THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday. November 21, 1900 8 SUSANVILLE DISTRICT. Stands Second to None Eastern Oregon. in Paul K. I'oiudexter, the well known mine uprrnlnr, N hack from the Susan vllle district, where lie spent ,i week In gem mine, three claims, owned by W. Bailey, of Canyon City, recently under bond to John Leland, the well known ex pert. A shaft down 50 feet has passed a i) foot vein, with values ranging from $40 to J120. This is the only patented ground in the district. The Princess mine, owned by Smith brothers, of hngland, w,is formerly owned bv the father of the Gcisrr boys. The loo-foot shaft exposes an eight-loot ledge, ass iv lug 5io per ton. The McHalev-Hinton croup of two the Inteirst of eastern capital. Seen by a claims has two sh.ifts down loo and Go representative, he said Susan vllle has a better surface showing than jiny district tributary to Sumpter he has visited, ranging from J 10 to $200 per Ion. I he formation, generally speaking, is substantially the same as the far-famed Itnnaiia and Itrd Hoy dlstrkts, slate and porphyry. Two immense slate belts run through the country about one-fourth of a mile apart, with a strong porphyiy belt (not dyke) lying between. On the ninth the slate is bounded by qu irtlte, on the south by a volcnnk formation, which on the surface Is 11 substance similar to ce ment gravel. I he character of the Mir I, lie ore is absolutely tree milling, but I'.mms rapidly base with depth. I'ractl i.illy, the country as a whole, is a con teutratlug and smelting proposition. Development is being pushed energet ically and trauxpnrtailon is slowly but suiily creeping lint w.iy,whkh will mean that Susanvilli- is to be listed with the tamps ol the west as a gold producer. I he Hadger Cold Mining and .Willing 1 ompany Is owned ty San Francisco cap italists, headed by S. It. Hishop, the la- feet, exposing n three-foot vein of splendid concentrating ore. The New Year group of two claims, situated about 1100 feet from the Gam mine, Is owned and operated by Edmund sou iV Co., of Montana. In the face of a 40 foot drift, the vein being two feet In width, the ore assays f 10, 60 per cent be ing flee milling. A crosscut tunnel has been started to tap the main ledge 200 leet deep. Work is being pushed rapidly and in a mining style. 'I he Oilole mine, owned by William Cooper and under bond to Moyuahan & Oglsby, the well known Mo'itaun mining men, Is possmly attracting more attention than any other property In the camp, ex cepting the liadger. This quartz claim is in slate and porphyry. The development work consists of two drills, a thlrlvfoot shaft and open cuts, which prospect (lie vein its entire length of (lie claim. 'I he ore body is sixteen feet In width, the pay streak being about thirty indies wide near the surface. Pan samples can be obtained at any point on the ledge, prospecting from three to thirty cents. The ore Is fre milling, values ranging from 5)2 to thorough mining men in the west. Sixty men ate employed. I his group of claims, ten In number, were loi.iteJ In the early sixties, (patent applied lor) by Hughes -Mi'Ou.iilc, who worked the ore in an old arastra, which netted them handsome prolits. 'I he development consists ol a minis iniilli-mllliini.'iiie. as nieslJent. and ,.-. .... ,,... ri,,-.,i. ...,i. I. ,,! Ml -.-- - - .- f 1. fill 11., I. yil'IIIA f,.M II HUM .all. creek supply unlimited waters for mine lonskleied one ol the most practical and jaj , purposes, and with a very little expense water power is to be had. Directly below the Oriole, Sloan & Haskell took a (ortaue out ol Elk creek in placer gold. The Hlg Nugget group, of three claims, Is owned by Haskell and associates. De velopment consists ol a drift on a ledge ',fK-loot uosscut, whkli has cut two dis-, scvel, (tf WJ(.( valWit ,. Ufe t,ou. Unit ledges about 400 leet deep. About ' ilMj c(.t ot 0pen c,ns prospect the ledge, so leet mine will probably tap the Mc-1 Hie CliuiUmiui mine Is owned by t.luade lode. I lilts eaJi way will btr tl1efclr.tI1.1m V lle.iton Hios., of Susanvllle. piogram. I he uosscut will lie continued I h, property is developed with a shaft in the Hadger vein, wlikli Is estimated to Seventy-live feet deep. T he vein is .six lie within joo leet ot AUOu ide lode. I he iet vvjP( average values fto per ton, but shall Is now down .-Ho leet. New ma- .sorted ore runs as lilgh as So. ihliieivlsnownu Hie road, wiUi a capac-, rtle Wilson group, of two chims, is lly siilficleul loin depth of 1500 leet. ' peued witli .1 253 foal drift 1111 the vein, Shipping lug f. -so per Ion, Is be- vUikhis m (eel wlJ-. vatus- fifi. A shall is do .vn thirty (eel and work is be ing tapidly pushed. I he Admiral and St. I.awience groups has a sixty-toot shaft, seventy-five feet of drills on a three-foot ledge. It is owned by John Shelby and l-'iank Cooper. Ore lug hauled to the Sumpter Valley 10 id lieie, theme to San l-raiitisco. This pioperiy has paid ftom ilie glass roots, Mr. Itoss iuloimed Mr. I'oiudexter a leu ago, that in exca vating on the sulfate inenllv, a ein eleven leet In width was tnund, assaying 5i 3 In lire .gold. Ibis alone would be tailed a bou.'ina in any oilier i.unp. About 1000 leet tiom the liadger shitt house is the Stockton mine, uinsistlng ot tluee il.ilms owned by Washington capi talists, under the management of II. Heated in an arasta last summer gave $21 per ton. I he Monitor mine, owned by William Cooper, under bond lo l;rank Cooper, has 120 teet ol dtllt, a to-tont shaft, 6-foot vein, values JijS per (on. "I could length and mention Ames. I he property Is developed with a nrooeilies Hi it would Ivir rkM Invrstlira zoo loot shall, with a station at the loo- Hon," s.nd Mr. I'oiudexter. " The Susan loot level anddiills c.uli way. 1 lie ledge ville dMikt has oie.water and timber and Is right toei wide with splendid alues in ,,lcjk, villUn the next vear lesults from slate. 'I he company Is nw loiHdrilng ut sevlion that will astonish the world." tlie advlsabllilv of installing a comblna-1 lion plant lor lediulngoies on the giouud.) Can't Haul Heavy Loads In Wagoni. I'eu men are emplosed. ' David Itoss, uianager of the Hadger Next comes the Mayllhwer group of mine, in the Susanvllle district, was in two il.ilms, owned by Walla Walla pen- town Monday, on his way to (taker City. pie, W. D. Sink-ox', manager. Seven , The object of this ttip Is to make arrange- men are employed. I he cninentrates' ments with the Sumpter Valley railroad Irom the bottom ot the 175-foot shall lun ' otkcials to haul a lot ot machinery for the as high as f jooo per ton. mine over the summit to the end of its 'I he Otter Cold Mining and Milling) track. The roads are in tuch bad con- company's group of seven claims is de the heavy inacliln- vcloped by n jij-foot drift. The vein Is ery cannot be transported In wagons, and thirty Inches wide, values running as the Sumpter Transportation company high as thirty dollars In free gold. 1hii will not undertake to deliver it, As Mated ptoperty us located eighteen years ago In TlIK MlNliR last week, a portion of by John Cabel, who milled 22s tons of ne, netting him In cold cash. Near the Otter group is located the this machinery has already arrived here A boiler and fixtures, weighing 20,000 pounds, are on a side track at this station. WE HAVE MOVED After Long Delay, to Our Old Location on GRANITE STREET and are now ready to serve our customers, old and new, with the best grade of goods, both Dry Goods and Groceries and all Miners' Supplies at as low prices as can be placed upon them at living profits. We have special bargains to close out cer tain lines to make room for others. THE WONDER GKO. W. WEIGAND, I'KOI'KIKTOK. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and .Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Hals and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON. THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON Dixon, Borgeson & Co. vHv ,JJ Minufuclurcrt of (.very Description of FRONT ST.. COW. WASHINGTON Show Gases Jeweups' and Drug gists' Wall Casks & Bank Fixtures. PORTLAND, ORE. I I s