Wednesday, December 19, ioo THE SUMPTER MINER K GOLD AND SILVER. a R. & N. CO, This Country Produced Last Year About $100,000,000. A press dispatch from Washington city, dated December 14, sass: The report of the director of the mint on the production of gold and lver In the United States during the calendar year, 1899, shows only slight variation from the approximate figures giving out early In the present year. The final figures are 7i ,053,400 for gold $32,858,700 for silver, at its aver age commercial value during the year. The gold product was the greatest In the history of the country, exceeding that of 1898 by f6, 500,400, and greater by 16,053,400 than the estimated product of 1853, the record year in the workings of the California placers. The principal gains in 1809 over 1898 were in Alaska, of 92,934,700, due to the Cape Nome dis trict; Colorado, 52,787,500, and Utah, -1,165,400. The silver product of the United States in 1899 was slightly greater than In 1808, teii'K 54,764,000 ounces, against $4,438, 000 ounces. The average price of silver during the year, on the London quotations, was 60 cents per ounce, as compared with 59 rents In 1808. The world's production of gold In 1899 1 was of the value of 5306,585,500, an in-' crease of 519,156,300 over the yield of 1898. The principal gains were 56,590, 400 In southern states; 57,485,600 In Canada (mainly In Klondike), and Aus tralia 514,860,800. The most Important loss was in South Africa, which fell about 57,000,000 below the output of 1898, as a result of the war of the Transvaal. The war broke out in September and mining operations In the field were almost suspended. But for the Interruption in the Trans-1 vail the world's production for the year would doubtless have been 525,000,000, greater. The Klondike output for 1809 was about $16,000,000. The world's production in silver in 1809 was 167,224,243 fine ounces, against 165, 293,572 fine ounces in 1898. Mexico leads, and Mexico and the United States produce two-thirds of the sliver yield of the world. The world's industrial consumption of gold is estim ated at $72,658,560 and of silver 524,595, 000. Wanted A position as stationery engi neer by a man of experience. Address Engineer, care THK SUAM'TUR MINER. Pay Less and Dress Better Tallorlnc Tailored by The Renal Tollor it tailoring Tailored HlCht. Every garment iniule i-trictly to measure. Correctiic-4 ofntylu, ircrfcction of fifniid absolutely iiiultlesa wnrkinuiiHhi). No clinrgc for showing wim ples. Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes n Sxciulty. CHAS. B. HECHT Nut tt MifMlil THE STAR HOTEL J. M. LANDIS PROPRIETOR Free 'bus to and train nil trains. Headquarters for mining men. Most comfortable rooms in town, l'nss engers waybilled at hotel office for nil interior points. Half block from M)stof!icc. SUMPTEK, OREGON iheonlv MELLOW ASADRI' PELICIOUS COCKTAIL Bousfe INTERNATIOMAL. Repimion i HIRS II 000 ATT1KE Of BOltlUC, TO&Wto II tt II l I It EVtnr BOTTLE (lECiSUrUD AND GUARANTEE!) CROWN DISTILLERIES COMMIT pfteirio coittr aTeHcs: tOO-102 fRONT ST., SAN FRANCISf M. J. VAN SCHUYVER A CO. OCNCMAL AOiNTH. Portland. Or. THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON General Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works FRANK MALONE, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker City, Telephone Red 161 0BRK iiiiMHii f M ifalTI" lM-l 1 ' ' J i't raflBjaBvBVjBLiJ'-. !' LMiMkliHkLr I TIME SCIILItUIES I mm Hiker Lily AURIVH CIiIcaro I'ortl.mJ 1045 p m Salt lake. Denver. Tt. J'45 a m Worth. Omiha. Kan 5.11 Cllv, Si. Louis. Uiicagnanj l..isl. Atlantic Lrr iKISpm Salt lake. Denser, ft. 5:15 pm 11 mm, Um.Ui 1, Kan s.ii Cllv, St. Louli, Chicago anj 1-nt. '45 in Walli Walla. Lelln, 10:45 P m Hkane, Alinneapoii St. Paul. Dululli. Mil waukee, Chicago anJ 1JH. 8 pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing dates tuMect 10 enance. I or San I ranclico Sail every 5 Ja. 4 pm Dally Ex. SunJny 8pm SaturJay 10 p m COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMERS To Anuria and Way l-xJf, Lanjingj. lix. Sunday 6am Ex. Sunday WILAMETTE RIVER Oregon Cltv. Newherrr Miifm, Independence Ex. SMty anj way-Lanjingi. Tarn Tum. Thur. anj Sat WILLAMETTE YAM MILL RIVLRS !OP Mon, Wed. and Irl. Oregon Cllv, Dayton an4 way Landing!. 6a m Tun. Thur. anJ Sat. WILLAMETTE RIVER a.jonm Mon. Wed. and I tl. PortlanJ to Corvallli and Way landing Leave Rlparla SNAKE RIVER Rlparla to Lewliton Leave Lewlilon Dally am j:jl a m Dall ally H. C. ROVVFRS, Agent, Hnker City, Oregon Sumpter Bottling Works Gagen & Slnnn, Proprietors. jt jt j j jt Manufacturers of nil kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders lilted and shipped on short notice. j j j jt ji SUMPTER, - - OREGON RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN CUMC1MN WHM 111 DENVER RIO GRANDE or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS OMim cwiti c THREE DISTINCT ROUTES and I Ml MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMIHICA. IT I Mt ONLY TNANftCANTlNINUL lINt PAMlNQ DiftlCtlV IMMOUQH QUAINT tU rtCltjMlftQUI SALT LAKE CITY. LEADVILLE, COLORADO SPRINGS and DENVER. ! allntatf. THE RIonRANOI WESTERN RAILWAY OPERATE THREE fAST TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY, OAHRYIhO PuNman Palm ami PuHntM Ordinary Steapara TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO WITHOUT CHAHQC. Fraa Raollnlnsj Chair Cars. Parfact DlnIngCar Sarvtaa. tOA !OliUATiOH Of PAMfMlIT tNQUiHf O" J. D. Mansfield OMr!...Tor.,.. HO, W. HEINTI, 0n'l Pwa'r (t.,ll La OHy mmmimsasaaBBammmimm Deimht ICSAIT LAKE Jri YOUR BUSINESS IS JUDGED BY THE NEAT IN ESS OF YOUR PRINTED OFFICE STATIONERY THE PRINTING DONE AT THIS OFFICE IS THE KIND YOU WANT CALL AND SEE OUR WORK AND GET PRICES V THE SUMPTER MINER