WecYescsy, Cectrrter 26. igco 12 THE SUMPTER MINER COLONEL DONAN ON CLIMATE. Striking Contrast Between that of East and Oregon. I:rum the first to til- liflrriiih of List month Nnvemhrr Hie press lUsp.itclir buliltteil out willi stories of Ky horrors nil over your Iripless down e;isty regions I hermoineters ten to thlrtv decrees hcl'iw rrn from Mont. dm to Miiine. I-V.iiful Ml;irds rKhiK In the D.ikoMs, Minor wit.-i, Nehr:isk;i, Ioa'.i ;nid WImiiiMii. Stimviliilts iilmvc the fencetnps In Mis. sonri, Illinois .-ind Mlihin.in. R.iilro.id )loil:u!ed, tl.iiris dehived ;nul slieet car and trlrKr.'iph service deinor.ilie.l. from Oiniih.i, SI I'.iiiI ;ind Mlhv.iukrt to Huf (.tin, I'ittshnrK, I'liil.'idelphh .mil New Yorl. Sleet, sun' iind lnsll, Ulcles ;i 1 1 il frost-nipped crops and noses, even down In i"rxn, Alah.ima, (icorKli and l:loriJ:i Hiisiness almost Mi-pemled in many of the smaller cities, Kte.it MiffcrhiK ainoiiK the poor everywliere, and n howl of fro zen misery koIiik up from every p.irt of the winter-smitten land. And dnthiK all that lime, here In I'ort land the trees and urass were ureen as May. I. a .mi movers were running. Hoses lilies, p.msles, d.iislrs, sweet peas and oleanders weie in lull hloom. the lll.'ks, kherrlrs and dogwoods were hud dim. iiKiihi. Yiuinu ladlshes, onions, let tuce and beets weie in their inline. New peas and potatoes w ere In market Straw berries weie inming in Irom Medlord and Yaltlina, and lher.ispleir .mil blaiUberr vines weir loaded with If nil and blos soms, as il it weie June. Last wek In liiid-Deicmbel the small bojs were in swimming ailing the Will.imt-ttt- harbor front. I.ilk about paradise in cllmatel It Is line. No I1r.1t in sniiimer. No cold in whiter. No bll Hits, no drouths. .May day all the ve.ir ioiiikI. I his is I lie true even'reen slioie. Colonel I'al Don. in In New V01I1 Sun. Justly I11diKi1.ini Cill'di. IDIIOK MINI. K: Whose duty Is it to fill up the hole hi the middle ol Noith Crailter street, caused bv the lraKlui mam ol the Sumpter Water iom'.m? It has been In lh.it inmlitinn iie.uls all sum mer and now has two leet of water in it, making It duiKeloils to pedestrians and limses passing over il. My esperieiue in walking Into it dining the dark nights when the eleitiu lights weie all out, was slilte enough to prooUe a s.ilnt, h nl It ill. lined to have been anything more -eii ous than gelling wet nearly to the waist. hKWIN CAM-WOOD. Sumpter, lec. jj, looo. H.utftn M.ui Qulrlly Looking- Around. It may salelv b -issuuied that the ie cent uiinbtnisive visit ol I'rolessor C.ilviii to Halei Ulty means the prospect ot east ern money joMiig to this stllim ol country (or Investment. I his noted gr oboist and iiilueraloKist came Into HaUet City n few days ago, evidently on busi ness ol a pailluilir character, shue his presence Icie was known to but very lew. He depatted last evening lor the east as quietly as he came. Die only tiling that Is known In respect to his visit is tlv.it lie registered at the WaNiauer on his ar rival, and Hi it most if not all of his time was spent with Judge iiurKr while here. Professor Calvin has been connected with the Stale university of Iowa for twenty seven years, as a member of the faculty, occupying in that institution the chair of geology and mineralogy. He is also the state geologist ot Iowa. His summers have for many years been spent In the mining sections of the west, particularly jn Colorado, In which state he Is largely interested in the gold mining sections. It Is an encouraging sign when such men are attracted to the lid.ind (Empire, and bene tidal results may be anticipated by east ern Oregon f Mowing this quiet and un assuming visit from llie great geologist. lJeuiiKr.it BIG BUSINESS AT SHANIKO. Freighting Center for a Large and Rich Sec tion of Country. Captain A. A. ir.iham, of the Colum bia Kooliug and Helming company, has just returned Irom Sliaiiili,wheielie built the roundhouse lor the Columbia Southern railway. In speaking of his visit to Shan iko ihis morning, Captain Graham said: "Shanlko Is the terminus of the Colum bia Southern railway. All the Irelght lor the largest and richest part of Oregon, In cluding Crook, Craul, Harney, Lake and the largest part of Wasco and Gilliam counties, comes there to be transferred to wagons. All the wool, wheat and other pmdiiLts are shipped from Slianko, mak ing It the best and busiest shipping point in eastern Oregon. About 20 miles south east ti (iiti Shauiko, on a good road, are the I rout creek mines, which consist practi cally of a mountain of ore, running ex ceedingly high in gold, besides containing large quantities of lead, copper and silver. Ihis mine is shortly to be sold for f 1,000, 000, so it is Mild, and will be operated by a company of upto date milling men. This will open up other properties practi cally unknown to outsiders now, and will make I rout Cieek one of the liveliest mining couutiies on the Coast, besides bringing Oregon (urtlier to the trout as a mining state. "As soon as the big irrigating canal, whiili Is now In course ol construction on what was known as the 'Desert,' Is com pleted, it will open up a district unparal leled in productiveness and will bring Hoiks of homescrkeis to this country. I his 'Desert' lies about 70 mhes south of Shauiko and those wishing to investigate the business cli.un.es out there will have to mine to Shauiko." Telegram. Lost A small potket account book In Sumpter or on roid to Cable Cove, lend er please return to MlNhH office and re ceive pay for trouble. I:ugene Harlholf. A big placer proposition wanted. See J. I Wallace, general manager Mon mouth Development company, Sumpter, Oregon. 0. R. & N. CO. Dtl'AKT CIllCRRH Portland SpfClal 11145 P m Atlantic Kipres., n;j5 p m 1:4; a ni H n Dally Ex. SunJay 8pm SaturJ.iy in p m 6am Ex. Sunday 7am Tuei. Thur. and Sal 6a m Tucs. Thur. and Sal. I rave Rlparla j: M a m Dally TIMIi SCHEDULES Onm H.ikcr City K.ilt l.akp. Denver. I t. Worth, Omaha, Kan- sis City. hi. l.oul Chlcacoand East. Salt Lake, Denver, It Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, ht. Louis. Chicago and Hist. Walla Walla, Lewlston, Spokane, Minneapolis St. Paul, Dululh, .Mil waukee, Chicago and Last. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Alt Sailing dates sublect to change. I'-or San t-ranclsco Sail every j days. COLUMBIA KIVEK STEAMERS To Astoria and Way Landings. WILAMETTE HIVER Oregon City, Newt-erg.! aaiem, independence and way-Landings. WILLAMETTE YAM. HILL KIVLKS Oregon Cllv, Dayton, and way-Landings, WILLAMETTE RIVER Portland to Corvallls and Way-Landings SNAKE RIVER Rlpatla to Lewlston 3:45 a m V'S T m 10:45 P m .. 4JPm Lx. Sunday V.jopm Ex. Sunday jtjor m Mon, Wed. and Irl. 4.10 pm Mon. WeJ. and I'll. Leave Lewlston Dally gam H. C. noWKKS, Agent, Baker City, Oregon Sumpter Bottling Works & Gageu & Sloan, Proprietors. tfm Jm H Jm H Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. j j jt jt jt SUMPTER, OREGON SPOKANE Drug Co. V Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the slate. We sell only to merchants. .Make the best pi ices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Poitland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. PCSAIT UKE RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY DENVER & RIO GRANDE or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS IHR iWJHl DP THREE DISTINCT ROUTES MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMERICA. If IS 1HC USIV tH4N4rciTlMMAL UM FAttiM) DiMCHV TMPtOJuH QsjAlNT A0 ritHiftltQLC SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLC, COLORADO SPRINCS and OENVCR. tlp-vr llawd. TMt HIOCHfNDF WESTCKN HILWAY OPtHATIS lMrtre fast trains totms i:ast DAILY. OAHHYINQ PuHman Palace and Pullman Ordinary Slttaart TO OMAHA AND CHICACO Fr Rtclhilng Chntr Cm. Perfect Dlnlng-Car Service. J. D. Mansfield "TRSifSrW. CIO. W. HIINTZ, Cm'I f...'r ll.,tM Us City YOUR BUSINESS IS JUDGED BY THE NEA'IlSESSOFYOUR PRINTED OFFICE STATIONERY THE PRINTING DONE AT THIS OFFICE IS THE KIND YOU WANT t tf n '' d CALL AND SEE OUR WORK AND GET PRICES & THE SUMPTER MINER