12 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 28, 1900 TOWN OF WHITNEY ee A limited number of lots will be sold to bona fide building purchasers. No boom. Let your eyesand foresight be your judge. The cars will be running into Whitney by December 10. Don't overlook a good thing. The coming town at the west ern terminus of the Sumpter Valley Railroad. I r" &P r Building Has Actually Commenced j ADDRESS OR CONSULT JAMES H. GRAHAM BAKHR CITY or SUMPTER TELEPHONE BLACK 891 J S. V. WORK SUSPENDED of Rails Causes Assigned. less, pl.icerhiR is carrle J on to quite .in extent. 1 1lls Is not so evident mm' a- days befnuse the output ol (lie placers, In stead nt hehiR nearly nil marketed from Heavy Snow and Non-Arrival I Maker city, now finds in way to the mints Irom several different points aloiiR the lliie of railroads. It is therefore, also , dHtifull to say what the output for tooo will amount to. Information as to the For several d.ivs pistlt Ins been re- ! m,J,ul "' K" n,,,,r - !'" ' ported on Hie st.eets thai work had been ' lor M,mr 'e;,s,m ",r, !,,,0,,1lrr ,a"' ",ln1m suspended on the extension ot the Sump- Mf ,me ,0 ,rl,lR ,,,r n,bllc fM ter Valley road. I he rumor has not Ren- "",,unt 0,J lluM ""V ft oul of ,,1,c ...illy been Riven credence, o 1K to the '"' " N ""'stood, however, that (.ft th.it ll.r road Is., imnlell l.i vvlllil.. ;. i "e tMlt for the reason just dosed ol lew es..f Wl.itnev. the ..rvt e,ul ..f-ihr. ' ' WiiUervllle placers amounted 111 5J0, ir.iclt townslte, w III.. I) the company owns. 0Ol l:tensive modem improvements It has been argued th it a number ol lots 'vp lw HiaiiRiiralcJ in some of the din- have been sold and hulUliiRs erected, ot ' - me e.ii.ieu.v pi.ncis, ., .-,,. (i.ntracted lor, on the Iheo.v that the new llr,'llrr Ims Wc" salfJ- SK ''V town would be an important shipping drat.llc Rl.ints have operated in live V..I point this w Intel. ' 'rv ! .-r Rioiuid I) is been tound in WMiIiir to Ket a sitiiRlit story, I 111: ' '"" ' r.titlj- whivhlnrmthe head MlNhK telephoned In Crner.l Irallif drai.uRe channels ot the Mine mountains ARe.it Marlon Mond iv allrruoon, reR.ud- '" " H"r,,t' ,Wlr' ",,J l"h" l);,v I.ir the aiithei.lkllvol the iepoit,.unl this livers, bullhe taUl.iR up of the bottom Is w hit lie said, sivI.ir tint he was read- luds for larnil.iR Interfere with liberal I.ir it Itom a wtitlen statement, whUh he development of the placer l.elds -Maker l.liv oirrsMiiiiiein in uie nan rr.iuciscu Mining and liiiRiueeiiiiR .lournal. had piepaied lor publL.ttlen: " I'he uiaii.iRement ol tiie Sumpter Val ley r.iiho.id lias deiidcd that on .uiouut of Ihe une.Npe.led delav in RetthiR tra.k Rocky Mountain Scenery By Day Light, material lor the uiinplellun ol the Whit-' Day Unlit stop over at Ni.iRara Falls, ney extension, and also on auounl ot the TIuourIi tirst-class tourist sleeper from heavy fall of snow, iii.iMiik the h indlliiR P.if ilif Coast u eeklv for Chicago, Moston, of the heavy mountain endue, without New York and other eastern points via proper track lacllilies, almost ImpraftUa- i Rio Grande Western ((Ire.it Salt Lake hie, Ilia! work will be suspended until Route), Denver & Kin Grande, C. K. I. these dllticulties ran be overfome, and cv P. and Illinois Central to Chicago, work continued under more favoiable conueftinR in the Union Depot with Mich condition." ' Igan Central's similar far for points east. For full particulars call on or address, i SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. Phut Mining in Ihe Inland Empire. 'I he Inland Empire has In the past been more Reuerally known as a placer mlniiiR region than a lode initthiR country. Of recent years the lode mines have befonie piedomlnanl In prominence, but neverlhe- M. H. TRUMBULL. Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. R. R. 421 Third St., Portland, OreRon. Genuine Olympla oyster cocktails lot order at Henry Finger's. ' General Hrass and Iron Pounders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works FRANK MALONE, Proprietor :::::: Special attention Riven to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker City, Telephone Red 161 B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT i:itl.CTION Ol- QUARTZ .Mil LS A SI'LUALTV SUMPTKK OKRGON CAPITAL IIOTL'I. O. S. L. Ry. TIIH l)IPCc:T fOUlH TO Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... fi'vjic'ii'ci ol ito favorite routes, via the Umon IMc.lliti lail.Vij.il Line, or the Rio (iwcspii S.'enic Llne. No Change of Cars On the PortlinJ-ChlcaRO Speclal.The i"inet la the fit. EqulrpeJ ullh Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleeper Superb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Diners (mealsa la carte) Free Reclinin Chair Cars Comtortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestibulrd For further Ihfornaiion apply R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. J