Wednesday, December 19, 1900 4 THE SUMP7ER MINER MEN WITHOUT THE FIRE OF YOUTH I IIAVK spent, thirty years in t tits cinvCiil study ol" N.tviih Hility mill certain private wo.ikiii!es of men which result from youthful in iliii'ii'limii iiml liilfr i'x'i'.s.M'i. Ah a result of experience, I prupu-u this following statement mid stiintl ready to prove my claim to nny one who will jjive mi' nn opportunity of no iloiii,'. I say, iw mini to Hum, t tint hy the properly advised nte of jmlvnnie electricity strength may he rc lunii'il. A mini olVixly should retain his full mental tiiul physical vijjor. I lmu iIiumj assertions upon what I have learneil from the treatment of prolinhly one Inimlreil thotMind cases I am the inventor of the celehrateil DOCTOR SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT WITH ATTACHMENT MEN FOR .My Kleetlie IJell i- tin) ureal home treatment for weak men. I consider this appliance the hest known method of k'ivinj; eleetrieity, mainly I an f il poilahle limn, which cnuhlcs the wearer to f,r!t at least seven hours of the life-iyin current each day. The Dr. Sanden Electric Belt I- eoiupoMil of eighteen iloiilile-eleuieiit cell.- in forms of chains, lilting inside of an iusulutiiMr cover, the whole weighing hut live ounces. This ic.-l- cniiifoilahly around the waist at night, fining while the patient sleeps. The current, though instantly felt, is regulated to jiM thu proper power I iy liiiiiing a little thunili-seicw iilliichmcut. The cllcct of electricity upon the system is olleu marvelous. I have never known a weak mini to iie ii who was mil materially henililted oreiitiiciy cured if common sense was exercised. It takes all the tired, weak lecling out of the -mall ol the hack ami cheeks drums. .My space here is loo limited to go into details, hut if the reader will call or write me J will he pleased to gie furl her infiiniialiiiii. FREE CONSULTATION AT MY OFFICE Wheie the Hell may he mcii in working order and current tested. It is really a pleasure to show an appliance such as I oiler, and 1 am glad to give any advice thai my caller may need. Ileineiiiher, we are not here to force you into purchasing. We do nut want you to huy until you arc thoroughly -ali-lied. To tho-e who live at a iliMaucc I shall lie pleased to .-end my little descriptive pamphlet in plain scaled envelope. Write or call lodav. OCPAHTMCNT IU RUSSELL HUILDINQ DR A. T. SANDEN, PORTLAND, ORE. PUBLIC SCHOOL ROLL OF HONOR. K port lor the Th'rd Month of the Prcwnt Sfuiou. I he (nlloiving ' the toll of honor for the third mouth, pupils who were neither absent nor tardy: Ninth irade Carmen Stoddard, l-thel McCalley, Myrtle Williamson. highlit tirade Lula Isaacs, Ml niche Austin, Ad i Austin, l.ul.i Million, Hurt Cnunell, Cornelia Wilson, Orah Knapp, Charles MiCalley. Seventh I iraJe loae Hoaith, t ieorge Amel, Ralph O'RmuKe, ( Kuapp, liatl M.illmy, Lena Y eager, Fanny Cupid, Charles Kiggs, F.rnest Suuutiers, Cirace Smmnets, l:v.i Dean, Jessica HrocU, Iva May Swan, Rosa King, Klin hoi Young, (ieorge llkliok, Frank Robblns, I '.nil Hunt, Newton Johnson. Sixth ( iraJr Claience Williamson, Kthel Rlggs, Hessie .McConl, Walter Ilia ton, Harmon Shannon, Douglas I law ley, Luther DucUwoith, Roderick McCalley, Jesse Sullivan, Ada Hradley.Fred Spang ler, Hael Stephenson, Jean Stlnson, Li. le Williams, John lioarth. Filth (Jrade l.oien Slimns, Annie Walm, llaiiy Van WiuMe, F.arl Doane, Geitiude Crouse, Newton Morris, Willie rmuer, Aveiv Knapp, Ada lurner, Ray iiioikI l'.dw.uds. l:ourlh tirade Frank llutfniau, Ada liuttiuan, AlUe Wilson, l:ied Walm, George Walm. Third ('rade-lilenn KirMaud, Willie Olseu, Clillord Chllders, Lillian White, Hlauche lleiion, Nauiietla (ireenlee, Hazel Hamilton, Myrtle Corulield, Ora Kauffinau, Chasrles (Jagen, I'lnier Weathertord, Arthur Card, Harold Peet, Mamie KliLlaud, I'eail Stlnson, Addie Cougar, Hat ley Manns, Merle Smith, Ethel Rand, Addie Hilriiiian, Hessie Yea Iter, hthel Craham, Glenn Heamer, S.ida Huffman. Second Grade Helen O'Rourke, Mag dalene Kauffmau, Ralph Steffen, Cather ine Fisher. First Grade George White, Harry Duckworth, Laurence Smith, Hattie Shan non, Marvin Coulter, Howard Smith, Waller McLaughlin, Walter DereliitR, Victor O'Rourke, Claude .Davenport, Grace Kauffmau, Florence White, Minnie Knapp, Irene Dereling, Heatrlce Austin, Hayues Hoyden, Gllhert Maker, Johuie Thompson, Tempest Davis, Bvan Davis, Hail llalewood, Mllo Yeager, Willie Graham, Maude Heamer, Lena Mcintosh, l:v.i Walm, Luther Heunett, Leutile I'ish er, Usther Rodkey. The following Is the principal's report to the board of directors for the mouth etidliiR Friday evening December K, 1900: 1000 1899 Number diys taiiRht 18 18 Number days attendance 3048 2652 Number days absence 131 86 Number times tarday 21 14 Whole No. boys enrolled 13s 93 Whole No. Rirls enrolled 116 80 Whole No. enrolled 251 173 Average No. belonging 226 146 Average daily attendance 219 142 Number suspended 1 Number expelled o Number dropped from rolls.... 8 Number readmitted s Number promoted 1 Number girls remaining 10 Number boys remaining 121 Number total remaining 2)2 Respectfully submitted, J. I'. Holland, priu. Through the Yellowstone. The new route via the Oregon Shore Line Railroad and Monlda, Mont., enables you to make a delightful trip through the Yellowstone National Park, entering via Monlda and coming out via Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to cover any por tlon of the route twice. For beautiful descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore Ron Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third street, Portland, Oregon. (rc.W 1 V I r ej's Vb U LP Ss Well Dressed Men. .Mint necessarily have their clothes maJe hy an etperlenceJ TAILOR Such U M. STEFFEN Recently Imm Portland, where he has atsoclatcJ with thete.iJIni; tailoring homes lor over twelve years. Now (arrjlnt; a tine line ol Fall anJ Winter Suitings, Overcoat l'.itlirn anJ lioojs at Corntr Sietnt mi WiiMntn Stmti Baker City, Ore. "Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice JAMES NEWLANDS AGENT Is Prepared to Do Business For the - Hartford Steam Boiler, Inspection and Insurance Go. Royal Insurance Company Equitable Building and Loan Association Portland, Oregon Real Estate Loans on Approved Property Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co. SUMPTER, ORE. Eureka Feed & Livery Company J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEHS