The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 05, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, December 5. 1900
Makes Men Women
Used For Rheurrutlsm, Lame Back, Bladder Troubles, Varicocele
and All Nervous Disorders
ICT MK xliow volt tliu wuvfo 8tren;lh. dine with nu
iiIoiil' tlij ilurk mill uncertain path ol imisKiiiotiii ilnijM
etoinueh-raekinjr iiUMlicinc", that way no full of pitfalls- and
tlNuppoiutineuts, hut rather lot tin pi the hroutl and sunny
mail to Nature' Fountain of Youth, her noureo of health and
strength Klect licit v. Did anyone ever claim to he injured
hy the properly applied galvanic current? No! Hecmixo it
in the very nerve force the riyxtuiii requires. It in jut an tss-t-fiitial
to' life as the air we hreath. When the system lino
lieen partially sapjK-d of it, winic tleranjjeineii . exists; when
taken away entirely, death results.
Do vou want a ureal and airreeahle surprise? Do you want to feel
llioimw life eoiniii!,' hack into your weakened sayslein? Do you want to drive away all thine pains which have hothered you prohahly for years?
TIm'H get a llltifi Model Dr. Saiideti Klect rir Hell with proper attachment. Smk your system full of the lilo-givinj: current; that is what you want.
Wear the hell all night, while you sleep it will give your nerves something to teed upon. It will heighten your eye, tjuieken yougstep, improve
your tomMr. Don't use drugs, when Nature Is alino-M liircing her givat halm upon you.
Who have heeii fooli-h dursiig youth or excessive during after years, I can promise, uoi mere heueiits, not only
.... ...1 ........ :r .1... 1...1. :....".... i :...i:..: i .... .. . .. u-
jnn iiiiiiuiii. inn-, 11111 mil. in llt-ll jllllirillllPiv, 1 IllCllllllim VOU Will ICCI yOlirSCII a Nlllll lllllllllg llllll.
To women as well as men who sutler from rhfuiiiuti-m, lame hack, hladder trouhles, ele., I oiler the Dr. Kaudeii New 11(00 Model Belt us
tint only rational self-homo treatment. Kveryoue knows that Klectricity is used almost exclusively in there trouhles today.
The Dr. Saiideu Klect ric Kelt is miIiI under a guarantee for one year, and during treatment all advice is given entirely free of charge. You
get the hcnclil of my thirty years' exHrieieuce without cost.
tree Ihmlt nj free Ontultjilnn - Write lc,Jv lor my llluilratr J booklet, which Rives much valuable Information and thoroughly describes my method ol treatment
wild the Dr. SanJrn l.lectrlr Melt. With mv vtem nl stmtom blanks, I gm able to diagnose accurately hy mail. All pamphlets and letter are tent In plain seated en
velopes. Tn those who live near hv, I Invite a personal call, at I oiler free consultation, and should he pleased In give any advice needed, and can demonstrate the
working ol the hell In a practical Jt, Under no circumstances buy rWewhere betor writing or calling on me.
improvement, hut an entire nnd
Dtpt. 19, Russell Building
DR. A. T. SANDEN, Portland, Oregon
A Few Extracts From a California Paper
Dated 1851.
Like mi echo from the past, which illus
trates In a vivid manner the seeming fab
ulous riches ol the placer ininrs of finl
iimne comity in the r.irly day, are the
following extracts from an old copy of the
Sonora Herald (the first paper published
in the county and now extinct), dated
May j, iK$t, which a friend has placed
on our deslc
"Die kuIcIi at Jamestown has been
wot hed over several times, yet it appears
to be as productive as ever. Three Chil
runs, In .i fortnight, have taken out f is.
cwo, and three l;renchmen twelve pounds
ol gold on last Thursday afternoon.
"A parly ol three l;renchiiim took out
of a hole they had snuU In Sounta, the
enormous sum of three and a half pounds
trov In gold dust, and much more was left
until the cleaning up.
" The largest lump of gold that has vet
been found was taken from HoMen's
K.irdeu last Stturdty evening weighing
iH pounds and 4 nuuies, l.uUing is grains.
It is mUed with quart, hut the nold is
estim ited at io pounds. As yet it has not
been accurately weighed In water, and so
we cannot exactlv Mate the relative pro
portions of go Kl and quart?. Mr. Peter
Aieh.ui offered four thousand five hundred
dollars for the lump, at sight, but his offer
was not accepted, I'lie fortunate party
consisted of eight men, and are known as
the Wheaton compiuy.
" This was the lust party th it under
took to work the spot Known a Holden's
Garden, some two months since, their,
claim being -it the foot of the quartz I
mountain. From the first they have been j
taking out gold by the pounds. -re-tjuently
their diys work has amounted to
live pounds. For a week or two, how
ever, the yield has been comparatively
small, and some of the members, accus
tomed to heavy strikes, were beginning
to be discouraged. Two of the original
party sold out Io Mr. Rounds and Mr.
Gore, who entered the company just hi
time to share the glory and the profits of
the big lump.
"The names of the present members
are, Edward K. Wheaton, fiom Baltimore;
j Hiram T. Fuller. Vermont; VV. J. Harris,
Maine; Jesse Allen and John M. Lock
wood, New York City; John H. Valleau,
Natchez, Mississippi; A. Gore, Alabama,
nnd Spolferd I:. Hounds, Upper Canada.
A more industrious, moral, Intelligent,
and in everv way worthy company can
not probably be found in Calitornia. It
always gives pleasure to hear of the suc
cess of stuli men; aid such are the men
who, in the main, are bound to be sue
cesslul in this country. After telling
about the big lump, it may appear iusig
ulhcaut to add that the same company
took out two pounds of tine gold the
same day. We mention litis circumstance
simply to guard Atlantic editors against
the mistake into which some ol them have
fallen, in supposing that all the gold is in
big lumps, and that they are as common
here as paving stones on Long Island."
1 1:1). liven at the piesentday chispas,
or small nuggets of gold, aie occasionally
pUked up on the streets 01 Sonera alter a
w Intel's rain storm. 1 San Fr.uuisco Min
ing Review.
Meeting of County Commissioners,
Mayor ileason returned Ironi Baker
City a day or two since, where he had
been to attend a meeting of the lounty
commissioners. He says no business
was tta'isicted at this session, except to
allow salaries of ounty otticials. At the
next meeting, how ever, lie thinks some
impottant matters, involving the welfare
of the county, will re considered nnd acted
I:ive quart bottles of Olympia beer fo
fi.oo at Henry Finger's.
Ml Hill PS Ol Till!
Oregon Mining Stock
Correspondence solicited rela
tive to mines or meritorious
prospects. Can place them in
stock companies or sell outright
First bank
of sumpter
Capital Stock $ 20,000
J. H. RohNns President
J. W. Scrlher Vice-President
James Nrwlands Cashier
J. W. Scrlher R. II. Miller
J. W. Mead
Clark SnvdeJ. II. RohHns
Transaets a General Banking and
Kxehane Business
Interest I'ald on Deposits
- I
Sumptek j Oregon
O. S. L. Ry.
; Montana, Utah
Colorado and all
Eastern Points...
I (ilvcs chulce of two favorite routes, via the Uniom
j PCiiic l-ast Mall Line. or the Rio Gkasdb S;enc
I Ines
No Change of Cars
On the Portland-ChlcaRu Srccial,"'The Finest la
1 the West. L'qulrped with
Elegant Standard Sleepers
Fine New Ordinary (I ourlst) Sleeper
Superb Library-Buffet Cars
Splendid Diners I meals a la carte)
, Free Heclinln Chair Cars
1 Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
hntlre I rain Completely Vestibuled
For further Ihformation apply to
Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent.
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.