THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 28, 1900 OFFICERS JOHN I. I'ENIIALI-, President ((n. Mgr. Ilunkrr Hill OnM Miir. Cn.) Suwi-hw, UhHiUN AMIIiKT ni:ISI:K, Vice-President (I'mtJi-rtUllirntllank) llMU(.IIY IJUOI'NI: Sl'liKKY, K. C. PliNTUNI), Treasurer Secretary Grizzly Gold Mining Company Capital $500,000 In 1,000,000 shares of the par value of Fifty Cents Each. Treasury Stock 400,000 shares. FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE Weekly Bulletin GOLD AND COPPER STRIKE DEVELOPMENT Thorough tunnel exploration of Gold and Copper ledge, in which remarkably rich values were obtained, demonstrates that the ledge is over 40 feet in width. This absolutely assures the fact of the Grizzly mine becoming one of the largest wealth producers in the Sumpter District. ANNOUNCEMENT ADVANCE IN PRICE OF STOCK We have promised many prospective purchasers to give due notice of advance in price of stock. On Monday. December 17, 1900, the price of Treasury stock, both on all cash and in stallment plan basis, will be raised to Tkn Cknts Pku Shark. Due notice will be given of subsequent advances. Until Monday, December 17, 1900, the sale of stock will continue at Six Cents per share. INSTALLMENT PLAN 2000 Shares at 6 cents per share : : : : : : : payable 10 down and $10 per mcnth until paid. Larger blocks of stock on pro rata scale. For Prospectus and Further Information, address, $120. ficrcncNcc: ftnar Iin or SuMti Sum ten, Oac, Citiicn Bftfift Bftncn Citt Onioon Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore. STORY ON TOM M'EWEN. t'romked li Bring Back a Pair of Elephants From Philadelphia. Now Tom ,U I: writ his allowed Mimr designing men In Ir.ide on his per sonal popularity, by putting him up (or mayor to serve their sellish purposes, a Kood stoi y 00 K'"' . I l(ii;m Is being re vlvrd nod told on the cull', to illustrate Mr. AUIiwen's predominating character isllr, thai utter Inability ol his to rclu-e tiny rrquest made ot him. I hi Is the way the story goes. I.asl spring a gentleman wanted to buy a Imisr and, nl course, went to I'om Ac hwen to make the purihase. I"here was none In the stables to soil him and 'I om promptly vnluuteied to gel the animal de signed especially tor this man. The horse was over In John Day valley and he would have him line hi a tew days. In less than a week the gentleman called at the stables to enquire it his horse had ar rived, but was put oil with a plausible ev tuse (or its 1101iMtriv.1l. I'liis hind ot business went on lor more than a month. I'lnally Hie two met on the stteet one day and AW. AWhueu said: "Well that horse of yours will be hi some lime tonight. I'm having eighty head dilen In (mm John Day, and thought I would wait and biiug viiiiis In with the lot. lie's a beauty, and don't you forget it. NeM morning, bright and earlv, the gentleman went to the stables and asked In see his horse. I lie man In charge didn't undetstand and asked tor an ex planation. Receiving it, lie remarked: "Hell, Tom has bought no horses over theie recently. II yon had wanted an ele phant, lie would hae promised to get oil one." Jusl then AW. Milium came in and the speaker centinued: "lorn, AW. Blank is going around getting up a subscription for a city park. He thinks it we could gel an elephant for the children to play with, It would be a pretty Reed Idea." ".Just the thing," rem irked the ever willing gentleman. "I have been think- I lug about that very thing. I'm going to 1 Philadelphia this summer and will bring I back a pair." On the Eve of Another Boom. We are apparently at the beginning of ! another boom period. The reaction from the quiet which has prevailed in business tor several months was tirst manifested in Hie speculative markets, u hlcli respond , most quickly to current conditions. (Jen-' 1 eral business has followed the lead, how ever, and all sorts of new constructions and other projects are coming forward, while Hie railroads are preparing for a pe-1 riod of heavy trallic. It looks as if a great deal of money Is going to be put into new , enterprises and the enlargement of old j ones dining the coining year. There is, as in all such periods, a danger o ton : much booming, and overdoing the ad-' vaiue; but that is apparently Inseparable, from such periods, and cautious business menu ill make the necessary allowinces ' to provide lor it. I here Is every iudica-1 tion that the mining industry will have Its full share In the new expansion. A grow ing disposition to Invest in mining enter prise has been shown of late, and much of the surplus capital now looking for invest- 1 ment will probably be put Into mines of ( ' various kinds. 1 he manufacturer who expects to tiirnish machinery and supplies tor the new mining developments, which are soon to be in progress, should remem-1 berth it the beginning of a period of e.x- ( pan-Ion is the time to put themselves ptomlneutly before buyers, and thus se-1 cure their share of Ihe new work. iin- giueerhig and .Mining Review. " I he Portland," conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, continues to 1 merit the name of the popular gentlemen's resort of Sumpter. GOOD NEWS FROM SEVEN DEVILS. Great Activity Reported From the Copper Camps Over There. W. D. I.ovejoy, Ihe well kinwii law yer of Salubrla, is in the city, and brings good news from the Seven Devils coun try, where he states there Is unwonted ac tivity. Ihe company, headed by W. H. McDougall, of California, who recently took over the "Creek Joe" properllesabout a mile below Mallard's Landing, is doing a great deal of development, both in mining and building, they now being engaged in repairing old buildings and putting up new, and preparing generally for very ex tensive development work. Haas brothers, of Welser, owners of the River Queen mine, are preparing for sinking this winter. 'I his Is one of the best properties of the Devils country, where they have e.xtremely high-grade ore, and where but little sinking has been done, though great depth can be found quickly because of the lay of the country. They will sink hi a large shoot of very rich material, in which they have been drifting tor some months, getting out so much ore that all the facilities for Moling it have tern utilized. At the Iron Dvke they are making large improvements and the employment of a much larger force ot men this winter than ever before. They have not yet begun the erection of their matting plant, but this will doubtless be put up early in the spring, as there Is a large quantity of ore already extracted and ready for reduction. Mr. I.ovejoy says there is a good feel ing throughout that entire seitlou and that an Important project is on for the fa mous Heath district, though It could not be mentioned at that time, because it is not completely closed up. Statesman. When you travel Ihe Bourne road re member Barnard has all the latest remedies or dust in the throat. Famous, HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Ortfen IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company PHrihitrr SUMPTCR, OHCQ0N ASK FOR HOP GOLD V