Wednesday, December $, ioo THE SUMPTER MINER SMELTER TRUST RIVAL Sites for Three Plants Selected, Capacity 3ooo Tons. A press dispatch from Denver, dated November 29, quotes the News of that city as saying: The rival of the great American Smelter trust Is in course of training for a gigantic campaign. The movement has been in progress quietly lor several months, and yesterday it de veloped that plans are so far completed that locutions for plants are being selected iind the last touches are being given to one of the most daring projects of the decade. Three large plants are to be erected simultaneously. One is to be in Denver, u second in Salt Lake, and a third will be built at a favorable point in Mexico yet to be named. Bach of the plants is to have ; capacity for handling automatically 1000 tons of ore dally, and all are to be built upon practically the same plans. Experts for the various departments have already been invited tocounectthem selves with the company. Each of the new smelters will be provided with refiner ies where gold, silver, copper or lead can be refined to the degree necessary for the world's use. Eastern and Colorado capital have sub scribed. It is claimed the plants will cost $1,000,000 each, much less than the amount publicly announced by the pro moters. Big Body of Ore in the Gold Ridge. A strike in the Gold Ridge mine, in the Burnt liver district, is the latest news from the district. The find was made in tunnel No. 2i. The miners are said to have drifted 106 feet 011 the ledge, up raised 40 feet and crosscut 18 feet without tmdlng either walls, top or bottom of the ledge. The ore is reported to run from i6 to J18 to the ton, and experts say that this is another demonstration of the the ory that the old Virtue and White Swan district will yet be the richest and largest producer in the entire region. Manager Balllet came In from the mine today and brought with him the cleanup for a 20 days run of the io-stamp mill of the Gold Ridge, which he reports amounted to 92000 In bullion, besides the concentrates, which will be treated later, and which he expects will run high In values. Baker City special to the Spokesman-Review. Work on CorvallU 4c Eastern Railroad. Information which reaches this city to the effect that preparations are being made to start grading work on the line ot the Corvallis and Eastern road In the eastern part of Oregon. It is said graders are soon to be put on between Nyssa, on the Short Llne.and the town of Vale, Oregon. For some lime it has been arranging for work somewhere along its projected line, but this Is the first information reaching this place that the field of operations for the Immediate future is likely to be so far east. For some years it has been the Im pression that if It were ever constructed through eastern Oregon It would be in conjunction with some transcontinental line seeking an outlet. Press dispatch from Boise, dated November 29. Now Forming a Gold Trust. A cable from London says that Alfred Belt Is engineering the most gigantic trust the world has known. It is a gold trust, which plans to control the entire output of gold and put even nations at its mercy. For eight months the gold trust scheme has been in slow process of formation. Africa produces a majority of the world's supply of gold, and Beit controls a ma jority of the African output. In Aus tralia there are good prospect by pur chase of stock and placing Beit' men In control. Already the leading Klondike mines are controlled in London and can be put into the trust whenever desired. John Hiys Hammond, the leading mining ex pert of the world, who has long been In the employ of the South African crowd, is the expert now investigating the leading mines In Colorado and Utah. The Relt syndicate is planning to take over these other American gold mines when it suits their purpose. The trust hopes to secure control of seven-eights of the output 01 gold in the world. BABY MeKEE TUNNEL. Largest Development Enterprise Ever In augurated in Oregon. One of the largest development tunnel enterprise ever Inaugurated in Oregon Is under headway at Cable Cove, under the direction of Colonel John Temple Gray son, general manager of the Haky MtKee Gold Mining company. The tunnel, which might be properly called a working tunnel, is to crosscut three lcdges,the Clnclr.ii.ittl, Haby McKee and Chloride, and when finished will be 4500 feet in length and at the apex of the mountain will gain n depth of 2260 feet. This enterprise will be the means of de veloping the whole Cable Cove district by proving the permanency of the veins. No other company operating in eastern Oregon has set about doing such syste matic and extensive operations as the Haby McKee Gold Mining company. The mines are equipped with large and sub stantial lodging apartments for employes, each miner having Ills own room and spring bed, heating stove and all con veniences for comfort. The boarding house is large and well equipped and the best of everything is supplied, Colonel Grayson relieving that to get a lull da 's work it is necessary to give the best board and comforts to his men. A wagon road of easy grade has been lompleted to the mine and this is soon to be continued down Fruit creek instead of down Clear creek as now, avoiding a steep mountain haul and affording easier wagon transportation for heavy machin ery, in the building of this road the Baby McKee company bore the whole ex pense, not a cent being contributed by anyone, although there are scores of mine owners in the vicinity who will be benefitted. In the management of the mines Col onel Grayson is assisted by Mr. William G. Reynolds, of this city, formerly man ager of the French-Flagstaff Mining com pany, and no more competent or trust worthy man could be found. Mr. Rey nolds is a practical miner and of rare ex ecutive ability, two essentials necessary to successful mining. Colonel Grayson Is just now installing an air compressor to run two drills and plans are in progress of formation for increased machinery in the near future. In connection with this brief mention of the operations of the Baby McKee Gold Mining company, reference to dasgone by is of interest. On the trip to the Pa cific coast during his term of office, ex President Harrison visited Baker City and was presented with a small gold brick made from gold from the Baby Mc Kee mine by our fellow townsman, Mr. Fred R. Mellis. The brick was appro priately engraved and the gift was seem ingly highly appreciated by the disting uished recipient. Democrat. Rocky Mountain Scenery By Day Light. Day light stop over at Niagara Falls. Through first-class tourist sleeper from Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago, Boston, New York and other eastern points via Rio Grande Western (Great Salt Lake Route), Denver & Rio Grande, C. R. I. & P. and Illinois Central to Chicago, connecting in the Union Depot with Mich igan Central's similar car for points east. For full particulars call on or address, B. H. -TRUMBULL, ' Com'l Agent Ills. Cent, R..R. 421 -Third St., PortlandvDKgoo. Joshua Hendy Machine Works San Francisco, California BttaMawM ""K The "Hendy Improved" Triple Discharge Two Stamp Mill 1000 MODEL 0.i.ii'1tv ft I" n ton 1'iT J.1V Wright ill Mill iitovIi'Ip mIHi Hm-II. Mumpi, 8.i I In. ' M ii ll vt,.i IM. 1'iiwor fiMulir.1 In JilvrKwIK slimi mill.. . . i II. I'. .-..-IK " .. ..7 II. I'. DlkiluuKi'airi . ,M kimtia Im lirs. KINC OII.INli CAM SIIAIT IIOXIS QUARTZ, HYDRAULIC MINING & SAW MILL MACHINERY j WATER WHEELS AND WATER MOTORS PROSPECTING PLANTS GENERAL MINING SUPPLIES ESTIMATES AND CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION Davis llorre I'nwor IlniMinj; Whims Sell-Dumping Ore ami Water Skips Ore nml Wnter llucketH Mining Car ami Tee Ittiil "Triumph" ami "lleiiil.v-N'nrlmiii" Cniieenlratoo Ore Crin-lier, Ore I'eetlers, Crin-liing Hulls Hoilers, Knuiiies ami 1'iiinps, I loi.-l -in),', I'lunpin ami Impitin PIiiiiIh Oil ami Gasoline Kiij-incs 11111I Hoists Air Compressors ami Knek Drills Haw Mill Machinery. IMPACT ii&HBnHV WATER WHEEL GOLDEN EAGLEHOTEL RE-OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT To Be Conducted on the European Plan f First-Class Restaurant in Connection T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SlJMI'HIK, OKIiGON 1 n HYDRAULIC MINING AND DREDGING MACHINERY. RIVETED STEEL PIPE. WHITS roil Paioift a TlMAfaj AMERICAN IMPULSE WATER WHEELS. ETC. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS JWrV PORTLAND OREGON "SSEwm9i 48 and 50 First Stieit, Near Pine Cawston & Company. Succrttoft to H. P. GREGORY & COMPANY Engines, Boilers Machinery and Supplies.... PORTLAND, ORE