i6 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, December 19. 1900 TALK OF THE TOWN. ,,nJ ",c I'-inKer train due here at 9:20 1 a. m., denying tne inner inrecquaricrs of an hour. Until engines were sightly I 1 11 r,t u .1 .1, , .. . . . dimaned, but no one was injured. It Is 1 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Herlncker went tn , , ,.,.,,.. . I siaieu mat 110 laiai auiuciu 11.1s ever uc- curred nn the Sumpter Valley roid. I he snow of the past few days has Im proved the roads unndetfiilly. Preceded by several das of mid u rather, a It was, Maker City this afternoon. C. .1. I:reese, representing tile Spokes man Review, is in tnun tod.iy. The Woodmen of the World will (jive a maiirrnue imii .sew 1 ear iiiKhi. () jKfS ,,. .j,!,,,,,, my ,.,r a1j itrRe . Mrs. Wattles ime in Irnm Haker City o,ii.iulltles of supplies and machinery are ! today and Is visiting Iter sister, Mrs. loe M0W ,eiK ,,ulrd to the mines. The , Hurl. weather has moderated very materially, Manager Milllle, of the (Columbia, re- however, and it is feared III. il .1 thaw will 1 turned lodiy from .1 business Hip to Port- render the rn.ids impassible for heavy , land. loads. Nntiis Worsul.U lelumed to the Co- , ;()()J j.,.Ilievc c.x.K Wants position,: lumhia mine yesterd ty, Ills injured hand , e)rr prv;((p , tmy( nK c;l)p ()r , having.,. Ml. Ily he. led. piW Appyll ,hK ,lir. .1. W. I.atlius, the managing owner ol the Cougar, passed through town Monday Never tails ( lianl powder, on his w.iy to Baker Cllv. live ipi.irt bottles of Olyuipia beer for Sam S. Start his been conhned to his ft.ooat llenrv I inkers'. home for two weeks until last Monday, Rocky MounUln sny By Day LIRht. with an attack ol la grippe. ,, . .mi .- ,, ...... ... . , r .1 l);, Unlit Mopover at Niagara l-alls. J.jll.l.elshman,J.lefaaou..anlofthe -, ,,roiR,, ,lrM.c,,ss ,imrist sleept.r from lar.rnmlesuK.ir beet factory, Is in town ..Klt U(s, wtTkly forChk.1RO oslOM this week v.slling his sisters, Mrs. I. H. New Y()r ;u) oher (..ls(.m ,ns yn GROCERIES Stodd.ml and AUs. I hos. Shaver. Kio dr.iude Western ((ireatSalt Lake I he Haker City Chamber ol Coiiiuierie Route). Denver -Rio Crande. C. R. I. lusdeiided to disorganize, the reason as- j is Central to Chkaico. signed hrliiK the decrease in membetshlp s'rtiu the- Union Depot with Mich igan Central's similar car tor points east. l:or full particulars call on or address, H. II. I KU.MIUJLL, Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. K. R. .121 I bird St., Portland. Oregon. and consequent tailing off In receipts The fire alarm wis sounded about Hurt o'clock this morning lor a chimney hie In the tenderloin district, but which wasol no consequence. I he apparatus was not brought out. -' AUs. Itrocli letumed Satuiday trom 1 1 Mill K iAM. ,u il'Ni 1. ,, Mru.l'j Portland, where she had been visiting lol "'I'l'i'i-AilON. friends lot several weeks. She brought 1 i.,aM..i..s I.. a ..,,,.. , home with her little .Miss May Hrown,, 1 .n .1 m i.-. 1 t.-i:n. 1 v. .-mi .r it. . 1 who had been at one of the sMets schools , m.h.i- mwu timm riniiliinivuiiii ti.r ihrrr (nr smile itinnlhs iml sol Hip .it I nl ( iuikiiimiI lunr , i8?,rn- uiere mr some monius. (i ,.A u tm h(, vli. n hnNt hnJ () Iw Ml M.I .In it lii U viiiihiIiiIkh.IIii.. Slilfsiil (..iIIIiiiiiIi, CIiikihi. Ne.iJi,.ni.l Washlnij-. . I.. Mcl.aln, who Is supetlnlemllng , h ,,, ,l ,.,t..n.t.'.i t.. .111 Hi,- Vm Una Ihe eircliou al the iM.iimmilh and Hild snifh ait ui Angus' 4. ifcu. .Mountain mills, came down lor a bieath usnis n. mi n.p. of cllv tlfr last Pridav, but lauld only ie- ni siimi'in. 1 mint .11 liikti.snip hiOu-kimi, Im 1 ... ., . ... Ihl J it fili'.l In Ihlk olliti' his stimn Milimint No. main a lew hours. He teports everything ,,.,, ir n,. .iiith.iM-nMi-i, mi, . n. nj niiuirrsslnt' like i i li mil mil llieie r J '""' "' s,,'lii N ' tniilil' No ins, piot,ressini. uite a inarm 0111 uieie. tnK,. N it I W t . .11U ill oiirr 1-10.1i m slum l-'il !' Mel vim liirnirr miner ol Hie "'" ""' l,nJ soiiuhl Is iiwir taluaMr lor ItMlmh-i nr 1.11. 1 . mci.nn, lormer owner 01 1111 im, ((1 n nk.,irtl,,ir., .mpm,s..,naiieijHMi Haker City lion works, came in last night iiKi-ium i s.iu i.nu iwion- itu- Kt-Kistor .mj Ki- . .1 .11 1 11 tritti ill Ihlsoilitr.il 1.1 lii.inJ.Oiik'"ii. on Simr horn Hie Aiamuiotli mine, where he Ins j,,,ii. n, jn ni Mmh, i.n.i tieen engaged lor the past twelve days by iir mm .it miukim- l I ttnt. K. Ihe.loshua lleudy Machine works people s,,1,i,!J,,;i!'1''' "''' l,Ml" '"""' ' '" in complrliug the Installation ol the mill. i .mJaii ri-ituntii limine aJtutrlt ihr.iNitr- Jrtttll,..! Iintt.nr iisiii.tti.l to file tlirii tLilmtlni Nell .1. Silleilseil, piesldeill ol tile Ore- tl'l olli.f on m Nlmr tilj t t Ju nl Mircli. gou Power and Pl.uer company, lelurued vestenliy Irom a prolonged visit to Port- land, Seattle and Spokane. He lepoits things vers ipuet lu the nrst and last namrd tamps, but that Seattle is a hum-met. I w lluiiiu. KmMrr NOIICI: l-OK PUHI.ICAIION. Ii IMiliniiil of On' Inifiiiir, Pi p.ll lint nl ot II11' Inlfilur, 1 I. iii.I Oiiitt',. it la I H.HI.I,', Ott-Kiiii, ' Nottinli'r 8 HiiBi. ) N'olUi It lu'ii I't irittn lti.it ilif tolliittini! ntiniJi !'. li..!.. t lt.ii.iii.il linrl nl.. iw .,, tit tittWi tut M,l iintiti ol lilt liitfntioii 10 iinke ttn.il I r.itdiial Union ol Aiuerlt.i pleas.intiv .,,,, SU11,, , Ms ,.,l,i.(J , w,j ,,,, ruteltaluid its liieiitls at the I. O. U. M. '" N'miJi'liioifiiifioinitt il.ikoi llikir immv I , ...... , .111.; .it llikei ( lii.HieKon.iin IVtrinrei ji,iiiii. l II. hall Satuidav evening, at which time a 1 ,u, 1 laigeiiowdenjoved tliencia-lon. Dane- im.ivii wtutsii. . . . . .a i mini 1, On ion. tm itt, tt i, tu ,,ti't i, .mj 1 lug, whist, music ami lelresluiients wete n 1, n , .ma M ',n.t i, tp, i- ip n.t. r 11. I V. the oidei ol the evening, I istlng until r ,,. ,,,. wlln,xk ,,.,. ,,,, iboill midnight. tonllmimit it-sl ( n uisin .in.l tiiilli.ilion ol tiia ImJ.tli II Cimiliii; 1 .1 W lloim tn, ut (.IllliirJ. I hen- was a collision in the yards at Ousmi Atin-a It HiiniinKion. m lijun i.itt, On- ...... . , .11 lion, I li imini;. ot ( lltioia.OirKiin South Haker I ursd.iv between a lielght l w iitkiint. Hn-Mri. t. xm ER MNTKICK "Old age brings experience, and somr kinds of experience brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture tor their new homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There is always plenty here for every room in the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to give us a call. Red Room Suits, i$.oo Bed Room Suits, better ones, Hasten, Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, fumr-in. nr,-), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co.p.,u.,&EPpinKer Phone Red )6i. RAKBR CITY, ORKUON Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges. Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY KLI.IS IU.OCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Neill Mercantile Co. Mufflers Handkerchiefs Neckwear Slippers For Christmas Cornir Mill tnd Cranlt Sumptir, Oreon Neill Mercantile Co. Hawley's Holiday Goods Are Nena Open MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY TIKIS' .Mcr.WIN. I'irtiarnt ana (wnrral Manager T. G. HARRISON. Vicr-Prtt.and Trras. JAS. Nr.WI.ANnS. Smrtar Sumpter Transportation Co, Most Complete livery equipment in eastern Oregon. Teams al ways READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heaw Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in I the Interior. 1