The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 05, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, December 51900
All Residents of Sumpter,Elect
ed at a Meeting Friday.
Al a meeting of t lit- stockholders o(
the Diadem (inlJ Mining coinp.iiiy, he'd
f-riil.iy forenoon, nil entirely new set nl ,
olhcrrs weic elected. I Ins doesn't iiip 111
;i ch nice hi the ownership ol the controll
ing Interest, bill was dour for the purpose
of putting men who reside heir leiuia
nently in charge nl rilfilrs. I he cum
p my being organized under the la as of
this slate, it is netrssary the major-,
Ity of Hie board (il director lie lesldeuts
fif Oregon. Of the old nllicers, the
Messrs. I'.irdec's mining Interests in
Montana require tlieir presence there; J.
II. Murphey has moved to Spokane, and
(ieucral Warren will he ihsent from Iim'ii
more or less dining the next leu months,
'I he new trustees elected are J II. Hob
bin, N. C Well. trds and l)r. Anderson.1
'I he first Is president, Mr. Milliards vUr
president, and Ottnlleiloiker Is secretary '
11 ml treasurer. Charles Homier, formerly
of Montana, arrived Saturday to take the ,
position of superintendent of the mine.
Me lell here last spring and went to
Nome, lie was one of the lucky ones
nml brought back with him
Palace Should fit Built of Idaho QuarU
at ti'Au
i he mining congress which meets hi
tills city ne.xt July will in all probability
be the largest and uuist iiiiportaut gather-'
In K ol mining men and mining investors
ever held in the United Stales. Idaho
and her people should frrl that a gleat J
compliment had been paid our young and
grnuiug commonwealth in the selection
of our stare as the meeting place of the J
representatives of the mining industries
of the nation, and every effort should be
put forth by our clliens to make it a j
'I hrougli tills congress the matchless
mineral resources ot the state can be
called to the attention of the world if the
'I he mine will be developed tins winter , pri,,,rr steps are taken in time and with
on a large scale, under contract, which but small uist as compared to the Kteat
will be let in a lew das. Messrs. War- bent-Ms tube derived therelrom. Our,
ren and Paidee will remain here until this hills and n talus are simply a network
contract is awarded and the instrument
executed. A Montana svudli.ite ol min
ing men, which has anuired stuck in (lie
compiuy, is furnishing the money lor
tills work. The treasury stoik has been
withdrawn from the market, and the com
pany will olfer 110 more for sale.
of mineral hearing veins ot gold, silver,
copper and lead. Why nut ulilie some
of these ores other thin running them '
into bullion, when sikh an opportunity
presents itself to our people? Il can 'je
easllv done and the returns directly and .
indirectly will be a thousand dollars to
1 everv one invested.
St. Caul has had its Ue palace, Sioux
City its torn palace. Pueblo its coal pal-
lug figures of the population of Olefin ace, why not Hoise a qu irl palace? Per
by ceunties: llaker, i;,s)7i Kenton, if,- haps not on as grand a scale as the build
706; Clackamas, n;,6.)K; Clatsop, 12,70,5; lugs in the above-mentioned cities, but a
Columbia, 6,217; Coos, 10,324; Crook, , fair sled I'lilldlng, f.iced with the many!
j,i)Wi; Curry, i,WiH; Douglas, 14,56;;' beautiful quirt specimens and ores sol
(illllain, 1,101; (iraut, ;,u6; Harney I easily obtainable from all sections of!
2,511; Jackson, i,6oK; Josephine, 7,5175 1 Idaho. It could be made an ornament to
Population ol Oregon by Counties.
'I he census bureau gives out the follow
J 1
famous though it Is tor its political! M
rels. h is ever experienced. If we are w Ise iT "nnmmt MMMMMMMa
we will embrace the offered opportunity
to decide lor mil selves as to what Is best
for the I'auhaudle, rather than permit the
politicians to map out our destiny. With
l.a Grande the county capital we may
conlidentlv expect greatlv Increased tax
ation, for Union county's new court house
1 is not to be built for a song. It Is a cer
tainty today that at the ne.xt trial the
vexed county seat question will be set.
tied in a way very satisfactory to l.a
(jriode and decidedly unsatisfactory to
the Panhandle. Caison Tocsin.
Henry Finger
On draught or in bottles
at live cents per glass
or live bottles for one
dollar. j Full car load
just received.
Center St., Opp. P. 0.
Sumpter, Ore.
Henry Finger
r v w
Klamath, 5.)7a; Lake, 2,847; t.ane, in,
604; Lincoln, 1,515; Linn, iK.oo); Mai-
the city and one of the most interesting
features to visitors and Investors. It
lieur, 4,20); Marion, 27,71); Morrow, . could he made a permanent place. not only
4,151; Multnomah, in), 167; I'olk, 0,02);
Sherman, 1,477; Tillamook, 4,471: Uma
tilla, lK,04j; Union, 16,670; Wallowa,
$,5)B. Wasco, 11,770; Washington, 14,
467; Wheeler, 2,44): Yamhill, 13,420.
'I lie population of the state ot Oregon is
for the exhibition of our mineral wealth,
but lor trulls, agricultural products, etc.,
as well, something much needed here.
I am quite certain the many mines now
being operated throughout the state would
gladly contribute much of the mineral
thus given at 413,536, as again t 313,767 j needed in the construction of the building
in 1800, nn Increase of 10,761), or 31.7 per I as well as lor the exhibit inside the same,
cent. Ills believed that llaker county! Plans should be formulated for the rals
has a population of fully 18,000. It was lug of the funds necessary at an early
impossible for the enumerators to get on ; date, so tint the building would be ready
their list many miners scattered through ! for occupancy by July 1, 1001.
the hills. Let liolse take this matter In hand. It
will help to build and beautify our city
IUId Mountain and Mammoth Mill. and be of lasting benefit to the entire
J. K. Firth, mechanical engineer of the I state in many ways. I:. W. Johnson In
loshua lleudy Machine works, of San-1 Hoise S'atesman.
Pranclsco, came up last weeli on business j - -
connected with (lie Installation of the Through the Yellowstone,
mills, tramway and machinery at the I The new route via the Oregon Shor
Mammoth and Kald Mountain mines, j ,nc Hallroad and Monlda, Mont., enables
each of which lie visited with Manager you to make a delightful trip through the
McCallum. Mr. IMrtli says every item Yellowstone National Park, entering via
In their contract will be pmmptlvdellvered .onlda and coming out via Cinnabar,
on time and that when the mills are up maUliiK It unnecessary to cover any por-
and running they will be as near petlec- j tlon of the route twice. Por beautiful
. 1
Well Dressed Men
Mu I necenarlly have iMr cloihr
maJe by an experience.!
Such it M. STEFFFN
Recently from 1'ortlanJ, where lie ha aunclateJ
with the leading tailoring house tor over twelve
ear. Now earrlng a tine line of Tall anj
winter Suiting. Overcoat Pattern and Pant
UooJt at
Ctrntr Sietal (nl
Waikliitii Strati
Baker City, Ore.
"Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice
Is Prepared to Do Business
Por the
Hartford Steam Boiler. Inspection
and Insurance Co.
Royal Insurance Company
Equitable Building and Loan Association
Portland, Oregon
Real Estate Loans on Approved Property
Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co.
lion as is possible to be manufactured.
County Scat Scrap in Union.
The time is soon to arrive when the
people of the north end of Union county
must decide their future status. It Is no
Idle rumor that one hears of the threatened
removal of the county seat from Its pres
ent location .it Union to La Grande, but
rather the murmurlugs and mutteriugs of
the approaching storm the forerunner of
the bitterest county seat fight this county,
descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore
gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third
streel, Portland, Oregon.
Lcuona la Lace
Mrs. Marsh, ne.xt door to MINER office,
will give practical insttuctions in lace
work. Materials and hundreds of pat
terns to select from.
Genuine Olympia oyster cocktails to
order at Henry Finger's.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
', l