Wednesday, December 19. iqoo 12 THE SUMPTER MINER SALE OF THE NORTH POLE MINE Rtmors Regarding the Transaction Still Floating Around. UiiiiMi.'illy persistent ;irr the rumors of the pending s.ile of the North Pole mine. I he report Knitted currency over a month ago, and notwithstanding "poo linos" and "nonsense" from connected with the mine man igenient, the minors will not down and are given credmce hy mill Inn men "' some ;iut it . Color is addrd to (lie Idea hy the recent thorough exiininatlon of the property by l-xperls Kirrisli ami Kehue, who are known to he 101 nected with the Mritlsh American ciirpiir.illoii.iinenf the strongest institutions of the It. ins horder country. I hey quietly came Into tills c.inip, moved about pr ictkally "incog ," and completed their esauilnati'tn of the mine in a silent and deliberate in, inner. When they departed for home, they re- j I f... .1 i. I.u I..(uii.Lii h.I lit. 11. .11 kit innr. t IIJM-CI I" ir-- i.ilimu ,ry ... .-.,..,... -., would exhaustively dlcuss every ll r subject 011 earth t.x.ept the nl'jtct of their visit, and otherwise conducted themselves in such a in. inner as to strengthen the be lief that they meant business. A cnmhiu.itiim ol other ciniiinstances somehow seem to lit into tilt- Noith Pole j scheme. I lie lecent iit ol ex-( iiivetnor CM. Michlutnsh to I.iik.1 mil; his sue cesslul oig.iul.ition llirre ol .1 fdo,ooo,ooo llritish and Canadian syndic. ite to deal in western Ameilcin mines; his prompt re turn to Spol me and his sending of a per sonal representative to Sumpter all De clined simultaneously witli the examina tion ol tilt- Ninth Pole mine hy the two Caiiiidi 111 experts. I he North Pole is owneJ In Loudon, by the If. Mings; lint the Palings ate h.iuU efs, not miners; thiv hive simply ordered the mine to be developed; have tequired of their supeiinteudeul and mini manager to prove tht value of the property, to hlo.k out a I irge ipi 111IIH of oie hi such a manner that even the veriest tyro in min ing might see tint the stuff is there. They asl for 110 dividends Irom the prop erty. Insteid, they dem md that every dollar mined should be put bach into the ground to make It more y.iluible. And in carrying out this policy, the management it the North Pole mine lias so developed the property that to compute its market value needs only the employ ment of simple mathematics, multiplica tion of known oie bodies y known values pet ton, and subtraction ot known cost of mining and milling. It Is today perhaps one ol the lines! pioperties In eastern Or egon, and il, as Is supposed, the Canadian company takes hold ol il, their well known successes with the I.eRoi and other It. 0. properties will undoubtedly be repeated hi this camp. I lie course ol events In this direction will be watched with intense local interest. H.tlcer City Herald. Town Council Proceedings. 1 he tow 11 council devoted most ot its time at the meeting S iturday evening to discussing the revision of the chatter, At torneys Richards and Chance, who are doing the work, being present. I he new ly elected members of the council were In vited to be present at the next meeting, when the charter will be pf.ictU.illy com pleted, and olfer suggestions regarding desired Changes, The tinaiice committee was Instructed to draw out of the Rank of Sumpter the remainder of the money raised last winter for the hospital, and af terwards turned over to the city lor the Pile department. 1 he original sum rj.70.71, ol which ijs 07 has been used. Columbia Southern Litigation. In the case ol Henry A. .Moore against the Columbia Southern Railroad and' Drake C, O'Reilly, who he is suing for j$,ooo, Judge Cleland this morning de- cided a motion to strike out parts of the answer of Defendant O'Reilly, denying vtd allowing if" in part. 1 he substance f the decision was to the effect that It cut out much that was Irrelevant In the answer of Mr. O'Reilly and leaves less for the plaintiff to reply to in the next move in the legal fight. The cases which are now attracting the attention of the public show the disposition on both sides to fight as long as there is anything to fight ahout. Moore, in the suit referred to, sues for f 2 5,000, which he declares O'Reilly obtained from the company through fraud, lie declares that the com pany would not bring suit against O'Reilly, and that he was obliged to. O'Reilly, who has recently filed a suit in the courts here charging B. E. Lytic with appropriating considerable money which belonged to the cornpiny, says Moore is bringing the action In behalf of Mr. Lytle, and so the battle wages. What will be the outcome is h ird to say. A motion to make the complaint more definite in the suit of J. II. Pox against James W.Webb was denied by Judge Cleland this morn- ng. Telegram. .. ... ......... I..- rl..ntn iirniy 1 iiiki icirci ,;ciiiimic: viyiiijiia ovsicr rocKiaiis 10 order. B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT I MOTION Ol QUART Mil LS A SI'I UAI.TV SlJMPTI-K ORHGON CAPITAL IIOTI I. POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE now 01 FI.KI.l) HY IMP 411 02 'JE- .- V? ICTO' HH W llnvi- Daily Kl to lilt! Trains If you cannot take (lie morning I ruin, trawl ly (lie (veiling train. Ilntli arc fully ciuiH'(l. oimsi'KuiAimss FASTTTMK Tillton.iISKKViCK Tlinuigli I'alaiv nail Tourist Sloop or. Dining Car atul llullott Library Car.-. 1'iis.i-olas.t Kivo Uoolining Chair Car. Hour in tinio.-iiveil to Omaha, Cliifiign, Kan-.ii- City, Now York, Itiistnu anil other Ka-toru miiil.i. Tiokots piotl via Salt Imm City ami IX'iivor. It i- to your iutom-t to iim tint Ovorlanil Itmilo. liokots anil Hooping oar IhtiIih oan 1h M'oureil fiiuii 11. C. HOWKItS Agent (). U.Jk N. CO. linker City, Oregon Or, .1. 11. hATIUtOI', (lon'l Agt. l.'..r Thinl St., l'orilanil, Ore. EAST SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. Pay Less and Dress Better Tailoring Tailored by The Rojal Tollors I Tailoring Tailored Right. Kvory garment iniitlo utrictly to men-mro. Ctrrroclntws offtyle, H'ribeliiin of lit anil absolutely iiinltloss workmanship. No cliargi! for showing sam ples. Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes 11 Sceialty. CHAS. B. HECHT Nut U Mlnilli ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Dcruty Mineral Surveyor lor Oregon and Idaho. Examination! and reports on mining proper lies. Office with Little Giant Mining Co. Mill Street. SuwpTE. Oreoon. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (iNCONPONATf b) Capital Stock 20,000 J. It. Robblns.. . J. W. Scrlber.... James Newlands.. President .Vice-President Cashier DIRECTORS. J. W. Scrlber R. H. .Miller J. W. Mead Clark SnydeJ. II. Robbing TninsaetH a Goneral Hanking and Exchange Uusitifc Interest Paid on Deposits T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OP SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors 01 Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch, Imported 1881 Brandy, Three Star Hennessey, and nil the Lending Brands of Wines and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service In Oregon. The Magnolia T, D. Billlnfir I Co , Propi. (Formerly Hotel Vnn Duyn Bid.) O. S. L. Ry. TUB IIIRL.CT KOUTL TO Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... Glveschulce ollwo lavurlle routes, via the U.SIOI" Pacific hast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines No Change of Cars On the Portland-Chicago Speclal.'-'Tlie Finest la the West, Equipped Willi Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleeper Superb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Diners (meals a la carte) Free Recllnin Chair Cars Comfortable Conches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibuled I or lurthcr Information apply to J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. INSURANCE. E.L. MANNING, REAL BSTATB City Recorder and Notaiv Public. Collections Abstracts Agent lor I rlclde Fire Extinguisher. Sumpter. FJ.HARD&CO, WLWBERS or THE Oregon Mining Stock Exchange CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLO'O PORTLAND, OREOON Correspondence solicited rela tive to mines or meritorious prospects. Can place them in stock companies or sell outright .Extensive Eastern. Correspondents