vednesdiy, Dice-hbsr 26, 1 oo THE SUMPTER MINER 13 COUNTY RECORDS. Thr following Is the record of official busim ss transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, Dec. 25: REAL ESTATB TRANSFERS. Warranty JeeJ March j, E E Ancell el ux to J Clravllllon, nw) of nwj,' sec i Ip 7 w .. aoo Warranty deeJ-Dec u. Mary Fox to D Ilrich oux, lot i Fox Mock, UakerCIt) joo Warranty Jed-Dec 11, Jnu Waterman et ux to Pre J Cranston, tots 8 and a Mock L De RooaJn, HakerClly jso Warranty deed Dec t, M E Kellogt; et vlr to Mary RlcharJson, lots ii.n, ijanj i6,Grler adn, Uaker City, also tract ot land east and adjoining said tots iSjo Warranty deed Dec eo. S drier et ux to R Martin' Iota ij & u. Given adn, Baker City looo Warranty (eeJ May ia, Wm Turner et ux to J T Glbhs, lot j Mk 6, South Sumpter .... 300 Warranty deed Dec at, Whitney Townslte Co to G H Kunderland, lot 9 blk 16 Whitney. ... Warranty deed Sept 18, J I) Huntington etux to A Durbln, lot 6 Mk j, Huntington 1 Warranty deed Jan n,OW Mink, trustee, to E J Huntington Warranty deed Nov 19, 0 W Mink, truster, to Maggie Harmon, lot 4, blk to, Huntington. . . u Warranty deed Dec n, M F Bennett et ux to P E Anthony, lot 6 Fox Block 800 Warranty deed Sept a, P Lewis et al to J Sparks, lots 6 and 7, Mk 8, Bratuln & Mc Comas adn Baker City a$ Warranty deed-Oct as, W D Baker to M U tec 9 tp 10 r j6 600 Warranty deed J (son to M B Wain, ne i ne sec jo tp 8. rw ?jo MININd MATTERS. Mining deed Nov 10, Jack Cockell to W E Hurd, Mayflower and Gambetla qlt claims.. 1 Mining deed-Oct as, J F Rc'ed et al to F Brooks et al, Homestake, Last Chance and Gold Dollar qti claims 46 Mining deed-Dec 10, D E Wheeler et al to Mac's Luck G At Co, Mother Lode, Isabel, Mac's Luck, Colorado Golden Crown and View Fair qti claim Mining deed Dec at, J M Sclueder et ux to FPHa)s, Monarch and Independence qti claims... joo Mining deed April 10, J F Curld et al to Mam moth G M Co, und JS Hell Baker qti mine... 75 Mining deed-May 1, A Llllott to Mammoth G M Co, und Ys Bell Baker and Red I ox qti claims JS Mining deed-Dec , II II Mead etux to II T lllakeneys, und i Jefleron and j other qti claims as Mining deed Jan a), John Maden to Jno L Rand, und i Andre and Rutland qti claims $oo Mining deed-Dec ta. M M Gibbons to II S Green, Red Chief and 4 other qti claims 4500 Mining deed Nov 8. Chas llairer to Jane Lucke, Ruth and O S II qti claims,.',", Mining deed-Dec 1, W Klmtioueli et al' to J FDunn, und Ji Golden R-ef qti dm aoo Mining deed-Dec 1, W Klmborough to J F Dunn, und H White Pine s MOHVOAGI s. Chattel- II W II Smith to A I' Goss, 9 horses, hacks and harness .. .. .. no Mortgage-March 19, W WGarJner el ux. two acres In sec 19 and 160 In sec aolp 10 r )8... 140 Mortgage May 9, II Panning et ux to C U Whitney, lands In sec 91 & 8lp 10 r 6 870 Chattel C B Comstock to M K Young, saloon, stock and fixtures at White Mephanl mine.. 700 Mortgage P E Anthony to Mary Richardson, Lot 6 Fox Block S Mortjage-Dec a. F R Green et ux to W Ter nald, lot 6 and 7Mk 11, Atwood's adn Baker City Mortgage-Dec aa, O Johnson et ux to I G Chrlsman, lots 4, 5. 6 and 7, blk j McCrary's adn PakerClty 5i Mortgage Dec n, B Sawjer et al to A S Srocklcy el al, lots 1 and a, Mk 1 j, Atwood's and aJn Baker City Moitgage Nov ai, George F Ingallset ux to ASShockleyet al, let 6, tlk a6 McCrary's adn Baker City CtialUl W D Nash to Cltliens bank, ioco sheep and 7000 pounds wool Chaltcl-F E White et ux to E E Barnet, ai cattle MISCELLANEOUS. Judgment J B Grlswold & Leo Place favor John Schrack :;.;..:, Judgment J L Balsley favor M T Griffin..... Judgment-Anna A Mitchell favor J II Mitchell Articles of Incorporailon-Baker Construction Co, GL Baker, E Hsh and H B Ascher, In corporators, capital $1000, Baker City 4S 500 a 800 ISO Moornio 'H&Lbmns Vl0Mlli UIO.II 1,W,IM JP'II IIU(I dl'I.IOll tt JOI 00l0 3)0I 11! M1(.U!V (U.ltfll.l -'UJ 'IIWOI 111 SUIOIU 1-oiV '110111 iitiiujiti ,itt( K.ioiuinliiuoi VtltlU) U IIIHI) pill! 1)1 Hill, 0lk. DOlllHdOHd SIQNV1 'W r 1310H IVIS 3H1 THE OULV MELLOW ASADr PELICIOUS COCKTAIL 60Uilla V'V BTCftflS IHWaaDATUME OrBQlIllNB. '"COO'IO 11 ii i 11 EVERY BOTTLE REC'.STCRED AND GUARANTEED CROWN DISTILLERIES COMMIC PACIFIC COHT 910H(: 100-102 FRONT ST.. SAN FRANCISCf W. J. VAN SCHUYVER 4, CO. aCNCMAI. AI1CNTS, Portland. or. THE SUMPTER MEAT ' MARKET " ; w AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props.. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meals and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON General Hr.tss and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works FRANK MALONE, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker City, Telephone Red 161 mm 1 " P-"il NUBL. M tamos Eg wjt 1 il Lml EM1!!.1 I POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW Ol'l'l Hl:t HY till1 VpTtSv We Have Daily l-Vl Trains to the It' you euunnt take llio uiniuiiu; train, travel Ity the evening train. lloth are. fully ttuiiHtl. 0UIt8lKUIAIims FAST TIM K THKOlHill MKHVICK Tiintii:li l'alaee antl Tourist Sleep er. Diniii,' Car and Hulled Library Car. FirM-elae Flee llnlinin Chair Car. Hour in tiiueMivetl toOmaliu, Chicago, Knii-a City, New York, Boston and oilier KiMern points. Tiekets mtotl via Salt Lake City anil Denver. It h to your interest tn use tlio Uvoilautl Houtc. Tiokctrt autl flrcpiu far Itcrtln ran he mtu 1 eil iVom II. C. llOWKKS Ajront (). N. CO. Hater Cilv, Olefin Or, J. II. LATH HOP. (len'l ABl. l.'lf) Tliiul HU, I'onlnn.l, Ore. O. S. L. Ry. TIIU DIHICT COltll ID Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... ClveschoUe iillwn l.iviirllr tnulei. via Hie llMON I'ACII IC I at Mall line. or the Kit) (ilMMUl S.rnic Une. No Change of Cars On Hie I'orlhnJ-Ctilcnuu Spet.lil,'"Tlie llnet In the Wctt, DiulppvJ with Elegant Stand. ml Slericts Fine New Ordinary ( I ourlst) Sleepers Superb l.lbraryHuffet Cars Splendid Diners (mralsa la carte) Free Recliuin Chair Cars ; Coinfoitable Coaches null Smokers Entire Train Completely Vcstibuled I or lurllier lliliinnatlun jpi'ly In J. R. NAGEI. W. I:. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. R J. HARD & CO. Ml Mill HS Ol Till! Oregon Mining Stock Exchange CHAMBER Or COMMCHCC BLO'Q PORTLAND, OREGON Correspondence solicited rela tive to mines or meritorious prospects. Can them in stock companies or sell outright .Extensive Eastern. Correspondents EAST YOUR BUSINESS IS JUDGED BY THE NEA'I NESS OF YOUR PRINTED OFFICE STATIONERY THE PRINTING DONE AT THIS OFFICE IS THE KIND YOU WANT CALL AND SEE OUR WORK AND GET PRICES THE SUMPTER MINER