THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 28, 1900 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the I own of Sumpter. 'UIIMMIIII IVIMV WIIIMVIKV II V MARSH AND J. W. CONNI'.I.I.A C. II MIIIM.HIHION MAILS 9m- Year Mi Muntli-i .$J.iO AIWA. I AIIVANc I. littered at llir pmlnhlti- In Siiinplir, Oii-gnn, I(ir MiiMnlsslim Ihioiigli the nulls as secunj class Utlfl. POPULATION OF SUMPTHR 4,500. t . I i J. II. NOHHINS Is not the leuderloot mid carpetbagger that the organ for the local Itoxers would have the public M Ileve. He landed hi these parts in i"4 ' and has been here and ever , 'nc' I .. ,. ... , ,, 1 MN can' see the force ol the, ....... ., , ., . ' argument, but f tlie lenglli ol time a man . 11 11 .1 . . 11. 1. ..... has resided in these parts really has any , thing to do with his lituess for the titlue of mayor, then J. II. Kobblns just exact ly discounts loin Mchweu, for the former has been here thiilysix years ter's eighteen. THAT Indiana contractor who tried to bribe the governor ul Mississippi to award him the job ol building the new state hosur, must have been accustomed to do ing business with the ordinary mob of 0II11I.1I gratters. Hut he struck a proper Mia,; down in the sunny Southland, where thrill is not as obtrusively prevalent as in koine other sections. ONI: ol those pullsan organs that stands pat on eveiy party policy and its result, attempting to justify, extenuate or deny, is The Dalles Chioulde. A lew days after McKlnley '- election, press dls- ' patches announced that the salt trust had doubled tile ptice ol its product. I Ills statement the Chronicle denies point , blank and lor prool ol Its couteutlou J pintes the prke ol salt at I he Dalles; e- ( the wired report be true, then why had not nieic bants raised their pike. Several pertinent unswets could be given to tills tpirrv, but the hrst one suggested Is peilups the truest ami simpies-; u.ev n.iu ,)lP ,jjvUmisy ;,r claim that Tom Mc irlled on the Uuoi.Ue lor Information, ix.. its candi.l.Hc for mayor, was de nud of course, had been given the throw , Vl,tj .,- ll( ,,, ,r .,d (acs ,0 )du. down. J lug capital to come in here and build elec ' tile lines, that would kill his private busl HI:KI:ls.uiold iuotih ptoverb to the , rs More than this, that he had sue effect that "when a man boasts ol his irrdrd hid ,,- ,, ,-,,,, of way for ,ne honesty or a woman of her virtue, you j p,,r,,osri fliould keep vonr pockets buttoned," C 'ym rri., ., .,,, Im)re tralis. which has a pecullarlv appropriate local ,,.,., )U.lp ,lf aooKcd wor. application. When the organ ol the ' Sumpter Ito.xeis ecla!ins: "It's so it you see It in the Auieilc.iu, look out Iota false statement Mimew heie in its columns. Last week It resumed the repetition ol tills refrain, which naturally excited the suspicion ol the observant leader. It is , the well known system ot that paper to, nolsllv boast ol its houestv whenever it Is , engaged In promoting some especially ditty and dishonest piece of business. Its work Is always coarse, however, and so It resulted no second sight gilt to discover Its purpose in this particular case. The Mory published, to the elfect that loin ' Mcl-wenhad sold a right of way lor an electric line to Hourne, lurnished the key to the situation. tight of wav has not been sold. Arthur I'hilbilck, one of the owners, stated to a MINIK representative Sunday, four days after the sale is alleged to have been made, that lie knew nothing ol the transaction, and he certainly would have known had auydeil been consummated. Monday, alter having talked with Mr. Mcliwen, he said there was iiotlilns to tell, but refused to discuss the matter further. And now, the motives for these false statements. It Is n plain tale, with no far fetched conclusions necesary to arrive at a satisfactory explanation, l-'nr months past certain enterprising gentlemen have Itch working on the proposition to con struct a system ot electric railways to the neighboring camps. The enterprise is not yet assured, but it is progressing. 'I he American has "whooped it up" for this proposition in a general way, when no good could be accomplished, but has never failed to throw an obstacle In its way when opportunity offered. To be specific, when franchises through the streets of Sumpter have been ashed for, it urged that such franchises should be sold. No one now doubts that the Amer- lean's mission I' to "bear" this proposl ,oi ,nelllK Sumpter and the district, WJ b(l, or ,. piirpose .inJ has heen run rm that line for more than a year. t w;ls ,ils account that Tllli MlNliK p(.())(. wef(. llduCej ,0 come h(.re an j establish this paper, Editor Young said to the writer on his first trip here: "The ..... , .. . . , , . subs ant a men o t Ills ds ret don't want .1,1 1.1 boom, and we are not going to have ' inn vjin'iiiy iiiivi tut. ita inii iiwv I tiou the American cntwd started In to I make up a ticket lor the coming municipal I election. Tom Mcliwen was about the I lourth man urged to run for mayor. He would have declined had not other in ' tlueuces pulled in the same direction. J About a month since, J.imes Newl.iuds, secretary of the Sumpter Transportation company, solicited the support of Till: ' MINI l lor Mr. Mcliwen in his candidacy 'lor mayor, stating that he feared Mr. Uobbius would favor the granting of Iran I I hises lor railways through the streets of I Sumpter. Krlieving that tills tear on the part ol Mr. New lauds was well founded, I is why this paper supports Mr. Robbins for mayor. Mill Mr. Newl.iuds had no fear 011 tills , , ,,.,. irjn., -i ,,, Mcliwen. who is pIPSjrll, ,,( ,,e Sumpter Transportation cnl);(lVi s ,,.,, c,)lkern, whose business ,, rK,rc t().d woj i,,-,,, joi)eJ (((Co ,, ,,. 0iNS ,le cj ,-oy. Ac ,., ()hns ,,, .,lld :lh a resut ,mn Mil-wen, one "best fellow in the WMUn j,..,, ,r ,hc, wor!t bea(e,j:ilf ,r ,.iyor who ever put hlmsell ,, ,,r luuds ol his false friends, ,ls tram hlse business being the Issue, i,P American, lolum In its usual tactics, ..i,,.,,,,, l0 ja-eve the people by iikiWhr " I he Cortland," conducted by Gus Woodward on .Will street, continues to merit the name of the popular gentlemen's tesort ol Sumpter. - v r - I. .j. IX. M. pcnN IUIIII So. hi. ImpimrJ Oraci Uel .Mrn, '- meet III irtsul.ii muiiill t III v ll.ri al the 8tli itmu'i thr u. I klri'p ul rcriy cevon -.iins ul r.icti noon All KrJ .Mrn lcllln our hunting EtounJt air urKimir. lilOWO.h lUkl u, W. W. 1 1 111, Col H. baclirm. SUMN,jH "liVliLOI'MUNT CO. SUMITLR, QKI:GON Owners of all the choice acreage sur I rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots I on easy terms. Apply to ' , SUY.MOUH II. HULL, Manager. p A L:. STAHH. Center, cor High St, Sumpter, Oregon ' To the Faithful KNOW AM. MliNi Tint many Prince, ot the Orient are now snornlii- In the Cllv ol Sumpter anJ ore ineellni;, lor the purpoce ol In strucilnif novkesanJJIiliiilng lJom,at8 p. m WeJnecJayvenlnmat UrJ .Men's hall, anJ at such o'lier placet as Ihc (iranJ I'.iJ.nlu may oiJer. All I'rlnce who have not inaJe themselves known are corJIally InvlteJ lo present themselves, siall ol II. e In hinj, al the temple Joor, where lliev will te corJIally welcome J. BY ORDER Grand Secretary Grand Padatha ff, A. CLEM & CO. MINING INVI-STMKNTS Propirtlii Cumlntd ind Rtportid on, Mtmbtr Pert- land Mlnln Stock Cichin 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND. ORE. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, Hirst Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L. T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention (ilven In Sureery anJ in Dis eases ol Women. Oltice, Nelll Iflock; KeslJence, (iranlte Street near Mill pBNNtiK & WORTHINGTON Civil and AMiiing Engineers. t. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors lor Oteeon, Wash- lni;lon, Uiho.inJ Atnntana. engineers lor the Sumpter Townslfe Company, LlmiteJ. Undoriround and Pttint Surti. Ilui Printing ind Dnutitln. J-J, T. HENDRYX ct CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Bargain In Sumpter Dlstrlcl yuaru iiaims. SU.WI'TI-R, ORI-GON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, 11 m;i m cirv. : oulro-i HellaMe plans, specifications an J estimates turnlsheJ ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. U, S. Dcpulv .Mineral Surveyor lor Oregon anJ Idaho, examinations anJ reports on mining proper lies. Omce with Little Giant .Mining Co. MllL SlHII'T. Sul'rii, Orioon. UHAL csMru E.L. MANNING, City Recorder anJ Notary I'uNlc. Collections Abstracts Agent lor ("ilclJe I Ire I'xllngulslier. Sumpter. I STOTT & SHELTON, saw r. srorr J. f. SMLLTON Attorneys at Law. SUMPTCH, ORCtiON W. H. W. HAMILTON. Mining anJ Consulting Engineer. Mining Properties HxamlneJ, Repoile J On anJ l-oi Sale. Morelneani Neal Code. ring an J N i. SUMPTER. OREGON )RS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. M. I-EAR14.-, M. U. Q. W. TAPE, M. D. Telephone Main is- SUMPTCR, ORBOON Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO 1 AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMI'TER-CANYON ROUTIi. EAT u:o p. m. I.v Sumpter Ar io:-o a. m. ):)o p. m. Ar ClltlorJ Lv 8.00 a.m. y.ta p. in. Lv UlrtorJ Ar 7:jo a. m. jr.o Pm. Ar Austin Lv c-.oi a. m. Connecting at Austin with stages lor Canyon City and Interior points. T4o p. in. ILv.. .CTiftorJ ...,Ar"l rTioaT'mT yoi p. m. I Ar .Honanta Ly 6:10 a. m. Connecting at llonanra ulih t.(,, far luv Roblnsonc llle, Worley. Virginia. Don Juan and Uelclier mines. SUMPTER-CiRANITE ROUTE T.a p. m. Lv. 4!o p. ra Ar.. Sumi'ier. .(iranlte. . ..Arl ..Lv 1000 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 'Livery at GranHeto North Fork, Red Boy, Ban telle anJ adjacent mines. SUMhTER-HOURNE ROUTE. u:o p. m.' joo p. m. y.a p. m. Lv Sumpter Ar Arrn ' Bourne ...., lv Ar. ...Columbia Lv 9: to a. m 8.00 a. m t:o a. ra Including North I'ole, U. E., Climax, Ohloand ad I Jacent nines. ' ' J -. r