The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 12, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, December 12. 1900
Makes Men Women
Used For Rheumatism, Lame Back, Bladder Troubles, Varicocele
and All Nervous Disorders
KT ME show you tlio way to strength. Come with mo, not
along tlio dark mid uncertain path of mh-oiioii-i lrn?s mid
stomach-racking medicine., thnt way mi full of pitfalls and
diappointinonts, hut rather let iw go the broad and sunny
load to Nature's Fountain of Youth, her source of health and
strength Elect i fait v. Did anyone ever claim to bo injuied
by the properly applied galvanic current ? No! Bccauc it
i the very nerve force the system requires. It i ju-t a- es
sential to life as the air we breath. When the system has
been partially sapped of it, some dernngoinon exists; when
taken away entirely, death re-ults.
Do you want a reat and afjrreable surprise? Do vou want to feel
I lie new life romiii bi -I, nitu mr we.iUi i d -nv-'cu ? D you want to drive away all lhoo pains which have bothered you probably lor years?
I lieu it 11 r.niti .Mniiei Dr.Siuil n l-.ii . ih-H-l! wild pinper attaclimeu I. Siak your system lull ot the hlc-giving current; t lint i wliat you want.
Wear the bell all
your leiupei
all night, while on .er u will mve vniir nerve .-iimcl hint: to Iced uiion. It will hritrlitcn vour eve, nuioKen yougsiop, improve
Diui'l n- ilruu-, when Nniuic I iiliim-l Imcing her groat balm upon you.
Who I111 been ftuilMi diiisug youth or cesiv during after yenr, I can prninio, not mere benefits, not only improvement, but an entire and
permanent euie, if the bell i- u-i-i I I meaiilhal you will feel yourself a man union;: men.
To women ti well a men ulm -idler limn iliriiiiniti-iii, lame back, 'bladder I roubles etc., I oiler the Dr. Satidon New I '.100 Model Hell a
the onl ralional self-home lieatmeiil. I'veiMiue know- thai Electricity i li-ed ulnint exclusively in these trouble today.
The Dr. S.unleii I'.leeirie I! It i- ull uiider a unmiiitcc liir one year, and during treatment all advice is given entirely free of charge. You
gel the benelil of my lliiitv vial' epiiieicuec wilhoul en.
I iit limit. .111J I rrp (.imviltiilnn Wiilf InJiv Inr in IlliislutrJ hoiikli't.uhidi nlvts much valuable Information anj tlinrniiKlily JCflbos im mcllmJ of treatment
wlih tin- lit Sm Jen I It-t HU Id li Willi nit swtnnut v niloin Wanks, I gin nl'lr lo Jlacnotr accurately by malt. All pamphlets anj tellers are sent in rlaln seateJ en
luvs liithnv hIhi live near H. I Imlie.i personal i.ill, .is I uller Iree cniuullatlun, an4 shoulJ be pleaseJ to rIvc any aJvlce neeJeJ. anj can Jemonstrate the
itniMut: 11I Hie I ell in .1 .i I'll Ir r mi ilnmnstanies buy elsewliele belore writing or calling on me.
Dept. 19, Russell Building
DR. A. T. SANDEN, Portland, Oregon
Several Qiurl: Properties and 320 Acres of
Placer Ground Involved.
I hr inleiest nl Waller iWnwn in the
(Jiiart gukh gmmid .nut iii.ul
properties was sold l.isi Wednesd iv to
Messrs. Klinl and KoddicU tor a muskier
.illnn ol f.0O0.
I he properly consists 01 j.'o actes ol
pl.iier ground and promising
.putt propositions. I he pl.uer ground,
so I. it as has been tested, yields on an
.ivrr.iKf hltrfti vfiits to the y.ird, which is
.1 linn. in. i in ilsrll, .is (he Ht.U rl Is simply
Work will be beKUli .it oikc, ptrp.iriliK
lor tlie spline run, and anions other im
provements loaleitipl.ited hy the l.ite pur
sli.isris Is .1 trlrphoiie line liom the iniiie
to town.
I his moinul been w orbed In a des
ultory in. mart rver sime the d.iys ot
pl.u'rr itiliiltiK on U.iuvon creek and has
vlclded Lire returns, hut it Is only re
sratly tint the old ill. iiuirl l-pcn ills
u'einl, it Ivlnn uiulrr .i stt.ituin ol cl.iy
some ten leel lliUk. I he work ol e.irly
pl.Ktr miners on litis property was done
in a slide covered the cl.iv, whkli
was .u time mistaken tor crdiock.
A good head ot water is available loi a
period ol lour months In ordinary seasons,
and the loinp.iny has three giants which
will be put to work as soon as the spring ,
freshets come.
1 his propeity U siui.itrd at the head ot
Quart Rulch, about two miles east of
Canyon City, ad) iceut to the Unions
( ireat Northern mine, and aside Iron) its
value as a placer claim, will at no distant ,
day become (anions as a producer of rich j
ore from the numerous veins ot ipiartz
that Intersect the bedrock. I
Too great protnineiue cannot be Riven i
the immense mineral resources of this
votinty, more especially claims like the
above that have already produced larRel
quantities ot roM. (Jrant County News. I
Coluinbl i Southern Litigation
Drake C. O'Neilly hied an action late
yesterday afternoon, in the Circuit court,
aR.iitist the Columbia Southern Hallway
company and I:. I:. I.ytle, in which he
asks for the recovery to the company of
Mime 5i)o,ooo, whkh he claims l.ytl; and
his associates obtained fraudulently, and
incidentally for the appointment ol a re
ceiver to look after the affairs of the
company and krep it from roIiir to ruin,
as he sets forth In his complaint. I' he
suit, according to his attorneys, Is simply
a trausler ot the action, which was
brought in Mora, but dismissed there yes
terday. I mm this it would seem that the
litigation between O'lteilly and the Col
umbia Southern In general and I:. I:.
I ytle In, is not to cease, for the
present, at least. I he demurrer to the
complaint of the suit instituted hi More
was sustained yesterdiy on several
grounds, and In an interview President
Lytic stated that he regarded the dismissal
which followed the sustaining of the de
murrer as a great victory, and that he be
lieved the litigation to be ended. Judge
O'Day, one of the attorneys for Mr.
O'Reilly, states that it was their desire to
have the suit dismissed in Morrow county,
whatever the outcome of the decision on
the demurrer was. He gives as a reason
for this that the court there sits but two or
Rancher Introduces the Chinese Variety in
That Section.
John S. Devine, owner of a large
ranch at the foot of Stein's mountain, in
the southern part of Harney comity, is
here to meet a shipment of Chinese pheas
ants from Portland. He came 170 miles
to receive the birds, as he would not en
trust them to anyone else. Mr. Devine
has elk, deer and many species of wild
animals domesticated on his ranch. He
takes as much interest in these animals as
he does in his large bands of horses and
cattle. The pheasants arrived last night,
25 in number, shipped in three separate
crates. Two died in transit, but Mr. De
vine now expects to reach home with the
remaining 2). As lie cannot take the
three crates on his private bitckbo-ird, lie
has employed a private conveyance, at a
cast of 56o, to assist in the transportation
of the birds to his Interior home.
It has been claimed that Chinese pheas
ants will not prosper In anything except
a damp climate, but Mr. Devine says that
a number were purchased by private sub
scription and turned loose in Harney
county a few years ago, and that they are
doing well. The climate is much the
same as that of this section.
When questioned about the mail facili
ties at Ills ranch, Mr. Devine stated that
he generally got his mail once a month.
He takes the daily Oregonian and inuum-
tlirpe times :i :iml It u'.-is iierrs. I
sary to have it brought where the court etMe rtock ,tu,ltr and farm Journals,
was in session all of the time. Hence, he and he ,nat il taUes a eP-,rale bl,ck'
had that action dismissed and brought a board to brhiK hi mall.-Oiitario letter In
new suit hete.-Portland Telegram. Harne' Valleyjteras.
, " . .A fine selection of goods suitable fo
Lessons in Lace. Christmas presents will be here in a few-
Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINEK office, 1 day. Including the follewing: Fine
will give practical instructions in lace.'M'M ar,i
., . , , , , , , , . cles, solid sterling silver table ware, nov-
work. Materials and hundreds of pat-1, Rogers Brothers knlve, forks.
terns to select from 1 spoons, etc; also a full line of watches and
I jewelry. F. C. Biodie, Opera House
Never falls Giant powder. I building.
HY Till:
Wo Haw Daily Ku.t Traiiw
tti the
If yuu cannot take the morning
train, travel hy the evening train.
Until 1110 fully eiui)
Through I'liliu-c and Tourist Sleeper.-.
Dining Car and Iluflett Library
Cars. Free lteeliuiug Chuir
Cars, Hours in time mi veil to Omaha,
Chieago, Kuiisus City, New York,
Huston and other Eastern imiuts.
Tickets good via Salt Lake City
and Denver. It U to your interest to
uo the Overland Koute.
Tickets and sleeping car berth can
he secured from
Agent O. 1. A N. CO.
Baker Citv, Oregon
Or, J. II. LATHIIOP, Gen'l Agt.
135 Third St., Portland, Ore.