. Ar.. . no p, m. Lv. ... r:a p m. Ar 1 Sumpter... .C.lllord ... Cliflnrd ... Austin . Ar io-10 a. m. .Lv 800 a. m. .Ar 7:10 a. m. Lv I ;-oo a. m. Connectlnc at Austin stills stages lor Canyon City and Interior points. I-40 p. m. Lv.. ..Clllford.. ..Ar t:jo a. im 5 ou p. m. Ar .Honinia. .Lv 6:o a. m. Connecting at llonanra ultli slices for Pyx, Rohlnsonvllle. Worley, Virginia, Don Juan and Uelcher mines. SUMPTER-URANITE ROUTE. u;o p. m. I Lv Summer Ar, 4:10 p. m Ar Ciranlte. ....Lv I Livery at Granlie to Noilh Tork, Red Hoy, Ban telle and adjacent mines. SU.MPTER-HOURNE ROUTE 1 a: o p. m. Lv Sumpter Ar o'wa. n loop. m. Ar Bourne Lv 8.00 a. m y.o p. m. Ar Columbia Lv t:io a. Including; North Pole. E.1E, Climax, Ohloand ad jacent mines.