i6 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday. December 26, 1900 TALK OF THE TOWN. Claud Basche spent Christmas day with Ills parents at Baker City. It Is a two tonne bet that the snow now on the ground has come to stay. Attorney McCullocli left for Portland Sunday, to spend Christmas with his (' some Minneapolis ,,;ir,es family. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, of Baker City, at tended the fancy diess ball here last night. General Manager liaillle, of the Col umhla, lelt for the east last week. He will he absent several weeks. A fine hoy baliy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cnstello Christmas morning, Or. lirock being the attending physician. It Is reported that the North Pole will shut down on the first for a week or ten main ther! at least two weeks, perhaps permanently. He goes there to Investi gate a business proposition, that his many friends here ho, e will pan out a million for the deserving gentleman. George C. Munro, of Sumpter, returned home Monday from California, where he : went to examine a mining property for AU. Munro GROCERIES says he could not report favorably on the same, and has advised his people that the Sumpter district offers more Inducements to an investor than any other mineral sec tion he has visited or can learn of. The coining year will prove his assertion. Beware of, hut ask for It Giant Powde Always reliable Giant powder. ESTRAY NOTICE. There came to mv nlace Moudav. De- days, for the purpose of making general ceml)rr Jt lw ,,tray work orses Que rel)a'rs' ! Is a gray horse with hook and anchor Robert B. Sanders and Mrs. Sarah H. J brand on lelt shoulder; the other a brown Goodman were married Monday evening ' horse with a square and letter A joined at at the Presbyterian church, Rev. James i angle, on left shoulder. Owner can ap Byers officiating. I ply at my ranch, Alder Springs, Baker Professor Holland requests Till- MINER ) county, and secure the property by prov to slate (hat the name of Orsha Costello, i"K ownership and paying expenses in of the Second grade, was inadvertently ' erred. JOHN ADAMS. .milllail frnin tit liniirt v. ill ..Kit. I. ..I I .. I - " - . - WCek. Administrators Notice. Contractor Homier left today for Hit Diadem with a crew of men to begin work driving the 600 foot tunnel 011 that prop erty, which work was awarded him re cently by the company. In tin- Luunlv Court nl H.iUer Cnuntv, Orecnn. In ttir mailer of the estate nl Annie Clemens, Je teised. Nnllce Is lierrtiy Klven ly the undersigned, I. r. Ilrnck, administrator nl the estate nl Annie Clemens, defeased. In the creditors nl, an J all per suns having claims agalns the said estate. In exhibit them meeliier Willi the necessary vouchers, within Mrs. Sadie li. While, wild w.is cillrd IhiMU-M six inc.nih alter the hrl miHIcatlon nt thl " nntice. In ll llietvtelllli day nl liiirmrvr, iuoj, to Oregon City a week or so ago, on ac Is expected home In a few days, her In the .ijmlnkliulnf at his ntlire. at the rnrnrr nl 1 .. ...11.. ... 1 ..in . . . t.. .. . . . . . .1 1 in g 1 .1 .iiainir nia imiii sneris, in ine inwrinr jumpier. count of the serious Illness of her mother, Maker Cnuiio.OreKon. iiu-same MnK a place inr Hie li.insactlnn nl Mislness nl the said estate In said ftmnti'. 1 T. ItUfiff. mother having recovered. , AJminisiratnr. Dated, Sumpter, Ore., December , ivoo. lit. Andrrsnn was called to Gelser yes terday on professional business. When' NOTICE OF FORFEIRURE. st.itll'ig home he got on the wrong road and drove to Austin before asieri.iiuiug "where he was at." I od.iy was several hours old before he readied home. 1 1 1 , i. 11 .1 tir 1 11 1 lour and .1 hall miles nnilheslol SilinlUiT nnj near Last lllghl Airs. Ilarley Wood slipped ihel.i.inlteinidln Maker cminlv.has 'erlnrmed as- .1111! fell nil Ihr i-Liss-stimotll sl.lew.illc. sessinnil mill, .is innilirJ lv l.ix .inj souaiere- 0 .--.., .jin,,.,! mtnm , j.iii 1111111 jitehereul In p.iv nur Tn Ste e I vs Jen on J V. W. Thiinni n: I Vnil ate herehv nntllieJ tli.lt A. J, TaJInck, vnur I cn-nnrr In that leilaln iiilmral italm known asthe IV.i,nck, I'tliii; sltu.itej on the AicCuth lurk ahnit ' pinpiiitiiin nl the expenditure unnn salj claim A. J. I'MUOCk. Sumpter. Oreenn, DeCeml'er w, im.i. I list pill Iliatlon Dec la. ii, last March o, iyoi. riMIIIK I AND. ACI ll'S'l. 1, irliR. I OR I'I'IIIICAIIO.V. NOriCI: 1'nlle.l St ites l-m I O'lice, l.ttirande, (tee,im, Detembel 17, ly.i liiirllng herself nolle severely. I'll council should take some steps to force properly owners to keep sidewalks in Inn, 1 of their iMilldiugs Irre liom snow and ice. I he Sumpter post nllue h ivlng been ad vanced to the Until class, Hit- po-.tiii.i-.lt r Is appointed by the piesiJcut. I:rauk levvett l, of course, iniilliiiied in the po sitiou, Ihi pie l,lnit sent his name to the senate last week, whUi appointment was continued. Mr. .-itnl Alts. Willi. 1111 Stliismi irlnrnr.l 1 , .1.1 . 1 .1 Sampler, Cnunlv ol Hiker, Snte nl Oieenii, has Slllld.iy IrOIII . I trip t I OroiltO .Hid Oilier lt,k d.n hleJItl Ihlsntlue Ills sworn statement No. Pl.ues I., C..n..d... where .hey visited with V'X's, UuVno'' ,t"J. old IrleilJs .'Hid lellllves lor .1 UlOlltll or range ,Vi. It I.' W. At., and wlllnllrrprniit tnshn . , ,, ,.., ., . . that the laud snui:lit Is more valii.it'le for its ttmt'er nr sl weeks. .Mr. StlllsOII saystll.lt llOt stone than lor JKilrulliir.il putpnses. .111.I tn c stahllsli Vslthst'indlii" holli heaild lllsuilf enioveJ ' tlawi t vnj l.mJ Petoie the KeKUU-r anJ Ice- wiilisi. nniiii,. I'lim tie .11111 iiisuni riijiiieu 41 ,.,, n,,,,!,,,..,, jj (iranJe. Oiennn. n Sittir- the Hip to the limit, Ihry are gl id tube Jvs.ihe iii J ntMiiiri. it;i. ,,,.... . , He names witnesses I). S ,,(.o. . h.nl home ill Siimplrr again. m,j. uaike snJ... .mi lim (in.v..j. .ill nt W. II. Mosby H vesterd.iy f.. Port- , Str;j".TS?.n ..almlneaJ.etseU.heahue. I.llld, Wllrle III lll leill.llll lor .I lew il.l JcsillvJl.inJ aie ie.uesteJ 1.1 hie their .lalms In . . 1 . . , ,, ,, this ntlue mi m Ivlme sitj wth Ja nl March. and then leave for iNev.id I. He will re i..i I. w iuhhiii. HeiiUirr. Nnttie Is lierehv Kiven that In cmnpllance with the ptmlsloiisnl Ihe.iilnl Omcressnl June 1, i8?rl, en title.! "An .Hi Inr the sale nl llinhel l.inJs In the SI lies ul (-1III1.111I.1, Oregon, NevaJi.anJ Washlni; tun Tinllnrj," as estenJeJ In all the I 'ill Ik LinJ Stales hy ail nl Angus 4. irt.;j, t isiii.s 11. sililiu. ft JJONTKICK "Old ,ige brings fpetieuce, and some kinds ot e.speneiue brings old ago. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture tor their new homes. We are readv to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory liiiniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There Is always plenty heie lor every room in the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to give us a call. Bed Room Suits, $15.00 Bed Room Suits, better ones, Hastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (samples nee), 15c to i.eo Queen City Furniture Co. 101, Epp.nKer Phone Red )6i. BAKER CITY, OREGON Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Neill Mercantile Co. A happy and prosperous New Year to all Neill Mercantile Co. Hawley's Holiday Goods Are Now Open MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY 1IIOS. .MCl:Wi:N, President and Cieneral ManaRer T. G. HARRISON. Vlce-Pre.nd Trfc JAS. NIWI.ANDS. Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co AOST COMPLUTE LlVliRY EQUIPAtENT in Eastern Oregon. teaas al ways READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavv Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. , c