The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 05, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    Wednesday, December j, 1900
Morris dishing Killed by Gi
ant Powder Explosion.
MoriN CushiiiK received wounds from
ii dynamite explosion Saturday, from llie
effect. n( whlili lie died Siimlnv. He
tliaw inu out several sticks of the explosive
11 the stove in Ills c.'ibln, four or five miles
Mm III of town, when it exploJed, Mowing
the stove to nieces and hortlhly mutll.'itinK
deceased. Until hands were taken off,
both lei'.s broken, his face and hodyinniiK'
fal, and yet he retained consciousness.
He was brought to the hospital here, but
Drs. Tape and I'earce saw that there was
possible chance to save his life.
He was about twenty-six years old.
Ills former home was at The Dalles, but
I had been around Sumpter for several
ninth past, endued in mining. Ills
brother arrived Sunday afternoon and leM
four years. Then Columbia Joe came
back to Heppner with an c-cort of four
Indians, well mounted, but without rums.
They each carried upright, a ten-foot fish
pole, from which fluttered a fine of truce
made from a dirty white shirt. Joe said
that for four years his conscience had been
bothering him about 5ft he owed at Dave
I lerron's store for flour. It was taunting
him and giving him a tired tuni-tuiii, snhe
came back to pay the debt, and did so.
After that, as there were no more Indian
wars or raids, the Indians were again al
lowed tn travel through the Heppner hills
as they had done for 16,000 years, which
is as far back as any of the present ones
can remember. The tracks made by their
ancestors before that have been trodden
out by white men's stock. Heppner Ga
zette. Norrli Worswlclc Back From Idaho.
Norrls Wnrswlck surprised his friends
here Monday, by his arrival from Idaho.
He left last July for his former home at
Hcllevue, for the purpose of working a
property he has owned there with his
brothers for a number of years. As was
....1.,.1-t. ...HI. II.. ..,.,.l,.c whirl, will h, ' !i"cu ' '" n"r:K a muic 01 iminiii-.
Interred at the old home. The Red Men, J " ' c" ,he lrdKe amJ.!0UmJ " ,are
f which organization he was a member, ,"' '" ,l" " ""' " ' Mt " , ""
followed the corpse to the train, having
tlug valut, however, and the lack of
transportation facilities renders shipment
unprofitable under present conditions.
He says that since McKlnley's election,
work has stopped on most of the mines
in that district. It Is hoped, however,
that the Oriental demand for the white
metal will raise the price sufliclent to
everv experiment I '"M,,y ",c resumption 01 oiicrauoiiM'eitHc
Whv " iiijwun wriu uiii
mouu.iv 10 (lie ioiiiiiipi.i, wner 11c
previous to death seen that everything In
1 11 man power was done tn alleviate his
last hours.
Of course, It is the theory that heat
will not explode giant powder, but the
theory has been proven false a thousand
Wines, with a human life sacrificed or
wrecked as a result of
where the theory failed to work
. ...Jf -u..l. ..I ... ...... ,!. .....I .oil !
wmv Ttlllll rAiliiura .11 uue nine tinu iiwi .i . . I HI
other has not yet been satisfactorily e.s.r"'"ru "' "r"" y' u , ' ' .
i..i...i 1. 1.. .1 -1 , 1,- 1 halts, again take charge of an air drill In
llllliril. II 1 .1 U.IIIVCIWIIf LII.IIILL III lilltti '
Mils thing of thawing out giant power in a
Cauldy Gdi a Hot Koatt
The Halter City Herald ol Saturday
wtvoted four or five columns to "Klg Mil"
Cassidy. 'I hat was a whole lot of good
pace to give one of his disreputable kind,
but in thl'l aselt was doubtless
The Herald mentions some ot his Clunked
that riih gold mine. He says there is
nothing In Idaho to compare with the
Cracker crrek district In mineral wealth.
Arretted lor Stealing Lumber.
Quite a sensation was caused yesterday
by the arrest of Charles Albee, a young
111, 111 who in the past has stood well In
the community. He was arrested on the
charge ot stealing lumber, shingles and
wans.htlons In this slate and elsewhere, I'""" imiiuing material irom iienneu
but tails to say anything about his do- ( Sou. Albee lias been building a residence
lestlc escapade in Denver, or his ;l. and It N now claimed that Shockley &
tempted bl.ukiniliug operations In Unite. ; McMmrrn, as well as Hennelt - Son, re
Can It be possible that another duplet , cngnle lumber and other material in the
011 the- same suject is to be inilMird in the . building and on the ground as belonging
rxtissiu? Hut the Herald very properly j t them, and which was taken without
dies not stop with Cassldy. Il takes a their knowledge or consent. AW. Albee
lull or two out ol his leonled b.itke ,r, l lonnnlv woiked in both Ihe-e lumber
I:. J.(iodtrev, whoionlessedin the ml- vards. He was placed in the county jail
uiniisol his A111r1U.n1 Saturday, that hr ' evening to await dial. I lis vase v III
had Imt "Hig .Wit" t:. "his support I HUrlv come up in the circuit court some
and inlhiriue." And now ewione is j Hnir todav.- Democrat,
ashing it was .odlrev's "inoial sup-
po.f th it susfilnrd 1,1s protege w hen hr ' &"ic Llne "' ,h World-
atteiupti-d that bl.ulonailiug job and For an i-ii)ovablr trip east, take the
floatnl those woilhlrss thrths. I lit- -. Denver - Rio irande railroad, Scenic
casimi lor Ihls 101st w is the t.ilse state- ' Line of the world. I'luee daily trains be-
uients piihlished In the Aiueilcau Sat
uid.i, lelatlve In .111 iiulicluirnt against
l.rlMin Matllrt by Ihr l:ederal gland jinv
at Dcs Moines, low a. Die lleiald says
that the gentleman was lulormed by wire
ol the iudktineut, took the next tr.nn tor
Iowa to meet the Jiarge and will be back
in ll.ikrr City toiuotrow. It looks as
this is going to be a finish tight.
Indlant Kept Away From Heppner.
Columbia Joe, who Is a good deal of
tween Denser, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
and all eastern points, and all points on
the- I'.icitu mast. Most magiiiluent seen
riy on tills continent. The leading fea
ture In connection with the trip is that the
through trains pass through the scenic
attractions of the Rocky mountains in
if I Colorado by daylight, thus alfording pas
sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable
! ride, tree from dust and the annoyances
J e.Nperieuced via other lines. Superb din-1
a I iii! car service on all throuiih trains.
riant, camped near loin Morgan's for a j Service a la carte, nav for what von order. 1
frwd.iv this week, while his little bunch Ihrough standard and tourist sleepers.)
of Indians were doing some shopping In
Heppner. They were on their way Irom
the fall hunt in the Hlue Mountains to their
fishing fields on the Columbia, and said
that they had not had much luck at cap
turing deer or elk, but got one bear who
was too young to vote. Columbia Joe
has a fine farm on the Umatilla reserva
tion, but prefers to rent it to a white man
and roam over his old range In the Hepp
ner hills and adjacent mountains. In '78
all Indians were warned to keep out of
Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets ;
anywhere between Ogden and Denver.
Call on your nearest ticket agent for
tkkets, rates and all information, or ad
dress, C .B .NICIIOI.,
General Agent, Cortland, Ore.
Five quail bottles of Olympla beer for
f 1.00 at Henrv Finger's.
Wanted A position as cook or waitress
at boarding house, in town or mining
the Heppner hills, and they kept out (or I camp. Enquire at MINER office.
WE'VE been out of town all summer, but the liberal
patronage we have received in spite of inconven
iences has induced us to enlarge our business to seem
ingly unreasonable proportions. We are out for busi
ness, and if price and quality are inducements we are
bound to get it.
MEN'S ll WOOl-The test thing
wp cnul J kcI lor those who want
.1 soil heavy i;""'"" ,or coM $9 flfl
weather, per garment ftl''
MEN'S CAMEl HAIR -A winter
welt-ht wool anj cotton mUeJ, 7C
UDIIS' All WOOL -INtra weight
anj a soil I111M1, non-khrlnka-Hr
L-armi'nl, worth all ol th Q 7R
rrlce.sult O.IU
UnitS1 WOOL RIBBED- Heavy I ((
flrrct llnJ, per garment ''
CHIIDREN'S All W001 -All SUM tn
Prlen Accordant,
l-est one Is llecce HncJ tor QC
UJIesal '
Our Shoo Department is our
ypi'ciui pride, ltd u waate of
time tu look d-x-whero for itM
LADIES' HtCH CUT-Manlh tle.
Vlcl KM upper, writ sole, anj 0 fid
worth a dollar more fw.UU
MEN'S NIGH CUT -Hunilng boot.
Light Call Upper. Heavy Well
Sole, Jusl the thing tur winter O It
wear. This week O.JI
Capes and Jackets
Fur I -ml it's and Children,
llox Coats, Golf Oiipen, Fur
Collurcttfri at late-in-tlie-K'iuMii-price.-.
A complete tocl of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Hoots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and otlice, S. V. Track
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successot to Snyde & Stlusou)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Dixon, Borgeson & Co.
Show Gases
--- ''i
oitTf Wau Cams
Bank Fixtures.