THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 28, 1900 MEN WITHOUT THE FIRE OF YOUTH 1 II A VI) Hpcitt thirty years in the caroful study of Nervous debility ami certain private weaknesses of men which result from youthful in (JiHuvtiiMM ami later ixccs.-cs. ' As a re-ull of riicli experience, I propo-o the liillowin statement mill stand ready to prove tny claim to any ono who will pive me an opportunity of so lining. I say, a- man to man, that by tho properly advised uo of galvanic electricity strength mny bo ro turned. A man iiI'mMv should retain his full nien'lal ami physical vigor. I ba.-c tho.u as.-ertion.-i upon what I havo learned from tho treatment of probably one hundred thousand eao.s I am tho iiiveni'or of the celebrated DOCTOR SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT vfezPiv WITH ATTACHMENT FOR MEN My Flootrio licit in the groat homo treatment lor weak men. I cnii-idcrthis appliance tho best known method of giving electricity, mainly Iicoiiuho ni' il HMtahlo form, which enables the wearer to gel at Its.i-t seven hours of thu life-giving current each d.iy. The Dr. Sanden Electric Belt: Is compiled of eighteen double-clement cell" in forms of chains, litti.ig inidu of an in-minting cover, thu whole weighini: hut live ouncos. This icstrt comfoilably atouml tho waist at night, curing while the patient sleeps The current, though instantly felt, is regulated toju.H thu propur power by turning a little thumb-screw alia hiueiit. Tli Hl.-ci of ehmlricity tipiii th syeni is ol'cen mimsloH. I hive, nover known n weal; man to use it ulm was not materially hem-lilted or oniireiy cured if common m-ii-c was oxoivNod. It takes all the tired, weak feeling out of tho mii:iII of the back and checks drains. My .pace here is too limited to go into details, but if the reader will call or write me 1 will ho pleased tu jjivo fuitber information. FREE CONSULTATION AT MY OFFICE Whom the Holt may be seen in working order ami current to-tcd. It N really a pleasure to show an aoplianee such as I oiler, and I am glad to give any advice that my caller may need, licmcmhcr, we are not here to force you into purcha-iug. We do nut waul you to buy until you are thoioiighly satisfied. To iImmi who live at a di-lanee I shall be ploa-od to scud my little doeriptivo p.iiuphlet in plain sealed envelope. Write or call lodav. ocpartmcnt to MUSSCLL UUIIOINO DR. A. T. SANDEN, PORTLAND, ORE. BANKIiR UOHBINS TALKS. SuitipUr It Now no a Solid Uaiii. Extra Right. Whether the outcropping of the vein of precious ore Is Mich as to give tlie owner extra-lateral rights, is another preliminary (iie.stioo to he answered. The whole sub- ! pnlntinent- it w'll tint he e.uelled hy any ' lintel in the northwest. ! " lite amount of minion machinery ar Hmlnm living over the S. V. IU, to be diMrib- ntetl throughout the districts tributary to similiter ts eoormoos and shows the won- i-.-i u .him i.... iini.. i.,.,,.,. .,,.,.,. ...i..i,.. Mr.. I. I. Rnbbh.s, presMeot of llir . drrfll 1Ilhlc drveloimicnt th:it K koIiik " pniplc. Almost the last decision of the I Hank of Sumptrl one ol I All,.r yc,r tt, e , j ,,,. Chr Jtltic. ,:,cM w,s ,, po(. town's most rnlerp.lM.g and public ,lf CI.S , mines with mill plants, io ad-' U was in ,lt. hiKl,est deKree revolutionary spirited citizens, w, to I ik-r Uty lor .. ditlon to the l.irgiM.umber now dropping! , h lwa,,11R ,, , wrMern b.lel lime yestrrd .v. A UeauKut re- ,,, ,0 , ,0 s,,imps,.)t.Im)a:. A W(irJ f ,.,, ,;.,. M,n potter bad the pleas,,.,- n a she,, t.ilk c;t1)s , Cium . afe J( , fwn flf w Ith him, our. enough to hod out some- c , p,,,,,,, Bjck p,om ,dah0i ,,ar,l,c,lur.llnN ,l(lm, ,imidrrj ,re, ,onB .tllllSdlv ,,,rV ! C. ... lenner returned from Idiho last v-rylmi In width from six hundred S u . 5 M " ling 'down .0 .. m,.I J i lv. le ys hc repot, circulated J l Montana to three hundred fee. In . i ii ii n u 1 1 . i here lint he was. -iwav makim? a mill test Colorado even one hundred and hfty feet business Us s," -.lid Ml. Kobbllls, "and neie ui.ii ne .is .i.i uniting a mill iei nwln ' ,,,,.. ... . ,.., eo Magnolia oie Is erroneous. He was l Mime countries of this latter state. I nave mote lOiiuaeuie m me muiie ei n ,, , . ,-, , , ,, ... , ,, it. . . . .. iii i .i . riiiiliiliik! a mine in Idiho located in a Trior to Chief Justice bled's dec sion, the the p. ice than ever. l.ide is good this eviiioiuin. a mine in maun, iw.iieu in ,i . ., ' . , ., i . fiimniritlvelv new r.iiuif one of treat miner followed down the veil he had d f.i and no one Knows better than I, lor -""ipir.iuei mw camp, inn m j,ie.u ,..,,, , . . i ... . . i i .i tuniiiise tun but inst uliUioiirniul whrre ' covered, whhersoever t took h in under the banUw hwhch am loiiuei. ed ves promisi um, mu josi wuun oneano woere, . p.etty fair puls.itioo ol the llle ol trade. If uors now i.-iie testate, lie m.ide .."-.., ..r . - mw. I he bank's business is ioc.e.,sK stead- " "- '" '" "' '" l""eTtS . ulikh " 1 " as his e.Mra latera riRhts. . ...I ii u is entoelv sitisf i.torv Slnirtlv alter f As ven enters across a side ne and y and consrtnienllv business generally u,l f""'r' sausi.uior. auom .oier . ... . . it .ii. the llnhd ivs Up vv ill mi il;r i Irln tn his fcors out across oe y one end lie, H's :s u a ira thy state. he in n in Indus, me nouu is, ue win in.ine a irip in ois p ' ... POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFI:KU) in urn mm i0 ' PICTOR We Have Daily Fast Trains to the lateral boundary is the one ne plus ultra Digged a Wag on Load of Ducks. iiy is Iii :i lip.-iltbv i. i ... H.i.. old hoiiie iii I'riiNideiue. Rhode Island, ll is in tuil.lliki 'i . ...iiii. ... .... .. ii..- .,... 'r. i . .. t ii ..... . . ii md elide iver to interest c-iolt il til tint of A's driving. I he whole guest on of (ooditiou is htounlit aboill trade in every ami enne ier io i nciesi in ui.ii . , . . i . . . .. i i . i . 0( ticn town m one or mete propositions in ' "' """ """11) iuhh.hc , this vlclnitv, wiuJi he h is tied up. , 's e "" miiiuiK iroune. I strounly advocate the adoption ot a law like that of Canada, where the claim is souare, fifteen hundred feet on every side, C Iti-.irv. the I'tinstnllli and ...i .. i.-.-h.-. ...-.,,. -v ir. I ,i-r .1 .it,i. ., . , . .. . " J ' r. tiuu nil... MUIL ..till. l.mi.i.iIIVI... I.i;.ll. tism tin aonmswrl tor lie Umi.anJ.i ; , ,he Clatence Johnson hardware r,ils Is fair to everybody and Kives the mote substantial order ol things h.N Mote of John IJay. accompanied by Wil- - discoverer of a vein ample opportunity to li.un l.uce. returned Irem a hunting epe- develop it within the strict boundaries of dltion to Malheur county list Friday with hi-, own claim. In South Africa the claims a wagon load ol docks, whiih their triends ,ire always square. C. M. Dobson in have been tensiing on during the past Cosmopolitan. week. I'hev took with them a pm table boat for use ot the lakes, which they Will H iv No Boom, AH Right, All Right. Iniiitd erv convenient. Che bovs reoott I. a Grande ceoole want tin himm in -miction by Mr. David ll-on i- up to ; ()V t BOoJ ljI)e a(J jt ( m), IIP.fssary puiui,,,. r other operations, since it is the second stoty and will be completed ,0 ,IV ,. they had plenty of ducks to iirmlv believed by business men and ratlv In the coming sptliig. I his enter- e.,t( :ls they brought back a wagon load others that l..i Grande will have a steady pil-e means ine evpeuomoe m .i i. iKc whch thev could not dispose of.-CJrant and healthful growth from the develop- EAST line is inciea-ed by a larger volume money being put Into clu illation. i ' " I he hurley luulev ol a new town such as Sumptei was ,i car ago has sub-ided, tlie people have got doun to a conserva- prevails. "IWu linproveineiit- hive been of such a iiatuic as to make Sampler in in viting place to live and the people are building coinlottable homes tor a perm i Jient resldrnce. "The new hotel under cout-e of con- Mini of money, whkh will do mote thin County News. anything else tomiKe bumpier a sue- stantlal and permanent business point. Something to depend upon Giant In point of beauty and ap- powder. meut of the natural resources around this city. La Grande Journal. Always reliable Giant powder. If you cannot take the morning train, travel by the evening train. 1 lot li are fully equipped. ori SPECIALTIKS FAST TIM K TIIKOUUII SKKVICK Through l'alaco mill Tmirist Sleop ers. Dining Car mill Huflett Library Cars. Free Keelining Chnir Curs, llntio in time saved to Oiimha, Chicago, Kun.-as City, New York, Ho-toti and other Kateru points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It N tn your interest tn use the Overland Houte. Tickets ami sleeping car berth? can be .-eeuicil from II. C. HOWKUS Agent O. 1. iV X. CO. linker Citv, Oregon Or, J. H. LATIIKOF, Gen'M Agt. 1!I5 Third St., Fortland. Ore. -