The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 26, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, December 26 1900
Capital $500,000
John j. pi-niiai.i:,
(fion. Mjr. liunkir Hill Cut J Mnc (..)
Miwi'll K, OH cos
Al.lilSKT fil:ISI:l,
Hakim uiv
l:(IGI:NI: Sl'I.NKY,
K. C. PliNII.ANI),
'I rcasurer
Grizzly Gold
Mining Company
In 1,000,000 shares of the
par value of Fifty Cents
Each. Treasury Stock
b Treasury Stock at TEN CENTS Per Ihrirn
CASH BASIS All Cash Purchasers Receive a Discount of Five Per
Cont on the Investment.
INSTALLMENT BASIS Purchasers May Secure Stook in Blocks
of 1000 Shares and Upwards, Payable 10 Per Cent Down and 10
Per Cent Each Month Until Paid.
Affords an opportunity for profitable investment that cannot be equaled in the Sumpter District. The mine is now
being actively operated and has reached a decree of development practically assuring the stability of the mine.
The ledge, carrying high values in gold, copper and silver, is over 40 feet in width. Work is being rapidly pushed,
tunnelling and sinking on the ledge, blocking out ore and adding to the pay dumps, and it may be expected that
the mine will be a producer and the company a dividend payer at an early date. Every dollar realized by the
company from the sale of treasury stock is being used for improving the property. The sale of stock will be con
tinued until the mine is a producer,. As development progresses the price of stock will be advanced.
Secure this stock now at 10 cents. That it will be worth its par value within 12 months is a conservate es
timate. Subscriptions for stock may be sent to the company direct, or to the First Bank cf Sumpter, Sumpter, Ore.
For Prospectus and Further Information, address,
TtnVT Rank or Sumi-iim Qum.iih, On
CmiiN Dann Bantu Citv Ohioon
Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore.
Samples Received From Re
cent Strike in the Caytisc
S niiilrs have been brought In from t lie
Intt-r Moiiut.'iiu t il.t-n tnmi the rich slnke
on th.'it propertv ,ruiti'il in llu-M- columns
last week. I his new body of rich ore
w.-is touud while drilling on the Caytise
ledge, KKi fret below thr upper Wirklngs.
I lie ledge is thire tret tlikk ami has
been uncovered lot a distance of 57 Int.
A iiiniil'ci ol assays have Itch nude and
thr lowest n.tvr 5i j 61 in gnld, besides
thr silver, w hUh predominates. It is the
opinion of those comprint! to judge, who
hivr examine J thr vein, that it will aver
age hrllrr than 5io in gold throughout Its
rntitr thickness and length so far as
Thr Inter-Mountain is fast provinK to
hr one of thr be-t in thr district and will
no doubt he worked with heavy machinery
nr.Nt srason. I hr owners make the un
disputed claim for it that, with thr onr ex
ception of the Ibe.v, It Is thr most exten
sively developed mine in eastern Oregon
on which a mill not been erected.
W. C C.ildei, who owns .1 controlling
Interest, Ins persistently pursued what
some people think to he the too conserva
tor policy of continuing to hlock out large
hodies of ore; not even shipping any of
the high grade 5ioo rock now on the
dump. His Idea is that transportation
and leduJion charges would eat up much
of the profit that the company can savehy
treating its own ores. And it must he
granted III it this policy, though It does
postpone the dividend d tie, renders that
time a practical certainty, as well as In
cie islng the sie of the dividends.
Appropriations for Pacific Cont Vatfrways
A Washington City press dls;viich
dateJ thr twenty-first instant, says: The
river and liarhor hill was completed to-
j night and Chairman Burton gave out a
I statement showing the amounts to he ap-
1 propriated. lite total is approximately
' StV,ooo,ooo, nf which ahout 52j,ooo,ooo Is
on direct appropriations and about 537,000,-
000 is authorisation of contracts lor con-
I llnuous work. Compaied with lormer
I river and liarhor hills the present one is
the largest on recotd.aud alter the senate
It is added amendments it is expected to
I he well up to if not ahead of all previous
rrcords. Some of the items are: Oregon
I lilamook hay and , cash, 527,000;
I Wellington Olympia liarhor, cash,
?25,ooo; I'acoma, cash,53o,coo; Colunihla
1 liver at Cascades, cash, f 30,000; mouth
I of Columbia river, cash, 5.100,000; con-
I tracts, 5i, 500,000; lower Willamette and
1 Columbia rivers below Portland, cash,
1 5225,000; Willamette tivrr above Portland
I and Yamhill river, cash, 570,000; Coqttlllr
rivrr, general Improvements, 540,000; Si
uslaw river, mouth of, cash, 526,000; ex
aminations, surveys and contingencies of
rivers and harbors, inspection of bridges,
etc., cash, 5200,000.
Indian Allotments Held Up.
The local laud otllce is in receipt of in-
! strtictlous from the general land office to
postpone all the cases against the Indian
allotments until further instructions. This
step is not understood here, but it is
hoped that it is a step by the laud otficers
in Washington to Investigate this whole
sale giving away of the best land of the
'county to a renegade and worthless band
I of Indians, who know nothing about tlte
laud allotted them, and care less, and over
1 one half of whom never saw the land and
! never intend to do anything witlt It. Ile
sldcs this, nearly one-third of those alloted
I have passed to the "happy hunting
, grouuds,"The cancellation of these allot
ments will make homes for manydesirablei
I citizens and become a great wealth pro
ducing part of the county. Harney
I County Items.
Big Proposition Iking Ditcusetd Over in
Union County.
A big electric iower plan! lor east Union
county is again talked of and may become
a reality during the coming year. About
a ear ago the scheme was considered by
parlies representing capitalists and vari
ous locations examined 011 the several
streams ol this section of the county, and
it seems that when all tilings are consid
ered that hagle creek is especially adapted
to such a plant.
I he scheme is to build a ditch from
liagle creek, near Sanger, about thirty
miles east of Union, for the purpose of
luruishlng power for operating dynamos
and generating electricity for distribution
to the adjacent mining camps and towns
of Union county for electric lighting and
power purposes. It Is believed there
is already sufficient business hi sight to
justify tlte building ot tlte plant and the
rapid Increase ot business is hardly prob
lematical. Power could be transmitted to Cornu
copia, Sparta, Sanger, the Pine and Eagle
valley towns and tlte mines of east Union
county and even Union, and other not too
distant places.
I'he undeveloped power of Eagle creek,
which is estimated to have over 2000
Inches ot water at tlte lowest stage, is
very great and if it is harnessed as Is pro
posed, it will materially assist in the de
velopment of Union county and her
mines, Union Republican.
A fine selection of goods suitableo as
Christmas present will be here In a few
days, including the follewing: Fine
French china ornaments and useful arti
cles, solid sterling silver table ware, nov
elties, Rogers Brothers knive, forks,
spoons, etc; also a full line of watches and
jewelry. P. C. Biodle, Opera House
Scenic Line of the
Favorite Triiiisroiitiuciitul Route
between tlio Nortliucst anil nil Points
K11M, Choice of two routes through
tlti' Famous
mid four routes cast of Pueblo and
All passengers granted n days stop
over in tho Mormon Capitol or any
where between Ogden and Denver.
Peionully conducted tourist excurs
ions to
For tickets or nnv information m.
gnnling routes, ete.,' or for descriptive
advertising matter, call on amenta of
Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.,
Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific
G. P. & T. A., Denver, Col.
R. 0. NICHOL, Gen'l Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
I i-