Wednesday. November 21, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER COUNCIL DECLINES. Will Not Stand for a Nomina ting Convention. The city helJ a meeting Sntur diy evening, but transacted very little business. Its time was taken up with a request from a number of citizens that a mass meeting be called for the purpose of placing In nomination a non-partisan ticket for the coming municipal election. The council very properly decided that such action would be wholly without 'ts jurisdiction and declined to comply with the request. Candidates will therefore have to be placed on the ticket in the same way as has heretofore been the custom. All that is necessary is to file with the recorder within five days of the election a petition signed by ten voters and you can enter the stirring career of practical politics, office seeking. This being the easy case, It is said that many will try their luck at the uncertain game. It is reported and generally credited, that there is a move on foot to put a straight republican ticket In the field, headed with Tom McEwen, for mayor. The purpose of such a move Is difficult to divine, for even on a party light tills town Is democratic, and many good citizens are opposed to drawing party lines in munic ipal elections. There will undoubtedly be a non-partisan ticket in the field. A persistent effort is being made tn induce J. H. Robbins to run for nrjyor. He lias not yet definitely decided what he will do, though It Is very probable that lie will yield to the strong influence now being exerted to this end. For minor offices there is no dearth of candidates. For the position of marshal there are a dozen men in this camp who are in the hands of their friends. Smelter for Seven Devils. A private letter was received in this city yesterday from a gentleman associated with Huston and Seven Devils Copper company, which is operating a large group of cl.iims in the mining distilct of that name, which gives some important In formation. The letter states that tills company Is "busy on the completion of Hie railroad and the development of the properties, in order to have a large output when they erect a smelter." There lias been considerable talk aueut tills smelter proposition, brought about by the fact that the company's holdings are not of large value without this adjunct and, while tills is recognized by the people forming the corporation, yet no immediate steps towards such installation is to be made this season. Theie must be much more work done before a smelter could properly be operated in thatsection,though when that development is accomplished it will warrant one of the largest smelting plants In the United States. Boise Statesman. Bogus Gold Specimen Bunco. The police department made an Import nut capture yesterday in the person of Thomas Taylor, who was held in Judge Merrick's court on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, and Is now in the county jail, from whence he was but a few days since discharged, having served time for a disturbance he had raised in Chin Man Sui's place some time since. After the Issuance of the warrant as above It was found that he had com mitted a much more serious crime coun terfeitingwhich is punishable b Im prisonment for not less than one or more than fourteen years. Taylor is known abouUown as a mining man, adlcted to the morphine habit, with a not too savory reputation with the police, though none of them ever believed him capable of his present ctime. The complaining witness Is Charles Granholm, who swore that de fendant borrowed from him the sum of $10, securing him In the loan by the de posit of four pieces of quartz, literally "lousy with gold" some of the most handsome specimens ever seen In this city. The "gold" was a counterfeit, worth probably $20 a carload, and It Is to the charge of counterfeiting, probably, that Taylor will have to answer, as Section 7035 of the revised statutes of Idaho distinctly denominates as for gery any utterance of bogus money, gold dust, concentrates, or quartz. When ar rested and searched there was found upon the man $3.3; hi cash, a number of papers, and when Chief Francis compelled him to take off his sines a broken package of diamond dye, of a golden color, was touud hidden therein. Boise Statesman. Cassidy Arrested on Two More Charges. Henry F. Cassidy was arrested Satur day evening on warrants sworn out by Letsou Kalliet on two charges of criminal libel, one growing out of an article ap pearing in the Herald under Cassldy's management, and the other for the circu lation of a handbill on Saturday, attack ing the plaintiff over his, Cassldy's, s.g nature. Immediately after his arrest Cas sidy was arraigned before Justice of the Peace Messlck and waived examination. He was held to answer with bonds fixed at 5250 on each charge. J. H. Paiker and Win. Pollinnn went his security. This makes three different charges of libel on which Mr. Cassidy lias been arrested and admitted to ball. The circuit court convenes a week from today and as crim inal cases are the first called for trial, it Is possible these libel suits will be disposed of early In the week. Baiter City Re publican. Red, White and Blue Mill in Operat'on. R. M. Wilson, of the Red, White and Blue group of mines, has been in the city the past few days on business connected with his property. Mr. Wilson's prop erty is situated 30 miles south of Baker City and is making a fine showing. He says he is preparing to commence exten sive development work as soon as winter Is over. 'I here is a mill on the property which will be operated all winter, and the work now under way will be steadily prosecuted. Republican. Rocky Mountain Scenery By Day Light. Day light stop over at Niagara Falls. Through first-class loutlst sleeper from Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago, Boston, New York and other eastern points via Rio Grande Western (Great Salt Lake Route), Denver Kt Rio Grande, C. R. I. & P. and Illinois Central to Chkago, connecting in the Union Depot with Mich igan Central's similar car lor points east. For full particulars call on or address, It. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. R. R. 421 Third St., Portland, Oregon. THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET $ A. MANNS, Rroprletor. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all' Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON JfcJfc-lJi VafcuuiK'Mil 11 1 Fraser and Chalmers Chicago Mil I I Nf: M AfMIINII.'llV !.llo Stamps, Crushers, Perforated I meinis, jigs, rrur vanners, i:tc. MINING MACHINERY-Rollers, including Scderholm Bollei, Air Compressors, Reldler Pumps, Fur naces, Etc. Write to our Chi :ngo office for Catalogue. Represented by MtNNO UNZ.'CKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON '.V'a..' OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD ANd""pOOL TABLES Agents for Matting- j bond and guaran- J ly and Moore Wilis- I teed the genuine ar- J key a 2o-year-old J tide. Popular re- J whiskey as good as j sort fur Coinmer- Elixir of Life. All cial Travelers and Z whiskies arc out of I Miners. j SUMPTER, OREGON ? kv'vfv--'fyi S A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier S Bank of Sumpter 3 Trtmicli ( GiiiimI Binklni Bullous Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes lor rent. SUMPTER, OREGON fyfV-'- Bousum & Spalding CRYSTAL !( Company Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MlNliH office. & Raul E. Polndexter, MIN coroRD McNcai'a Code. Sumpter, - - On ES