THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 28. 1900 4 MAYOR GLEASON HOME Returned From a Visit to His Old Home in Maine. Mayor Gleason returned Monday from "down East," accompanied by hi brother, A. I Glrason, who will remain here. The mayor left here September 3, and re malned away a month loiiKer than he ex prctrd. He spent most of the time while away at his old home In Maine and with friends lit Massachusetts. He say that people down that way are under the Impression that times are Reed, lint in comparison with conditions in the West, the unfortu nate Inhabitants are "up against It." Most of the people are peltliiK enough to eat, as there Is considerable work to be done at Chinese wages, and that is their idea of prosperity, the limit of their earthly hopes. "Similiter is (tilte good moduli for me, thank you," he remarked. "Of course, I enjoyed the trip, visiting relatives and meeting old friends and aciu.ilutauces, hut I met with no temptation to remain there." Mr. (ileason telephoned to the county seat yesterday to learn when the county Hunt holds its next sessi which he will j attend as the member Irom this section ot 1 thr county. He will give all the time that J is necessity in the Inline to looking after 1 the interests ol the county, especially this rud ol It, and much good may be expected 1 Irom his I'tlorts in this direction. TIMK AND MONKY NHCHSSARY. Hth Matt bi linplny.'J to Dwlop a Mill One id the greatest causes of failure In mining is the diss itlstacilon ol stoJUi.ikl els during the develtipuii-ut peiioj.-and principilly to Ignorance. is to the dltliciil ties to be suimmiute.l heloie the mine Is in .1 condition to vleld. A farmer miy enter iiion a tract of wild laud and by cultivation and .1 coinpara lively sin ill outliv render It productive in one season. Hut in a business wlieie golden harvests ale to be reaped and large and permanent returns are expected, the expenditure ot money, time and patience are absolutely necessary to place amine in such a condition that once upon a pav ing basis, it will continue to be a producer by the systematic word which the prelim inary expense and labor made possible. When stockholders clispl iy Impatience, the manager is apt in many cases to "gopher" the mine, expend the money in chitting here and there, too near the sur face, in the hope ol luiduig some good ore-, with which to demonstrate to the doublets what he already knows that they have a mine. I'oo ollen the funds ot tile com pany are wasted in that way, and when more money is needed lor sinking or driv ing the tunnel, as tin case may demand, in order to cut the vein, there is general dissatisfaction and perhaps the mine is abandoned, to be alterwards developed by some other pirlles, who by systematic work nuke it a dividend payer. It cost the stockholders of the Calumet Hecla f i,.kx,ixx to place the mine 011 a paying basis, and many ol (lie original stockholders dropped out disgusted, but the dividend period arrived at last and the mine was in a line condition, with there suit that within the jut thirty years more than 70,ooo,ooo have been paid in di i dends.and the mine is now valued at fto,- ( 000,000. At one time during the develop ment of the Kennedy mine in California, the company hid nearly decided to aban don thr property. It has since produced millions and paid In dividends more than 92,000,000. The great Rawhide of Cali fornia was an abandoned claim when W. A. Nevills borrowed 15,000 and bought it. It made him and his two partners millionaires. A great many of the mines in California and Oregon were abandoned by their first locators. The Virtue mine, near Baker City, Oregon, was offered at one time for a "song." Four million dol lars was refused for it in 1806. In the same district is the North Pole mine, which went begging at 3,ooo. It is now valued at 51,500,000. The Golconda was offered for .1 few hundred dollars, and Is now word) 52,000,000, though the shaft is only 400 feet deep. San Francisco Call. Home Made Automobile. Clarence Whiteman and Don McLaugh lin have for several weeks past been em ploying their lel-ure moments in building an automobile, which they expect to be completed in the early spring. The mo tive Tpower will consist of n 2jj horse power gasoline engine. 1 lie wheels will be similar to a bicycle only much stronger, bail baring and pneumatic tires. The ex pected speed is to be H miles per hot'rnn good roads and strong enough to carry three. The cost, when completed, will be about 5300, not counting their own labor. I lie Observer force has been promised the first ride, and when completed aIII give a more detailed account of Its construction. La Grande Observer. Scenic Line of the World. For an enjoyable trip east, take the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three dally trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, I'ucblo and all eastern points, and all points on the I'acilic coast. Most magnificent seen ery nn this continent. The leading fea ture in connection will) the trip Is that the through trains pass through the scenic attractions of the Rocky mountains In Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas sengers a cnol, pleasant and enjoyable ride, tree from dust and the annoyances experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la cute, pay for what you order. I hrough standard ami tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets anywhere between Ogdeu and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tickets, rates and all Information, or ad diess, C ,H .NICIIOI., General Agent, Portland, Ore. Five quart bottles of Olympla beer fo fi.ooat Henry Finger's. I lie best is always cheapest buy Giant powder. l-'ive quart bottles of Olympla beer for fi.oont Heurv Fingers'. Never fails Giant powder. THE STAR HOTEL C. H. CROMWELL FIOMItTOR Kitti 'hu- to nnil iruiii nil train. I li'inliiuiirti'ix lor mining num. Mtt etunliiiinlili' nxnun in town. 1W enm'ii. wiivbilliMl nt liotol nfKcti fur nil interior Mint. Hull liWk from MiHtnlliiv. SUM 1TKK, OHKOON Are You Progressive and Up-to-Date? Do you want a stamp mill that has a capacity of 8 to 12 tons to each stamp? One that no maker of stamp mills in the United States can sell you, but ourselves? One that is better In every way than the kind they can sell you. THE MERRALLS' RAPID STAMP MILL has an enormous capacity. We are selling these mills everywhere. We In stall complete plants, from 8 to 1000 tons capacity. If you are thinkiug of putting up .1 stamp mill, don't do It, until vou have written us. We can save you thousand of dollars, besides worry and vexation. These mills are endorsed by mining men everywhere. Send for circular. Merralls' Mill Company 129 First Street San Francisco, Cal. jKrBKftjVJMjujJrnr Ife IKt -f'' -J Wt ' JttiH Stik' STAMP MILLS WOOD OR IRON FRAME SELF-CONTAINED MILLS Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg. Co. INCORPORATED PORTLAND, OREGON The.... Shamrock A. M. CAHMATHV, Froprltor S. Cl.lilN, Manager FINE Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars. Free Lunch with all drinks. Beer Five Cents Per Glass. Five Bot tles of Schlitz Beer for One Dollar. 00000000000000 Exclusive Agent for the Celebrated OLYMIMA BEER On draught or by bottle. 0000000000000 ol "The Olympus" H. FINGFR, Proprietor. High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sumpter, Or. W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience in Raker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Manufacturer ol ml klnJt nl GuhnnatrJ Drinks nJ CUtrt. 0ratrJ in connection lih the Kentucky i-iquor House WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN A LOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. i I!