THE SUMPTER MINER VOL II. SUMPTER, 'OREGON, DECEMBER s. 190a NO. 1 MAYOR ROBBINS "Boxers" Were Defeated at Every Turn. MANY ILLEGAL VOTERS People Found Out What the Johns-Ameri-can Push Wanted and Then Voted the Other Way McEwen Made a Splendid Run Considering His Hindi cap Results in Detail. J. H. ROMilNS, Mayor. T. D. BELLINGER, II. H. GRIEPIN and .J. B. STODDARD, Couucilmen. E. L. MANNING, Recorder. W. R. HAWLKY, Treasurer. ED RAND, .Marshal. It was not Tom McEwen that the boys turned down yesterday, but that despised gang of Boxers that nominated him and o offensively worked for his election. Mr. McEwen entered the race too heavily handicapped, with Cnto Johns, the Amer ican, E. J. Godfrey et al as his spon sors, lor even hhn to win. Had he peen running on his own merits, he would probably have won out without turning a hair. As it was, he made a siirplshigly good run, receiving 200 out of 503 vites cast. Not one of his managers could have worked up fifty votes for either ol themselves, to have saved their worse than worthless lives. This, ot course, refers to the gang mentioned a we, and not to AU. McEwen's personal friends. The voters also, naturally, wi-hed to their disapproval of the insolent attempt of a private corporation to secure control of the municipal government. J. H. Robbins was the Ideal candidate to head a ticket in such a contest; in which public spirited enterprise and prog ress stood opposed to retrogressive sellish tiessaud a job lot of personal prejudice and factional hatred. Having been the leader In, the most liberal contributor to every public enterprise, he had not only the good will, but the perfect confidence of this community. It is a remarkable fact that the name of but one merchant or business man in this town has been gen erally mentioned as being opposed to Mr. Robblus, and every one knows that Cato Johns was born with that rare affliction of getting off wrong on every conceivable proposition. Previous to election, day not one of the other candidates openly or secretly, so far as THK MINER knows opposed him. Yesterday, however, John Austin, the present marshal and candidate tor re-election, worked against him, and received 61 votes as his reward. There were 503 votes cast, several of which were thrown out because they were not properly marked. The following is the vote in detail: For Mayor Robblns 277, MiEwen 200. Aldermen Bellinger 312, Griffin 308, Stoddard 295, Neill 201. Recorder Manning 212, Roblin 196, Larm 53. Treasurer Hawley 224, Durgan 201. Marshal Rand 149. Fleegle ui.Schul plus Q3, Austin 61. Baker $3. There were some interesting features connected with this election. One to be regretted is that more than fifty men were brought in from the outside to vote for MEcwen. It was an attempt to win the fight by fraud. About forty of these Ille gal voters were challenged bv Mr. Rob bins' supporters. A number of them re fused to swear In their votes and left the polling place, not caring to get them selves into trouble. A large majority of them did swear In their votes, however. Several warrants were issued, but for some reason wete not served. Whether or not cilmlnal proceedings will be insti tuted against these illegal voters is not yet determined. The Boxers were issuing printed hand bills all during the day. Early In the day an Imitation of the official billot, with an X indicating the candidates they were supporting, was circulated. 'I he law for bids this and warrants weie made out for several men connected with the Ameri can, where the printing was done. These tickets had different reading matter at the top, however, which was deemed a techni cal evasion of the law, so the warrants were not issued. Here is a small slip that was passed around dining the foreneon: "VOTERS, ATTENTION! "Don't vote too early. Votes may be worth something later on." At noon an righto sheet was circulated, announcing that loin McEwen was. -ikead and gaining rapidly. This whole system of trying to fool somebody failed and every new play was greeted with derision. J. li. Stoddard issued a circular, deny ing certain accusations against himself; among others that he was pledged to any candidate, except J. II. Nubbins for mayor. This drew the tire of the Boxers, who at once began to scratch Mr. StoJ d.ird. The crowd took cogulancc of this fact and proceeded to vote for him, result ing in his election. This fact doubtless accounts for R. I.. Neill's defeat. Some one of the tour candidates had to be beaten. But the greatest humil.itlon rubbed in on the Johns-American out lit was the election of E. I.. Manning as recorder. For mouths past that paper has been venting its petty spite against hlm and hi Its last issue made him the special target ol its attack. Yesterday its hired men contributed their efforts to encompass his defeat and failed, as they did in every other instance. in the case of treasurer, It was a go as you please, no one interfering 011 either side. Mr. Mauley's excellent record in that ottice secured his re-election. Aside from John Austin, whose case is explained, the race for the marshalship was a free for all, with no factional inter est attached. Ed. Rand was elected be cause he is u good man and was endorsed by the "Citizens" movement, Mr. Rob bins heading the ticket. ' After the vote was counted the winners had a great jollification and joshed the active worker of the opposition off the streets. The "old gang," as the present city ad ministration has been called, is all right. To a man they supported the winning ticket of yesterday. NOTICE. Having sold the business of the Sump ter Meat Market to the Austin Meat com pany, all parties indebted to me are no tified to make immediate settlement. This matter is imperative and must be com piled with at once. A. MANNS. Sumpter, December 1, 1900. All kinds of pies, cake, bread, etc., at Brechtel's bakery, opposite depot and In Neill building. Orders promptly filled. Never falls Giant powder. OPTION ON GOLCONDA. Held by J. Frank Watson, of Portland, for 60 Days. information troin a reliable souue Is given that J. Frank Watson, of the Mel chants National bank, of I'orll ind, has a sixty d ly option on the fiolconda mine, beginning the first of this mouth. What the consideration is has not been made known. Two experts, representing the possible purchaser, nriived lieie today to examine and report 011 the mine. It is aNo said that a prominent mining man of Sumpter is authoilzed to pur chase outright this well known property for a wealthy Spokane capitalists and mining operator, one who has plenty of means to pav anv part or all of the pur chase price "spot ca-h." It Is lontidentlv expected that this val uable property will have a new owner at an early day. There is no doubt that linniedlatrlv fol lowing the holiday season, the transler of several large mining properties will be re corded. GORDON GROUP DEVELOPMENT. C ..I.-..J Km..!.... HA... D...I.1.. . il.. .. I bJipTriCllkTU I. Illllll l.l.lll I M3III1I,; IHC lirp erty to the Producing Stage. J. M. Webster, formerly a mining oper ator in British Columbia and Spokane, and who has been heie during the past summer, has acquired the (inrduu, Gor don Extrusion and (1ie.1t Western min eral claims, together with the water 'rights, which, it is chimed, are the oulv water lights to be had alter the stream leaves the North I'ole mill. These claims are located on Cracker iieek fourand one third miles ftoin Sumpter, and are now be ing developed by Mr. Webster. The work done ioiissls of a crosscut tunnel of K5 feet and 125 feet ot work di rectly on the lead. Fair samples have been had, running $2.13 to 27.62. These values come from u vertical depth ot about 08 feet, gained by the tunnel as it lias been driven up to the present time, but depth will be gained more rapidly as work Is pushed, on account of the steep ness of the mountain, making the work strictly a tunnel proposition. A force of men are steadily at work and will continue iudeliuately, as the owner expects to make a mine of the property. Mr. Webster's expcrie-icc as a thorough prospector and mining man stands hlm in hand here, where he now says he is satis lied to remain, asserting that In all his travels this field bids fair to excel any place he has ever been. J. H. Batchclder on the Sumpter District J. F. Batchelder, chairman of the com mittee on mining and minerals of the Chamber of Commerce, returned this morning from a trip through the Sumpter mining district in eastern Oregon. He visited the Dixie creek section and other well known localities, and says the affairs In the different districts are looking fa vorable for an extensive mining business next season. In the Dixie creek region extensive developments are In progress, and in the other localities like develop ments are being carried on. Mr. Batchel der asserts that between two and three hundred carloads of mining machinery have been carried into the Sumpter dis trict during the present year. The ma chinery goes to no particular district, but is scattered in the different localities. This vast amount of machinery, Mr. Batchelder savs, means a decided In crease in the output of the mines next year. I he nuuhlnery is of the latest pattern and In most instauces comes from Chicago, Denver anil San Francisco. In a lew inslaiues I'oitlaud has piovided the machinery, but the shipments from this illy have been the exception rather than the rule. A hoist is being placed in the Red Boy mine that has a capacity of rats ii g the ore lioin a depth ol 1500 leet. Portland lelegram. Obituary. The following ttibute to the memory of departed ones, is handed to I III: MINER for publicatien: "Died, December 4, moo, the whole gang ol local Boxers, liom a disease known as uupopul.iiity. The was Ihe largest one ever attended iuthisiltv. Ihe leuiaius were interred in the vault back of Mi Ew en's barn, sub ject to the order ol 1. 1 Hung Chang, who will later 011 have the v.ime cieuiated and shipped to the Flow er v Kingdom. Wo will miss their smiling laces, their kicks and abuse of the city government, their smallpox scare and stories ol liaud and grafting peipetraled by lily oliicLils, and their kno.ks against every business enter prle that would help (0 build up tint town." Meeting of the Gty Council. Tlie couuiil held a meeting Satuiday evening, but ted little business of importance, il. tries and bills, amount ing to 5417.2s, weir allowed. Ihe treas urer was the oulv nllicrr who handed In his monthly it-port. The others were presumably too busy cainpaiuing to look alter this little matter. I he com mittee lepoited that the srivues o At torneys Rkhards and Chaiur had been secured to revise the thattet, tor con sideration at the approaching session of the slate legslatuie, and that those gentle men were at work on the job. Change In Star Hotel Management. I he Star hotel has again (alien Into worthy hands, when J. A. I.andis as sumed its maiiilgemeiit esteid.iy morn ing. Mr. I.audis has been a lesldeut here lor more than a year and has been ac customed to hotel business most all his lite, consequently p.itlous, transient or local, can depend upon a good service at the Star. Mineral Exhibit for Pan-American Fair. Mrs. Edith lo.ier Weathered, who lias charge of the work ot collecting the ex hibit in this state for the Pan-American exposition to be held in Buffalo next year, has been in town today arranging to secure mineral specimens fur this ex hibit. It is understood that she has met with gratifying success. Card ol Thanks. It is desired to extend our thanks to brothers and strangers who assisted In bringing in and making comtortable our late brother, Morris Cushiug, who was recently injured while at work. Eagau Tribe No. 26, I. O. R. M. Monty For The Grijly R. C Pentlaud writes from Portland that he is meeting with gratifying success in securing money for the development of the Grizy, and that work vill be con tinued all winter. Prompt attention to orders for cut flow, ers and floral pieces. City Green House Baker City, Oregon. The best is always cheapest buy Giant powder. Five quart bottles of Olympla beer far i 1.00 at Henry Fingers'.